Can I print or copy special document sizes and types at the Library?

Colour printing, scanning, and copying

You can print, scan, and copy in colour and black and white at all SFU Library locations, using the multi-function printer/copier/scanner machines. See How and where do I print, scan, and photocopy in the library? for details.

Double-side printing

The default printer setting is double-sided.

To change to single-sided printing:

  • in MS Office, go to file > print > printer properties > printing shortcuts > general everyday printing > okay
  • in a web browser, go to file > print > properties > print type: one sided > okay

Oversize pages

 SFU Burnaby

All of the multi-function printer/copier/scanner machines will output 11 x17 inch printouts.

SFU Vancouver

Two of the copiers at the Belzberg Library will make 11 X 17 (ledger) sized copies.

SFU Surrey

There is no oversize copier at the Fraser Library. For oversized copies, go to Document Solutions (Mezzanine 2590).


You cannot print onto transparencies on Library copiers/printers/scanners.

Check with local photocopy shops.