The budget has remained the same as the previous fiscal year. Two factors have enabled the budget to maintain a similar purchasing power as the previous year. Firstly the return to PST reduced the amount of tax paid on many resources purchased with collections funds. Between April 2010 and March 2013 the unrecoverable tax was 3.4%. Beginning in April 2013 this has been reduced to 1.67%. In addition, some one-time money received near the end of the 2012/13 fiscal year was used to support this year’s budget in order to avoid cutting subscriptions or greatly reducing funds for monographs.
This budget has been set with the assumption of the US/Canadian exchange rate at 1.03. We will continue to monitor the exchange rate closely and work with the SFU Treasurer to forward purchase US dollars at advantageous rates and to time payment of large foreign invoices in our flavor whenever possible
Please note the following additional points about this budget:
- Serial allocations have been set based on increases of 4% over the previous year’s expenditures, corrected for migrations to online-only format and other changes.
- No increases to monograph funds have been possible in this budget. Generally monograph funds have been preserved at last year’s level. Some funds may have slight decreases due to agreements within departments to move money to support serial purchases.
An explanation of the fund codes used in the budget appears below. Not all funds will have all the following codes:
2012/2013 Appropriation | 2012/2013 Expenditure | 2012/2013 Encumbrance | 2013/2014 Appropriation | ||
Departments/Faculties | |||||
Computing Science | |||||
Books - Approvals | $10,000.00 | $608.11 | $0.00 | $6,800.00 | |
Books - Forms | $7,000.00 | $7,474.65 | $325.97 | $7,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $13,700.00 | $24,400.95 | $78.36 | $15,300.00 | |
Periodicals | $83,600.00 | $83,726.50 | $157.00 | $86,500.00 | |
Serials | $1,100.00 | $716.54 | $240.00 | $800.00 | |
Databases | $40,000.00 | $40,589.07 | $481.90 | $40,600.00 | |
Computing Science | Total | $155,400.00 | $157,515.82 | $1,283.23 | $157,000.00 |
Engineering Science | |||||
Books - Approvals | $18,000.00 | $24,335.87 | $0.00 | $19,900.00 | |
Books - Forms | $12,000.00 | $22,502.82 | $2,978.75 | $12,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $11,000.00 | $3,101.50 | $529.96 | $7,900.00 | |
Periodicals | $93,000.00 | $90,518.54 | $2,631.20 | $93,300.00 | |
Serials | $1,000.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Databases | $40,000.00 | $43,766.18 | $0.00 | $43,800.00 | |
Engineering Science | Total | $175,000.00 | $184,224.91 | $6,139.91 | $176,900.00 |
APPLIED SCIENCE | Total | $330,400.00 | $341,740.73 | $7,423.14 | $333,900.00 |
Anthropology | |||||
Books - Approvals | $8,000.00 | $4,939.49 | $0.00 | $8,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $6,000.00 | $7,056.44 | $244.17 | $6,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $3,000.00 | $4,484.01 | $211.09 | $4,500.00 | |
Periodicals | $5,200.00 | $4,256.55 | $0.00 | $4,400.00 | |
Serials | $1,500.00 | $317.97 | $0.00 | $400.00 | |
Databases | $2,500.00 | $2,856.02 | $0.00 | $2,900.00 | |
Anthropology | Total | $26,200.00 | $23,910.48 | $455.26 | $26,200.00 |
Criminology | |||||
Books - Approvals | $23,500.00 | $16,641.06 | $0.00 | $22,300.00 | |
Books - Forms | $14,000.00 | $20,065.60 | $2,590.48 | $14,100.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $5,200.00 | $9,223.55 | $568.98 | $4,100.00 | |
Periodicals | $8,000.00 | $8,382.06 | $0.00 | $8,800.00 | |
Serials | $4,500.00 | $5,804.33 | $0.00 | $6,300.00 | |
Databases | $73,000.00 | $71,571.83 | $0.00 | $71,600.00 | |
Criminology | Total | $128,200.00 | $131,688.43 | $3,159.46 | $127,200.00 |
Economics | |||||
Books - Approvals | $45,000.00 | $29,988.42 | $0.00 | $45,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $25,000.00 | $35,513.70 | $5,019.86 | $32,900.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $35,000.00 | $43,153.28 | $3,502.55 | $35,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $37,300.00 | $36,156.91 | -$0.02 | $36,800.00 | |
Serials | $23,300.00 | $14,719.70 | $0.00 | $15,700.00 | |
Databases | $4,700.00 | $4,623.35 | $0.00 | $4,700.00 | |
Economics | Total | $170,300.00 | $164,155.36 | $8,522.39 | $170,100.00 |
English | |||||
Books - Approvals | $58,000.00 | $50,543.45 | $0.00 | $56,850.00 | |
Books - Forms | $28,300.00 | $19,262.99 | $873.10 | $28,300.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $33,400.00 | $47,019.83 | $1,741.11 | $31,200.00 | |
Special Projects | $3,700.00 | $4,171.55 | $0.00 | $3,700.00 | |
Periodicals | $6,500.00 | $6,964.37 | $120.46 | $6,650.00 | |
Serials | $7,100.00 | $6,067.82 | $335.84 | $6,300.00 | |
Databases | $27,600.00 | $30,921.94 | $0.00 | $31,600.00 | |
English | Total | $164,600.00 | $164,951.95 | $3,070.51 | $164,600.00 |
French | |||||
Books - Approvals | $5,500.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $13,000.00 | $16,753.99 | $506.45 | $17,300.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $12,000.00 | $11,392.78 | $3,045.38 | $13,500.00 | |
Periodicals | $5,200.00 | $4,891.59 | $44.00 | $5,100.00 | |
Serials | $1,400.00 | $1,190.48 | $0.00 | $1,300.00 | |
Databases | $600.00 | $489.55 | $0.00 | $500.00 | |
French | Total | $37,700.00 | $34,718.39 | $3,595.83 | $37,700.00 |
French Cohort Arts | |||||
Books - Forms | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $900.00 | $990.85 | $138.55 | $400.00 | |
Periodicals | $2,700.00 | $3,065.67 | $0.00 | $3,200.00 | |
Serials | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Databases | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
French Cohort Arts | Total | $3,600.00 | $4,056.52 | $138.55 | $3,600.00 |
Gerontology | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $5,000.00 | $8,827.97 | $682.54 | $5,500.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $8,500.00 | $4,895.29 | $3,178.69 | $8,500.00 | |
Periodicals | $6,000.00 | $5,464.09 | $0.00 | $5,700.00 | |
Serials | $700.00 | $680.45 | $230.00 | $800.00 | |
Databases | $1,900.00 | $1,592.56 | $0.00 | $1,600.00 | |
Gerontology | Total | $22,100.00 | $21,460.36 | $4,091.23 | $22,100.00 |
Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies | |||||
Books - Approvals | $4,500.00 | $4,441.91 | $0.00 | $4,500.00 | |
Books - Forms | $10,000.00 | $8,965.39 | $298.21 | $10,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $2,500.00 | $3,011.72 | $296.31 | $2,600.00 | |
Periodicals | $1,500.00 | $1,671.15 | $360.00 | $1,800.00 | |
Serials | $400.00 | $261.45 | $0.00 | $200.00 | |
Databases | $3,000.00 | $2,841.68 | $0.00 | $2,900.00 | |
Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies | Total | $21,900.00 | $21,193.30 | $954.52 | $22,000.00 |
History | |||||
Books - Approvals | $32,300.00 | $25,111.93 | $0.00 | $32,300.00 | |
Books - Forms | $25,000.00 | $20,560.82 | $1,792.01 | $25,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $27,400.00 | $44,657.81 | $2,106.15 | $32,200.00 | |
Periodicals | $10,000.00 | $10,001.13 | $0.00 | $8,100.00 | |
Serials | $6,600.00 | $3,160.78 | $90.00 | $3,400.00 | |
Databases | $29,200.00 | $27,478.99 | $0.00 | $27,500.00 | |
History | Total | $130,500.00 | $130,971.46 | $3,988.16 | $128,500.00 |
Humanities Dept | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $7,200.00 | $8,234.95 | $206.90 | $7,800.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $4,400.00 | $2,529.33 | $1,018.21 | $4,400.00 | |
Periodicals | $3,800.00 | $2,891.96 | $0.00 | $3,000.00 | |
Serials | $600.00 | $521.81 | $0.00 | $500.00 | |
Databases | $3,700.00 | $3,851.10 | $0.00 | $3,900.00 | |
Humanities Dept | Total | $19,700.00 | $18,029.15 | $1,225.11 | $19,600.00 |
International Studies | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $39,700.00 | $42,330.17 | $314.41 | $39,900.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $6,000.00 | $2,438.37 | $99.10 | $6,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $1,400.00 | $924.58 | $0.00 | $1,400.00 | |
Serials | $500.00 | $175.93 | $0.00 | $200.00 | |
Databases | $600.00 | $617.50 | $0.00 | $700.00 | |
International Studies | Total | $48,200.00 | $46,486.55 | $413.51 | $48,200.00 |
Linguistics | |||||
Books - Approvals | $9,000.00 | $3,983.48 | $0.00 | $9,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $20,000.00 | $27,603.81 | $4,008.83 | $21,500.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $8,600.00 | $4,744.40 | $304.41 | $8,600.00 | |
Periodicals | $5,100.00 | $4,386.37 | $0.00 | $4,600.00 | |
Serials | $2,000.00 | $1,290.75 | $0.00 | $1,000.00 | |
Linguistics | Total | $44,700.00 | $42,008.81 | $4,313.24 | $44,700.00 |
Literatures-Misc Foreign | |||||
Books - Approvals | $3,500.00 | $3,719.84 | $0.00 | $3,500.00 | |
Books - Forms | $1,500.00 | $1,343.31 | $0.00 | $1,500.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $500.00 | $392.91 | $0.00 | $500.00 | |
Periodicals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Serials | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Literatures-Misc Foreign | Total | $5,500.00 | $5,456.06 | $0.00 | $5,500.00 |
MA Liberal Studies | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $13,500.00 | $12,501.79 | $644.17 | $13,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $600.00 | $747.04 | $0.00 | $800.00 | |
Serials | $600.00 | $921.75 | $0.00 | $1,000.00 | |
MA Liberal Studies | Total | $14,700.00 | $14,170.58 | $644.17 | $14,800.00 |
Philosophy | |||||
Books - Approvals | $13,000.00 | $15,009.56 | $0.00 | $13,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $19,000.00 | $21,832.08 | $0.00 | $19,400.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $3,600.00 | $3,310.97 | $75.48 | $3,600.00 | |
Periodicals | $5,300.00 | $4,354.71 | $0.00 | $4,250.00 | |
Serials | $800.00 | $1,181.89 | $120.15 | $1,300.00 | |
Databases | $5,400.00 | $5,425.55 | $0.00 | $5,500.00 | |
Philosophy | Total | $47,100.00 | $51,114.76 | $195.63 | $47,050.00 |
Political Science | |||||
Books - Approvals | $50,000.00 | $11,405.72 | $0.00 | $46,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $37,000.00 | $77,022.90 | $97.22 | $38,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $18,000.00 | $17,669.24 | $1,917.24 | $18,100.00 | |
Periodicals | $24,400.00 | $27,246.64 | $0.00 | $26,950.00 | |
Serials | $3,600.00 | $2,767.07 | $75.00 | $3,000.00 | |
Databases | $9,300.00 | $9,582.24 | $0.00 | $9,600.00 | |
Political Science | Total | $142,300.00 | $145,693.81 | $2,089.46 | $141,650.00 |
Psychology | |||||
Books - Approvals | $15,000.00 | $8,199.37 | $0.00 | $14,800.00 | |
Books - Forms | $10,000.00 | $16,699.15 | $0.00 | $17,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $5,900.00 | $4,440.64 | $205.91 | $6,600.00 | |
Periodicals | $48,400.00 | $45,995.64 | $0.00 | $42,900.00 | |
Serials | $700.00 | $786.20 | $0.00 | $900.00 | |
Databases | $38,600.00 | $41,513.35 | $0.00 | $38,900.00 | |
Psychology | Total | $118,600.00 | $117,634.35 | $205.91 | $121,100.00 |
Public Policy | |||||
Books - Forms | $3,700.00 | $3,759.81 | $0.00 | $4,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $3,700.00 | $3,573.81 | $73.17 | $3,200.00 | |
Periodicals | $0.00 | $473.70 | $0.00 | $500.00 | |
Serials | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Databases | $1,800.00 | $1,489.06 | $0.00 | $1,500.00 | |
Public Policy | Total | $9,200.00 | $9,296.38 | $73.17 | $9,200.00 |
Sociology | |||||
Books - Approvals | $37,000.00 | $22,639.84 | $0.00 | $37,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $48,000.00 | $60,072.86 | $2,171.86 | $48,600.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $19,000.00 | $17,507.95 | $873.37 | $18,875.00 | |
Periodicals | $10,900.00 | $11,328.12 | $124.47 | $11,100.00 | |
Serials | $2,000.00 | $908.92 | $0.00 | $1,000.00 | |
Databases | $7,000.00 | $7,005.99 | $0.00 | $7,100.00 | |
Sociology | Total | $123,900.00 | $119,463.68 | $3,169.70 | $123,675.00 |
Urban Studies | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $14,000.00 | $9,686.73 | $685.81 | $14,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $7,000.00 | $11,304.78 | $93.78 | $6,900.00 | |
Periodicals | $400.00 | $445.92 | $70.00 | $500.00 | |
Serials | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Databases | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Urban Studies | Total | $21,400.00 | $21,437.43 | $849.59 | $21,400.00 |
ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES | Total | $1,300,400.00 | $1,287,897.81 | $41,155.40 | $1,298,875.00 |
Business Administration | |||||
Books - Approvals | $25,000.00 | $14,818.29 | $0.00 | $25,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $14,250.00 | $17,514.57 | $1,700.20 | $20,300.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $8,000.00 | $15,019.08 | $37.43 | $19,900.00 | |
Periodicals | $41,900.00 | $32,913.29 | $0.00 | $36,600.00 | |
Serials | $14,000.00 | $5,959.71 | $0.00 | $6,700.00 | |
Databases | $135,750.00 | $105,364.22 | $0.00 | $110,000.00 | |
Business Administration | Total | $238,900.00 | $191,589.16 | $1,737.63 | $218,500.00 |
Business Grad Programs Vancouver | |||||
Books - Forms | $6,000.00 | ||||
Books - Discretionary | $3,000.00 | ||||
Business Grad Programs Vancouver | Total | $9,000.00 | |||
Finance Grad Program | |||||
Books - Forms | $1,000.00 | $978.00 | $605.94 | $1,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $2,500.00 | $2,089.60 | $96.00 | $2,500.00 | |
Finance Grad Program | Total | $3,500.00 | $3,067.60 | $701.94 | $3,500.00 |
MBA MOT(Mgt of Technology) | |||||
Books - Forms | $2,000.00 | $586.85 | $416.88 | $2,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $500.00 | $1,677.42 | $0.00 | $800.00 | |
Periodicals | $2,700.00 | $2,268.41 | $0.00 | $2,400.00 | |
Serials | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
MBA MOT(Mgt of Technology) | Total | $5,200.00 | $4,532.68 | $416.88 | $5,200.00 |
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION | Total | $247,600.00 | $199,189.44 | $2,856.45 | $236,200.00 |
Communication | |||||
Books - Approvals | $11,400.00 | $11,116.43 | $374.81 | $11,400.00 | |
Books - Forms | $14,000.00 | $12,629.35 | $1,600.05 | $14,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $17,000.00 | $21,331.49 | $4,116.66 | $16,900.00 | |
Periodicals | $4,600.00 | $4,821.74 | $53.00 | $2,400.00 | |
Serials | $600.00 | $615.97 | $93.00 | $700.00 | |
Databases | $12,500.00 | $12,150.35 | $0.00 | $14,700.00 | |
Communication | Total | $60,100.00 | $62,665.33 | $6,237.52 | $60,100.00 |
Contemporary Arts | |||||
Books - Approvals | $35,000.00 | $24,336.87 | $883.75 | $34,400.00 | |
Books - Forms | $27,000.00 | $38,567.50 | $5,694.46 | $27,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $20,000.00 | $26,776.57 | $4,036.45 | $20,000.00 | |
Discs (Music) | $2,000.00 | $1,799.98 | $99.00 | $1,800.00 | |
Slides/Digital images | $1,000.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $1,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $9,300.00 | $9,920.97 | $44.41 | $9,600.00 | |
Serials | $1,500.00 | $1,336.46 | $0.00 | $1,500.00 | |
Databases | $19,300.00 | $19,770.85 | $0.00 | $19,800.00 | |
Contemporary Arts | Total | $115,100.00 | $122,509.20 | $10,758.07 | $115,100.00 |
Publishing | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $110.49 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $4,000.00 | $2,450.86 | $385.44 | $3,950.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $3,500.00 | $4,721.15 | $730.25 | $3,500.00 | |
Periodicals | $1,500.00 | $2,776.07 | $0.00 | $2,900.00 | |
Serials | $2,800.00 | $2,692.19 | $271.00 | $2,500.00 | |
Publishing | Total | $11,800.00 | $12,750.76 | $1,386.69 | $12,850.00 |
COMMUNICATION, ART & TECHNOLOGY | Total | $187,000.00 | $197,925.29 | $18,382.28 | $188,050.00 |
Education General | |||||
Books - Approvals | $25,000.00 | $15,012.40 | $0.00 | $25,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $22,000.00 | $40,610.76 | $4,459.82 | $24,600.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $13,300.00 | $15,684.43 | $453.54 | $10,600.00 | |
Textbooks | $15,000.00 | $5,300.93 | $2,244.87 | $15,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $13,100.00 | $11,069.09 | $0.00 | $11,800.00 | |
Serials | $1,500.00 | $401.10 | $0.00 | $400.00 | |
Databases | $9,500.00 | $10,412.93 | $0.00 | $10,500.00 | |
Education General | Total | $99,400.00 | $98,491.64 | $7,158.23 | $97,900.00 |
Children's Materials | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $2,000.00 | $1,789.59 | $16.95 | $2,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $4,000.00 | $3,587.64 | $375.88 | $4,000.00 | |
Children's Materials | Total | $6,000.00 | $5,377.23 | $392.83 | $6,000.00 |
French Cohort Education | |||||
Books - Forms | $3,000.00 | $3,320.51 | $161.86 | $3,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $1,500.00 | $1,080.28 | $335.75 | $1,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $0.00 | $143.75 | $0.00 | $200.00 | |
Serials | $0.00 | $279.65 | $0.00 | $300.00 | |
Databases | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
French Cohort Education | Total | $4,500.00 | $4,824.19 | $497.61 | $4,500.00 |
EDUCATION | Total | $109,900.00 | $108,693.06 | $8,048.67 | $108,400.00 |
Archaeology | |||||
Books - Approvals | $13,500.00 | $6,206.05 | $0.00 | $13,125.00 | |
Books - Forms | $4,000.00 | $10,829.34 | $1,234.90 | $4,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $3,000.00 | $5,788.26 | $1,290.56 | $3,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $11,500.00 | $12,301.93 | $94.64 | $12,800.00 | |
Serials | $2,000.00 | $2,831.11 | $123.20 | $1,300.00 | |
Databases | $1,300.00 | $1,132.23 | $0.00 | $1,200.00 | |
Archaeology | Total | $35,300.00 | $39,088.92 | $2,743.30 | $35,425.00 |
Geography | |||||
Books - Approvals | $11,000.00 | $3,859.08 | $0.00 | $10,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $15,000.00 | $11,572.95 | $3,375.46 | $15,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $9,550.00 | $20,731.33 | $2,225.28 | $10,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $18,350.00 | $14,232.25 | $177.16 | $12,600.00 | |
Serials | $1,000.00 | $1,118.06 | $40.00 | $1,200.00 | |
Databases | $0.00 | $2,898.00 | $0.00 | $2,900.00 | |
Geography | Total | $54,900.00 | $54,411.67 | $5,817.90 | $51,700.00 |
Resource & Environmental Management | |||||
Books - Approvals | $9,000.00 | $5,015.74 | $0.00 | $9,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $16,000.00 | $12,900.53 | $2,517.18 | $15,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $5,700.00 | $13,323.31 | $486.37 | $5,200.00 | |
Periodicals | $5,000.00 | $5,022.91 | -$0.02 | $4,900.00 | |
Serials | $2,300.00 | $3,202.20 | $222.56 | $3,400.00 | |
Databases | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Resource & Environmental Management | Total | $38,000.00 | $39,464.69 | $3,226.09 | $37,500.00 |
ENVIRONMENT | Total | $128,200.00 | $132,965.28 | $11,787.29 | $124,625.00 |
Books - Approvals | $20,000.00 | $14,432.38 | $0.00 | $15,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $55,000.00 | $42,391.24 | $642.01 | $41,600.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $14,100.00 | $31,657.42 | $234.07 | $16,700.00 | |
Periodicals | $70,000.00 | $85,239.12 | $0.00 | $88,100.00 | |
Serials | $9,000.00 | $9,417.34 | $0.00 | $10,100.00 | |
Databases | $81,000.00 | $81,989.41 | $0.00 | $82,000.00 | |
HEALTH SCIENCES | Total | $249,100.00 | $265,126.91 | $876.08 | $253,500.00 |
SCIENCE | |||||
Biological Sciences | |||||
Books - Approvals | $20,000.00 | $24,937.92 | $0.00 | $20,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $6,500.00 | $3,526.93 | $0.00 | $6,500.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $9,500.00 | $15,612.40 | $483.77 | $12,400.00 | |
Periodicals | $114,500.00 | $110,747.31 | $0.00 | $113,000.00 | |
Serials | $2,000.00 | $517.34 | $108.00 | $600.00 | |
Databases | $54,500.00 | $52,752.86 | $0.00 | $53,300.00 | |
Biological Sciences | Total | $207,000.00 | $208,094.76 | $591.77 | $205,800.00 |
Chemistry | |||||
Books - Approvals | $5,000.00 | $2,814.09 | $0.00 | $3,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $13,000.00 | $12,709.29 | $0.00 | $12,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $13,400.00 | $16,699.49 | $203.63 | $15,500.00 | |
Periodicals | $109,300.00 | $111,254.47 | $0.00 | $114,600.00 | |
Serials | $15,000.00 | $10,496.05 | $0.00 | $11,300.00 | |
Databases | $101,000.00 | $102,922.14 | $0.00 | $103,000.00 | |
Chemistry | Total | $256,700.00 | $256,895.53 | $203.63 | $259,400.00 |
Earth Sciences | |||||
Books - Approvals | $2,500.00 | $1,634.86 | $0.00 | $2,500.00 | |
Books - Forms | $4,000.00 | $4,518.07 | $41.61 | $5,600.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $5,700.00 | $5,478.44 | $258.28 | $6,800.00 | |
Periodicals | $26,500.00 | $15,094.28 | $248.00 | $15,800.00 | |
Serials | $8,300.00 | $6,523.07 | $113.30 | $7,400.00 | |
Databases | $9,200.00 | $8,293.69 | $0.00 | $6,100.00 | |
Earth Sciences | Total | $56,200.00 | $41,542.41 | $661.19 | $44,200.00 |
Kinesiology | |||||
Books - Approvals | $5,000.00 | $2,834.18 | $0.00 | $4,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $5,000.00 | $10,020.86 | $38.50 | $6,600.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $8,500.00 | $5,675.31 | $359.46 | $7,300.00 | |
Periodicals | $26,400.00 | $28,936.27 | $0.00 | $28,100.00 | |
Serials | $500.00 | $461.58 | $0.00 | $700.00 | |
Databases | $11,300.00 | $11,571.59 | $0.00 | $11,600.00 | |
Kinesiology | Total | $56,700.00 | $59,499.79 | $397.96 | $58,300.00 |
Mathematics | |||||
Books - Approvals | $10,000.00 | $6,063.88 | $0.00 | $8,350.00 | |
Books - Forms | $6,000.00 | $7,714.82 | $0.00 | $6,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $15,000.00 | $18,898.07 | $480.92 | $15,700.00 | |
Periodicals | $31,800.00 | $31,758.27 | $474.00 | $32,650.00 | |
Serials | $4,500.00 | $5,193.75 | $0.00 | $5,600.00 | |
Databases | $12,700.00 | $12,237.01 | $0.00 | $12,300.00 | |
Mathematics | Total | $80,000.00 | $81,865.80 | $954.92 | $80,600.00 |
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry | |||||
Books - Approvals | $10,000.00 | $9,696.53 | $0.00 | $8,900.00 | |
Books - Forms | $2,100.00 | $2,659.19 | $685.00 | $2,100.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $4,900.00 | $5,742.96 | $0.00 | $4,900.00 | |
Periodicals | $92,100.00 | $92,032.43 | $0.00 | $94,800.00 | |
Serials | $17,000.00 | $23,170.01 | $0.00 | $19,250.00 | |
Databases | $1,800.00 | $1,787.63 | $0.00 | $1,800.00 | |
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry | Total | $127,900.00 | $135,088.75 | $685.00 | $131,750.00 |
Physics | |||||
Books - Approvals | $12,000.00 | $5,582.51 | $0.00 | $6,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $6,000.00 | $9,258.26 | $149.95 | $9,500.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $20,000.00 | $26,305.63 | $0.00 | $21,400.00 | |
Periodicals | $138,000.00 | $144,354.49 | $0.00 | $148,100.00 | |
Serials | $4,700.00 | $9,672.33 | $193.62 | $6,300.00 | |
Databases | $9,400.00 | $8,894.50 | $0.00 | $8,900.00 | |
Physics | Total | $190,100.00 | $204,067.72 | $343.57 | $200,200.00 |
Statistics | |||||
Books - Approvals | $4,500.00 | $4,558.68 | $0.00 | $4,500.00 | |
Books - Forms | $3,500.00 | $7,269.13 | $1,284.50 | $4,500.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $3,000.00 | $2,415.39 | -$116.07 | $3,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $9,400.00 | $7,638.60 | $0.00 | $8,000.00 | |
Serials | $0.00 | $372.88 | $0.00 | $400.00 | |
Databases | $500.00 | $479.34 | $0.00 | $500.00 | |
Statistics | Total | $20,900.00 | $22,734.02 | $1,168.43 | $20,900.00 |
SCIENCE | Total | $995,500.00 | $1,009,788.78 | $5,006.47 | $1,001,150.00 |
Departments/Faculties | Total | $3,548,100.00 | $3,543,327.30 | $95,535.78 | $3,544,700.00 |
Miscellaneous | |||||
Athletics/Recreation | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $3,000.00 | $1,034.46 | $242.62 | $3,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $600.00 | $89.93 | $0.00 | $600.00 | |
Periodicals | $1,600.00 | $1,553.00 | $0.00 | $1,400.00 | |
Serials | $400.00 | $30.36 | $0.00 | $100.00 | |
Athletics/Recreation | Total | $5,600.00 | $2,707.75 | $242.62 | $5,100.00 |
Belzberg Library | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $26,500.00 | $36,205.20 | $1,232.38 | $29,300.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $26,000.00 | $21,321.76 | $530.26 | $16,800.00 | |
Periodicals | $3,000.00 | $2,230.19 | $0.00 | $2,200.00 | |
Serials | $14,800.00 | $10,342.95 | $108.00 | $10,800.00 | |
Newspapers | $3,100.00 | $3,132.47 | $0.00 | $3,400.00 | |
Databases - Discretionary | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Databases - Periodicals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Databases - Serials | $800.00 | $2,326.27 | $0.00 | $2,700.00 | |
Ugrad Semester for Dialogue | $2,800.00 | $2,345.02 | $383.20 | $2,800.00 | |
Belzberg Library | Total | $77,000.00 | $77,903.86 | $2,253.84 | $68,000.00 |
Central Open Access Fund | |||||
Serials | $0.00 | $104,286.12 | $0.00 | $50,000.00 | |
Central Open Access Fund | Total | $0.00 | $104,286.12 | $0.00 | $50,000.00 |
Databases | |||||
Databases General | |||||
Discretionary | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | ||
Serials | $345,000.00 | $624,092.43 | $11,037.04 | $439,000.00 | |
Databases General | Total | $345,000.00 | $624,092.43 | $11,037.04 | $439,000.00 |
Research Data Library | |||||
Books - Discretionary | $0.00 | $222.41 | $336.25 | $0.00 | |
Serials | $200,000.00 | $253,251.91 | $0.00 | $214,300.00 | |
Databases | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Research Data Library | Total | $200,000.00 | $253,474.32 | $336.25 | $214,300.00 |
Databases | Total | $545,000.00 | $877,566.75 | $11,373.29 | $653,300.00 |
General Electronic Serials Packages | |||||
GenElecSerialPackag | $2,961,300.00 | $2,954,187.13 | $1,860.57 | $2,962,200.00 | |
General Electronic Serials Packages | Total | $2,961,300.00 | $2,954,187.13 | $1,860.57 | $2,962,200.00 |
General Diversity | |||||
Books - Discretionary | $4,600.00 | $1,389.49 | $0.00 | $2,600.00 | |
Periodicals | $600.00 | $310.13 | $0.00 | $400.00 | |
General Diversity | Total | $5,200.00 | $1,699.62 | $0.00 | $3,000.00 |
General Humanities | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $15,000.00 | $14,281.93 | $238.26 | $14,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $2,000.00 | $1,573.37 | $78.42 | $2,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $5,000.00 | $4,634.15 | $197.00 | $4,900.00 | |
Serials | $700.00 | $1,683.88 | $0.00 | $1,600.00 | |
Databases | $14,000.00 | $14,201.15 | $0.00 | $14,300.00 | |
General Humanities | Total | $36,700.00 | $36,374.48 | $513.68 | $36,800.00 |
General Library | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $2,553.46 | $0.00 | $2,500.00 | |
Books - Forms | $1,000.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $1,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $12,000.00 | $13,553.18 | $631.07 | $15,000.00 | |
Videos | $60,000.00 | $47,800.21 | $6,810.10 | $60,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $6,600.00 | $6,519.35 | $0.00 | $6,200.00 | |
Serials | $223,800.00 | $164,083.71 | $917.81 | $203,900.00 | |
Databases | $1,800.00 | $1,746.76 | $0.00 | $1,800.00 | |
General Library | Total | $305,200.00 | $236,256.67 | $8,358.98 | $290,400.00 |
General Newspapers | |||||
Serials | $102,500.00 | $83,145.71 | $0.00 | $101,300.00 | |
Databases | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
General Newspapers | Total | $102,500.00 | $83,145.71 | $0.00 | $101,300.00 |
General Sciences | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $2,000.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $1,000.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $3,000.00 | $4,414.74 | $0.00 | $4,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $68,000.00 | $75,990.07 | $0.00 | $77,000.00 | |
Serials | $10,500.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Databases | $36,000.00 | $39,299.22 | $0.00 | $39,300.00 | |
General Sciences | Total | $119,500.00 | $119,704.03 | $0.00 | $121,300.00 |
General Social Sciences | |||||
Books - Approvals | $5,000.00 | $3,230.15 | $0.00 | $4,000.00 | |
Books - Forms | $2,500.00 | $25.73 | $0.00 | $1,500.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $5,500.00 | $5,635.28 | $149.82 | $5,800.00 | |
Periodicals | $40,000.00 | $44,758.14 | $0.00 | $45,300.00 | |
Serials | $31,000.00 | $27,586.65 | $2,079.88 | $27,000.00 | |
Databases | $13,000.00 | $13,042.70 | $0.00 | $13,100.00 | |
General Social Sciences | Total | $97,000.00 | $94,278.65 | $2,229.70 | $96,700.00 |
General Special Projects | |||||
General Special Projects Discretionary | |||||
Discretionary (one time) | $25,000.00 | $178,255.88 | $13,950.41 | $31,925.00 | |
Special Proj Alternative Format | $25,000.00 | $12,163.20 | $0.00 | $25,000.00 | |
Special Proj ILL Purchases | $1,000.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $1,000.00 | |
General Special Projects Discretionary | Total | $51,000.00 | $190,419.08 | $13,950.41 | $57,925.00 |
General Special Projects Serials | |||||
Serials | $41,000.00 | $28,476.16 | $829.62 | $41,000.00 | |
General Special Projects Serials | Total | $41,000.00 | $28,476.16 | $829.62 | $41,000.00 |
General Special Projects | Total | $92,000.00 | $218,895.24 | $14,780.03 | $98,925.00 |
General Student Learning | |||||
Books - Forms | $2,000.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $2,000.00 | $410.22 | $0.00 | $1,900.00 | |
Periodicals | $300.00 | $341.73 | $0.00 | $400.00 | |
General Student Learning | Total | $4,300.00 | $751.95 | $0.00 | $2,300.00 |
Indigenous Research | |||||
Books - Discretionary (GINRD) | $5,000.00 | ||||
Periodicals (GINRP) | $1,300.00 | ||||
Indigenous Research | Total | $6,300.00 | |||
Latin American Studies All | |||||
Periodicals | $5,000.00 | $4,624.40 | $139.09 | $4,900.00 | |
Serials | $200.00 | $217.24 | $0.00 | $300.00 | |
Databases | $3,400.00 | $3,455.30 | $0.00 | $3,500.00 | |
Latin American Studies All | Total | $8,600.00 | $8,296.94 | $139.09 | $8,700.00 |
Maps | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $0.00 | $469.53 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Periodicals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Serials | $0.00 | $145.31 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Databases | $6,700.00 | $6,765.66 | $0.00 | $6,800.00 | |
Maps | Total | $6,700.00 | $7,380.50 | $0.00 | $6,800.00 |
Replacement Monographs & Serials | |||||
Books - Discretionary | $10,000.00 | $11,072.66 | $1,166.60 | $10,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $16.00 | $0.00 | |
Serials | $0.00 | $0.00 | $157.25 | $0.00 | |
Replacement Monographs & Serials | Total | $10,000.00 | $11,072.66 | $1,339.85 | $10,000.00 |
Scholarly Digitization | |||||
Discretionary (one time) | $0.00 | $33,024.98 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Scholarly Digitization | Total | $0.00 | $33,024.98 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Special Collections Total | |||||
Special Collections General | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $29.23 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $50,000.00 | $50,204.58 | $45.60 | $70,000.00 | |
Periodicals | $700.00 | $694.55 | $0.00 | $800.00 | |
Serials | $300.00 | $600.07 | $0.00 | $700.00 | |
Special Collections General | Total | $51,000.00 | $51,499.20 | $74.83 | $76,500.00 |
Special Collections ContLitCol(CLC) | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $13.56 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $18,000.00 | $16,249.22 | $1,524.63 | $22,600.00 | |
Periodicals | $0.00 | $487.35 | $0.00 | $600.00 | |
Serials | $0.00 | $240.00 | $0.00 | $300.00 | |
Special Collections ContLitCol(CLC) | Total | $18,000.00 | $16,976.57 | $1,538.19 | $18,500.00 |
Special Collections Total | Total | $69,000.00 | $68,475.77 | $1,613.02 | $95,000.00 |
Surrey Library | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Books - Forms | $0.00 | $0.00 | $51.50 | $0.00 | |
Books - Discretionary | $42,200.00 | $49,542.49 | $2,299.37 | $46,900.00 | |
Videos | $25,000.00 | $20,631.34 | $2,575.85 | $25,000.00 | |
Projects | $0.00 | $0.00 | $119.88 | $0.00 | |
Periodicals | $71,000.00 | $72,497.78 | $87.36 | $74,050.00 | |
Serials | $14,500.00 | $12,808.31 | $109.00 | $13,700.00 | |
Databases | $101,000.00 | $101,105.48 | $0.00 | $106,000.00 | |
Surrey Arts and Social Sciences-Discretionary | $17,000.00 | $9,489.04 | $1,352.92 | $16,900.00 | |
Surrey Business-Approvals | $2,000.00 | $2,126.28 | $0.00 | $2,000.00 | |
Surrey Business-Forms | $17,000.00 | $15,561.79 | $1,757.57 | $17,000.00 | |
Surrey Business-Discretionary | $11,000.00 | $10,839.62 | $86.97 | $9,000.00 | |
Surrey CompSci-Approvals | $1,000.00 | $2,027.62 | $0.00 | $1,000.00 | |
Surrey CompSci-Forms | $12,000.00 | $6,477.28 | $1,605.41 | $12,000.00 | |
Surrey CompSci-Discretionary | $7,000.00 | $10,373.25 | $0.00 | $7,000.00 | |
Surrey Criminology-Approvals | $5,000.00 | $9,671.72 | $0.00 | $5,000.00 | |
Surrey Criminology-Forms | $11,000.00 | $6,539.46 | -$31.95 | $11,000.00 | |
Surrey Criminology-Discretionary | $14,000.00 | $14,917.18 | $262.90 | $13,000.00 | |
Surrey Education-Approvals | $2,000.00 | $1,192.39 | $0.00 | $2,000.00 | |
Surrey Education-Forms | $16,000.00 | $14,789.45 | $1,642.85 | $16,000.00 | |
Surrey Education-Discretionary | $12,000.00 | $13,332.65 | $1,340.72 | $11,100.00 | |
Surrey Health-Forms | $3,000.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $3,000.00 | |
Surrey Health-Discretionary | $3,000.00 | $5,777.34 | $179.09 | $3,000.00 | |
Surrey IntArtsTech-Approvals | $13,000.00 | $9,049.18 | $0.00 | $13,000.00 | |
Surrey IntArtsTech-Forms | $22,000.00 | $18,956.20 | $1,062.47 | $22,000.00 | |
Surrey IntArtsTech-Discretionary | $15,000.00 | $26,778.89 | $1,214.48 | $14,700.00 | |
Surrey Mechatronic-Approvals | $3,000.00 | $10,194.75 | $0.00 | $3,000.00 | |
Surrey Mechatronic-Forms | $14,000.00 | $15,920.46 | $1,178.41 | $14,000.00 | |
Surrey Mechatronic-Discretionarydsbk | $13,000.00 | $8,313.19 | $121.42 | $11,800.00 | |
Surrey Science-Approvals | $2,000.00 | $4,771.20 | $0.00 | $2,000.00 | |
Surrey Science-Forms | $3,000.00 | $3,357.97 | $532.01 | $3,000.00 | |
Surrey Science-Discretionary | $17,000.00 | $12,499.27 | $385.01 | $17,000.00 | |
Surrey WorldLit-Forms | $7,000.00 | $5,042.06 | $419.28 | $7,000.00 | |
Surrey WorldLit-Discretionary | $7,500.00 | $8,528.15 | $773.10 | $7,500.00 | |
Surrey Library | Total | $503,200.00 | $503,111.79 | $19,125.62 | $509,650.00 |
Miscellaneous | Total | $4,948,800.00 | $5,439,120.60 | $63,780.78 | $5,125,775.00 |
Binding | |||||
Mongraphs | $5,500.00 | $4,396.94 | $0.00 | $5,500.00 | |
Theses | $15,000.00 | $28,217.18 | $0.00 | $15,000.00 | |
Serials | $28,000.00 | $35,174.72 | $0.00 | $28,000.00 | |
Binding | Total | $48,500.00 | $67,788.84 | $0.00 | $48,500.00 |
Inter Library Loans | |||||
ILL Charges | $30,000.00 | $19,144.56 | $0.00 | $30,000.00 | |
Inter Library Loans | Total | $30,000.00 | $19,144.56 | $0.00 | $30,000.00 |
OPERATING BUDGET TOTAL | Total | $8,575,400.00 | $9,069,381.30 | $159,316.56 | $8,748,975.00 |