SFU Library Materials Budget 2007-2008

Here is the 2007/2008 Library Materials Budget as supported at the June 15, 2007 meeting of the Senate Library Committee.

As in previous years, the Library has set a materials budget that strives to strike a suitable balance between books and serials, and print and electronic formats, while accommodating the different material needs of the various disciplines. Due to the current strength of the Canadian dollar and projections for this strength to continue throughout this fiscal year, there has been some relief from the anticipated pressure on the budget.

We have continued to provide flexibility about moving monograph funds to increase serials purchases, if so desired. To ensure that book purchases are not overlooked by any single fund, we reserve the right to allow up to only 90% of the total fund to cover serial and periodical purchases.

In allocating this year's library materials budget, the following principles have been applied:

  1. Serial allocations have been set based on increases of 8% over the previous year’s expenditures in Science, Health and Applied Science, and 5% over the previous year’s expenditures in all other areas.
  2. Book funds were reduced by up to 4% in some subject areas, particularly those that have not fully spent their allocation in recent years, those with generous allocations, and those that are principally journal-based. Subjects with small allocations, recently formed departments, and disciplines that are heavily book-based have been held at last year’s levels where possible.
  3. Taylor and Francis online journals have been moved from departmental allocations to the line in the budget that pays the package renewals, following the Library’s acquisition of this online package in early 2007. Departments will be consulted in the coming months to see if there are a small number of titles that must be retained in print for extraordinary reasons. In total, more than $192,000 has been moved out of departmental serial lines to cover this package, and moved to General Electronic Serials. Details are available here, showing the amount moved from each fund code involved.
  4. The allocation for serials on foreign literature in translation has been distributed to related departments.
  5. Allocations for serials binding, interlibrary loan, and alternate format materials have all been reduced, due to a reduction in demand for these expenditures, some brought on by the increase in electronic journal availability.

An explanation of the fund labels used in the budget appears below. Not all funds will have all the following lines:

Books - Approvals purchases received in book form based on subject profiles set up with our major book vendors. Primary subjects are covered by these approval profiles. Approximately 65% of all book titles purchased come in on approval.

Books - Forms purchases from information forms about new publications received based on subject profiles set up with our major book vendors. Secondary subjects are covered by forms in the profiles.

Books- Discretionary purchases from information provided by faculty and students, and orders initiatied by liaison librarians. Depending on the subject area, mainly secondary subjects are covered by Discretionary purchases.

Periodicals cover the journals purchased by the Library. This line normally covers subscriptions (print or electronic) that are paid for in advance.

Serials cover other regularly purchased items that are bought from year to year. These consist of yearbooks, annuals, handbooks, or other items issued serially that are paid for at the time of reciept.

Databases cover electronic indexes that are purchased each year. Subject based databases are covered in the departmental budgets and more general databases are purchased out of the general funds.


2007/08 Library Collections Budget
06/07Allocation 06/07 Expenditure 06/07 Encumbrance 07/08 Allocation
Books - Approvals $18,000 $17,849 $0 $18,000
Books - Forms $7,000 $13,755 $97 $7,000
Books - Discretionary $15,700 $17,280 $1,335 $15,700
Periodicals $15,200 $11,182 -$998 $10,600
Serials $0 $380 $0 $400
Databases $12,520 $12,339 $0 $13,000
Communications $68,420 $72,784 $433 $64,700
Computing Science
Books - Approvals $13,600 $20,572 -$889 $20,000
Books - Forms $38,000 $35,250 $380 $35,000
Books - Discretionary $18,500 $38,103 $607 $13,000
Periodicals $85,200 $79,556 $157 $84,500
Serials $70,000 $1,765 $240 $30,000
Databases $38,100 $39,157 $482 $42,000
Computing Science $263,400 $214,403 $976 $224,500
Engineering Science
Books - Approvals $28,600 $27,877 $0 $28,600
Books - Forms $44,000 $35,771 $4,573 $42,000
Books - Discretionary $16,900 $19,586 $1,206 $16,000
Periodicals $110,700 $95,333 $2,631 $94,200
Serials $5,000 $1,150 $0 $3,000
Databases $32,100 $38,375 $0 $40,000
Engineering Science $237,300 $218,092 $8,410 $223,800
Books - Approvals $12,100 $13,049 $0 $12,100
Books - Forms $9,500 $9,798 -$662 $9,500
Books - Discretionary $7,500 $12,105 $388 $7,500
Periodicals $50,100 $37,344 $0 $29,700
Serials $6,000 $640 $0 $2,000
Databases $3,500 $2,437 $0 $2,600
Kinesiology $88,700 $75,373 -$273 $63,400
Resource & Environ
Books - Approvals $12,400 $13,214 $0 $12,400
Books - Forms $14,000 $13,291 -$489 $14,000
Books - Discretionary $9,000 $12,358 $1,612 $9,000
Periodicals $6,800 $6,082 $0 $6,500
Serials $1,500 $319 $415 $1,000
Resource & Environ $43,700 $45,263 $1,538 $42,900
APPLIED SCIENCE $701,520 $625,915 $10,717 $619,300
Books - Approvals $18,000 $14,579 $0 $17,300
Books - Forms $3,600 $2,294 $414 $3,600
Books - Discretionary $2,900 $2,758 $1,188 $2,900
Periodicals $16,900 $10,701 $0 $6,500
Serials $1,300 $1,625 $0 $1,300
Databases $3,000 $3,085 $0 $3,200
Anthropology $45,700 $35,041 $1,602 $34,800
Books - Approvals $15,600 $16,137 $0 $15,600
Books - Forms $2,500 $238 $593 $2,500
Books - Discretionary $10,900 $9,851 $2,291 $10,700
Periodicals $12,700 $10,045 $259 $10,700
Serials $2,800 $2,634 $123 $2,800
Databases $1,800 $1,262 $0 $1,400
Archaeology $46,300 $40,167 $3,266 $43,700
Contemp Arts Total
Contemp Arts -
Books - Approvals $57,100 $62,004 $0 $60,000
Books - Forms $39,000 $38,833 $2,117 $36,000
Books - Discretionary $17,500 $23,534 $6,407 $15,000
Periodicals $16,200 $13,154 $210 $11,400
Serials $7,000 $4,992 $174 $5,500
Databases $18,600 $22,431 $0 $18,800
Contemp Arts - $155,400 $164,948 $8,908 $146,700
ContArts-Discs/ Records
Discretionary $7,000 $6,325 $794 $6,700
ContArts-Discs/ Records $7,000 $6,325 $794 $6,700
Discretionary $9,400 $8,335 $60 $9,000
ContArts - Slides $9,400 $8,335 $60 $9,000
ContArts - MFA
Books - Approvals $0 $0 $0 $0
Books - Forms $0 $0 $0 $0
Books - Discretionary $1,000 $1,457 -$117 $1,000
Periodicals $3,000 $3,073 -$123 $2,400
Serials $1,000 $188 $179 $500
ContArts - MFA $5,000 $4,718 -$60 $3,900
Contemp Arts Total $176,800 $184,326 $9,702 $166,300
Books - Approvals $36,400 $39,929 $0 $40,000
Books - Forms $9,600 $12,618 $606 $6,000
Books - Discretionary $1,900 $8,109 $1,904 $1,900
Periodicals $35,400 $34,200 $0 $34,800
Serials $16,000 $8,176 $0 $10,000
Databases $38,700 $36,500 $0 $38,700
Criminology $138,000 $139,531 $2,509 $131,400
Books - Approvals $117,000 $117,280 $0 $117,000
Books - Forms $4,600 $3,465 $270 $4,600
Books - Discretionary $12,000 $16,113 $1,189 $11,500
Periodicals $81,400 $68,412 $0 $60,300
Serials $32,000 $22,697 $0 $30,000
Databases $2,300 $6,355 $0 $6,700
Economics $249,300 $234,322 $1,459 $230,100
Books - Approvals $67,800 $54,189 -$10 $56,000
Books - Forms $51,900 $54,188 $655 $55,000
Books - Discretionary $17,000 $18,515 $1,961 $15,000
Special Projects $3,900 $3,736 $1,250 $3,900
Periodicals $16,200 $14,409 $78 $15,400
Serials $12,600 $11,658 $26 $12,600
Databases $15,200 $14,983 $0 $15,900
English $184,600 $171,678 $3,961 $173,800
Books - Approvals $2,000 $3,520 $0 $3,500
Books - Forms $16,200 $14,487 $1,782 $15,000
Books - Discretionary $15,600 $12,405 $3,294 $15,400
Periodicals $5,900 $4,768 $44 $5,800
Serials $1,600 $1,473 $60 $1,600
Databases $800 $565 $0 $800
French $42,100 $37,218 $5,179 $42,100
French Cohort Arts
Books - Approvals $2,200 $0 $0
Books - Discretionary $3,000 $4,512 $507 $4,000
Periodicals $5,000 $6,929 $92 $7,300
Serials $1,700 $225 $0 $300
Databases $7,900 $0 $0 $2,200
French Cohort Arts $19,800 $11,666 $599 $13,800
Books - Approvals $16,800 $7,902 $0 $8,000
Books - Forms $11,100 $15,152 $115 $11,000
Books - Discretionary $12,800 $24,144 $3,439 $20,000
Periodicals $45,000 $40,299 $0 $41,900
Serials $1,500 $546 $0 $1,000
Databases $0 $0 $0 $0
Geography $87,200 $88,042 $3,555 $81,900
Books - Approvals $0 $20 $0 $0
Books - Forms $5,000 $8,093 $59 $5,000
Books - Discretionary $8,000 $7,833 $1,278 $13,000
Periodicals $22,400 $18,245 -$179 $19,000
Serials $1,200 $786 $230 $1,200
Databases $2,300 $1,758 $0 $1,900
Gerontology $38,900 $36,736 $1,388 $40,100
Books - Approvals $22,900 $28,203 $0 $28,000
Books - Forms $33,000 $29,745 $7,636 $30,000
Books - Discretionary $34,500 $37,011 $3,241 $29,100
Periodicals $25,400 $22,849 -$333 $24,300
Serials $7,000 $6,583 $0 $7,000
Databases $13,800 $24,708 $1,000 $26,200
History $136,600 $149,099 $11,544 $144,600
Humanities Dept
Books - Approvals $0 $160 $0 $0
Books - Forms $6,000 $6,764 -$96 $6,000
Books - Discretionary $9,200 $7,815 $670 $9,200
Periodicals $2,100 $1,409 $0 $1,500
Serials $300 $340 $0 $400
Databases $2,600 $3,031 $0 $3,200
Humanities Dept $20,200 $19,519 $574 $20,300
Books - Approvals $11,900 $10,102 $0 $11,000
Books - Forms $17,200 $19,938 -$336 $17,000
Books - Discretionary $11,100 $9,586 $2,777 $11,100
Periodicals $12,700 $14,172 $0 $14,200
Serials $5,600 $2,945 $0 $5,000
Linguistics $58,500 $56,743 $2,441 $58,300
Literatures-Misc Fo
Books - Approvals $16,000 $12,786 $0 $13,000
Books - Forms $1,600 $168 $149 $500
Books - Discretionary $1,000 $89 -$43 $500
Periodicals $500 $433 $0 $0
Serials $900 $772 $0 $0
Literatures-Misc Fo $20,000 $14,248 $106 $14,000
MA Liberal Studies
Books - Approvals $0 $0 $0 $0
Books - Forms $600 $0 -$17 $0
Books - Discretionary $15,800 $16,364 $631 $16,000
Periodicals $600 $583 $0 $600
Serials $1,700 $906 $0 $600
MA Liberal Studies $18,700 $17,853 $614 $17,200
MA Publishing
Books - Approvals $0 $0 $0 $0
Books - Forms $3,100 $3,828 $34 $3,000
Books - Discretionary $4,800 $5,010 $1,373 $4,800
Periodicals $1,300 $2,387 -$99 $2,300
Serials $2,800 $2,005 $271 $2,800
MA Publishing $12,000 $13,230 $1,578 $12,900
Books - Approvals $6,000 -$1,249 $129 $0
Books - Forms $43,600 $46,620 $1,312 $33,800
Books - Discretionary $4,100 $9,029 $247 $4,100
Periodicals $13,300 $10,812 $0 $10,300
Serials $4,000 $2,014 $0 $4,000
Databases $6,000 $7,941 $0 $8,400
Philosophy $77,000 $75,167 $1,688 $60,600
Political Science
Books - Approvals $95,300 $96,276 $172 $95,300
Books - Forms $22,900 $38,313 $3,424 $22,000
Books - Discretionary $10,900 $11,792 $5,045 $9,800
Periodicals $46,900 $44,571 $0 $46,900
Serials $18,000 $14,588 $75 $18,000
Databases $1,300 $1,424 $0 $1,500
Political Science $195,300 $206,962 $8,717 $193,500
Books - Approvals $26,700 $28,121 $0 $28,000
Books - Forms $12,000 $13,906 $529 $11,000
Books - Discretionary $11,500 $15,416 $1,970 $11,000
Periodicals $79,600 $66,922 $0 $63,400
Serials $1,800 $642 $0 $1,800
Databases $28,300 $28,152 $0 $29,800
Psychology $159,900 $153,159 $2,499 $145,000
Public Policy
Books - Forms $1,500 $178 $0 $500
Books - Discretionary $6,700 $9,047 $486 $8,500
Periodicals $1,500 $686 $0 $0
Serials $200 $0 $0 $0
Public Policy $9,900 $9,912 $486 $9,000
Books - Approvals $108,800 $105,950 $98 $108,800
Books - Forms $14,100 $25,565 $3,201 $13,600
Books - Discretionary $18,500 $24,941 $5,177 $17,800
Periodicals $30,800 $24,831 $125 $20,900
Serials $2,800 $1,762 $0 $2,500
Databases $11,700 $5,492 $0 $11,700
Sociology $186,700 $188,542 $8,600 $175,300
Urban Studies
Books - Approvals $1,500 $0 $0 $0
Books - Forms $16,000 $14,947 $502 $16,000
Books - Discretionary $8,000 $12,755 $644 $9,500
Periodicals $5,400 $4,116 $70 $2,600
Serials $0 $0 $0 $0
Urban Studies $30,900 $31,818 $1,217 $28,100
Women's Studies
Books - Approvals $1,300 $1,558 $0 $1,600
Books - Forms $2,600 $1,721 $248 $2,600
Books - Discretionary $13,000 $14,731 $4,298 $13,000
Periodicals $7,200 $6,012 $360 $5,800
Serials $900 $455 $0 $900
Databases $2,500 $4,167 $0 $4,400
Women's Studies $27,500 $28,644 $4,906 $28,300
ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES $1,981,900 $1,950,041 $81,309 $1,865,100
Business Administra
Books - Approvals $66,900 $76,603 $0 $72,000
Books - Forms $15,500 $12,105 $1,901 $9,300
Books - Discretionary $12,100 $13,287 $15 $8,000
Periodicals $60,800 $62,713 $0 $72,000
Serials $45,000 $58,120 $30 $45,000
Databases $86,500 $63,813 $0 $74,300
Business Administra $286,800 $286,641 $1,946 $280,600
International Busin
Books - Approvals $0 $0 $0 $0
Books - Forms $0 $0 $0 $0
Books - Discretionary $0 $0 -$73 $0
Periodicals $6,100 $794 $0 $700
Serials $0 $0 $0 $0
International Busin $6,100 $794 -$73 $700
Books - Forms $500 $2,564 $102 $500
Books - Discretionary $2,500 $1,246 $0 $2,500
MBAGlobalAssetWealt $3,000 $3,810 $102 $3,000
MBA MOT(Mgt of Tech
Books - Forms $2,500 $2,538 $0 $2,500
Books - Discretionary $1,100 $1,479 $0 $1,100
Periodicals $3,400 $2,057 $0 $3,100
Serials $0 $0 $0 $0
MBA MOT(Mgt of Tech $7,000 $6,074 $0 $6,700
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION $302,900 $297,319 $1,975 $291,000
Education General
Books - Approvals $38,100 $36,720 $83 $38,100
Books - Forms $13,200 $31,063 $2,793 $12,500
Books - Discretionary $14,000 $20,724 $1,553 $13,400
Textbooks $21,000 $24,723 $6,681 $20,200
Periodicals $38,800 $37,026 $0 $25,600
Serials $6,800 $14,244 $0 $6,800
Databases $8,300 $11,051 $0 $11,700
Education General $140,200 $175,550 $11,110 $128,300
Children's Material
Books - Approvals $500 $433 $0 $500
Books - Forms $1,000 $202 $20 $900
Books - Discretionary $6,000 $5,892 $1,100 $5,800
Children's Material $7,500 $6,526 $1,120 $7,200
French Cohort Educa
Books - Forms $0 $1,208 $76 $1,200
Books - Discretionary $7,500 $5,233 $3,864 $4,000
Periodicals $700 $587 $102 $700
Serials $300 $2,403 $0 $1,900
Databases $0 $0 $0 $0
French Cohort Educa $8,500 $9,430 $4,042 $7,800
EDUCATION $156,200 $191,506 $16,272 $143,300
Books - Approvals $11,500 $22,496 $0 $22,500
Books - Forms $65,000 $60,453 $2,010 $62,400
Books - Discretionary $29,300 $28,840 $4,569 $17,000
Special Projects $0 $84 $34 $0
Periodicals $85,300 $39,183 $0 $35,700
Serials $2,000 $1,919 $140 $2,000
Databases $24,300 $68,175 $0 $73,600
HEALTH SCIENCES $217,400 $221,151 $6,754 $213,200
Biological Sciences
Books - Approvals $40,400 $40,698 $0 $40,400
Books - Forms $20,500 $19,273 $622 $19,500
Books - Discretionary $19,000 $33,625 $654 $18,000
Periodicals $169,300 $134,740 $12,125 $138,000
Serials $7,800 $11,921 $108 $8,000
Databases $42,300 $43,153 $1,107 $45,700
Biological Sciences $299,300 $283,410 $14,617 $269,600
Books - Approvals $18,700 $16,594 $0 $18,000
Books - Forms $17,100 $29,808 $4,176 $31,200
Books - Discretionary $34,200 $13,459 $5,931 $16,400
Periodicals $86,100 $95,011 $0 $64,300
Serials $19,000 $16,062 $364 $19,000
Databases $91,500 $61,118 $0 $82,000
Chemistry $266,600 $232,053 $10,471 $230,900
Earth Sciences
Books - Approvals $3,900 $3,908 $0 $3,900
Books - Forms $4,800 $5,717 $884 $4,800
Books - Discretionary $11,000 $8,555 $807 $10,500
Periodicals $34,200 $26,952 $248 $29,100
Serials $1,900 $2,209 $240 $2,000
Databases $4,500 $8,881 $0 $7,700
Earth Sciences $60,300 $56,223 $2,179 $58,000
Books - Approvals $38,000 $32,007 $0 $33,000
Books - Forms $2,600 $2,793 -$915 $2,600
Books - Discretionary $17,000 $18,946 $229 $15,300
Periodicals $55,300 $62,757 $474 $57,600
Serials $4,300 $9,114 $286 $4,300
Databases $0 $0 $0 $0
Mathematics $117,200 $125,617 $74 $112,800
Books - Approvals $17,900 $18,852 $0 $17,900
Books - Forms $6,500 $4,713 $148 $6,500
Books - Discretionary $11,900 $16,700 $652 $11,000
Periodicals $74,000 $88,668 $23,286 $91,800
Serials $8,300 $22,039 $0 $23,800
Databases $0 $0 $1,107 $1,200
MolecularBio&Bioche $118,600 $150,972 $25,193 $152,200
Books - Approvals $29,300 $30,719 $0 $29,300
Books - Forms $19,800 $12,507 $1,129 $19,000
Books - Discretionary $17,600 $17,620 $642 $16,900
Periodicals $155,200 $151,820 $0 $159,400
Serials $5,500 $6,347 $0 $5,500
Physics $227,400 $219,013 $1,772 $230,100
Books - Approvals $3,800 $5,030 $0 $5,000
Books - Forms $5,000 $3,978 $150 $4,300
Books - Discretionary $4,300 $7,124 $53 $3,600
Periodicals $48,000 $33,570 $0 $16,700
Serials $0 $0 $0 $0
Databases $400 $321 $0 $400
Statistics $61,500 $50,024 $202 $30,000
SCIENCE $1,150,900 $1,117,311 $54,508 $1,083,600
Departments/Faculties $4,510,820 $4,403,243 $171,535 $4,215,500
Books - Approvals $0 $0 $0 $0
Books - Forms $2,400 $1,226 $158 $2,000
Books - Discretionary $2,200 $175 $14 $2,000
Periodicals $1,700 $2,169 $46 $2,300
Serials $900 $1,024 $0 $1,000
Athletics/Recreation $7,200 $4,594 $218 $7,300
Belzberg Lib Total
Books - Approvals $0 $0 $0 $0
Books - Forms $17,000 $20,899 $947 $17,000
Books - Discretionary $27,500 $27,034 $3,080 $27,500
Periodicals $8,100 $8,400 $0 $8,600
Serials $19,600 $17,047 $161 $19,000
Newspapers $15,100 $13,713 $0 $10,000
Databases - Discretionary $0 $0 $0 $0
Databases - Periodicals $0 $0 $0 $0
Databases - Serials $0 $2,466 $0 $2,500
Ugrad Semester for Dialogue $3,000 $2,367 $423 $2,800
Belzberg Lib Total $90,300 $91,925 $4,611 $87,400
Databases General
Discretionary $0 $0 $0 $0
Serials $160,000 $566,051 $13,777 $260,000
Databases General $160,000 $566,051 $13,777 $260,000
Research Data Libra
Books - Discretionary $0 $421 $510 $0
Serials $47,400 $43,005 $0 $84,500
Databases $0 $0 $0 $0
Research Data Libra $47,400 $43,426 $510 $84,500
Databases $207,400 $609,477 $14,288 $344,500
Gen ElecSerialsPackages
Periodicals $2,043,218 $2,088,831 $0 $2,455,239
Gen ElecSerialsPackages $2,043,218 $2,088,831 $0 $2,455,239
General Diversity
Books - Discretionary $5,500 $5,929 $494 $5,300
Periodicals $1,000 $431 $0 $900
General Diversity $6,500 $6,360 $494 $6,200
General Humanities
Books - Approvals $1,000 $32 $0 $0
Books - Forms $2,500 $2,864 $112 $10,500
Books - Discretionary $1,800 $1,826 -$61 $1,800
Periodicals $7,000 $5,390 -$290 $5,700
Serials $3,900 $3,902 $0 $3,900
Databases $3,600 $11,634 $0 $12,300
General Humanities $19,800 $25,647 -$238 $34,200
General Library
Books - Approvals $0 $0 $0 $0
Books - Forms $2,500 $3,258 -$108 $2,500
Books - Discretionary $32,000 $49,688 $958 $32,000
Video/DVD/Film $85,000 $97,952 $11,970 $70,000
Periodicals $44,300 $39,028 $16 $41,400
Serials $120,000 $145,923 $1,067 $12,000
Databases $2,800 $2,482 $0 $2,800
General Library $286,600 $338,331 $13,903 $160,700
General Newspapers
Serials $120,400 $195,150 $17,902 $128,000
Databases $800 $0 $0 $0
General Newspapers $121,200 $195,150 $17,902 $128,000
General Sciences
Books - Approvals $0 $0 $0 $0
Books - Forms $1,100 $1,424 $2,966 $1,100
Books - Discretionary $3,000 $1,704 $62 $2,000
Periodicals $12,200 $20,055 $0 $19,200
Serials $3,300 $2,461 $0 $34,900
Databases $21,700 $26,354 $0 $28,000
General Sciences $41,300 $51,997 $3,028 $85,200
General Social Sciences
Books - Approvals $0 $364 $0 $0
Books - Forms $1,200 $2,488 -$73 $1,200
Books - Discretionary $5,800 $23,261 -$156 $5,800
Periodicals $39,600 $46,678 $0 $45,500
Serials $47,800 $46,002 $0 $47,800
Databases $10,000 $10,254 $0 $11,000
General Social Sciences $104,400 $129,047 -$229 $111,300
General SpecialProjects
Discretionary(special) $186,000 $431,046 $2,019 $100,000
General Alternate Format $60,000 $28,276 $0 $35,000
General ILL/Acquisitions $10,000 $556 $889 $10,000
GenSpecialProjDiscr $256,000 $459,878 $2,907 $145,000
Serials $103,000 $123,559 $65,743 $100,000
GenSpecialProjSeria $103,000 $123,559 $65,743 $100,000
General SpecialProjects $359,000 $583,437 $68,651 $245,000
General Student Learnin
Books - Forms $2,000
Books - Discretionary $5,000 $3,911 $566 $3,000
Periodicals $1,000 $0 $0 $1,000
General Student Learnin $6,000 $3,911 $566 $6,000
GST Monogs & US Serials
GST Serials $0 $125,465 $0 $0
GST Monos $0 $0 $0 $0
GST Monogs & US Serials $0 $125,465 $0 $0
Latin American Studies
LatinAmerSt-peri $12,200 $7,592 $135 $5,800
LatinAmerSt-seri $200 $167 $0 $200
LatinAmerSt-wser $4,200 $3,927 $0 $4,200
Latin American Studies $16,600 $11,687 $135 $10,200
Books - Approvals $0 $0 $0 $0
Books - Forms $0 $29 -$35 $0
Books - Discretionary $2,500 $293 $13 $400
Periodicals $0 $0 $0 $0
Serials $300 $54 $0 $300
Databases $3,500 $6,323 $0 $6,700
Maps $6,300 $6,698 -$22 $7,400
Replacement Monogs/Seri
Books - Discretionary $10,000 $15,921 $1,918 $12,000
Periodicals $0 $0 $16 $0
Serials $0 $1,205 $319 $0
Replacement Monogs/Seri $10,000 $17,126 $2,253 $12,000
Special Collecs Gen
Books - Approvals $0 $0 $29 $0
Books - Forms $0 $0 $0 $0
Books - Discretionary $55,000 $118,235 $2,264 $55,000
Periodicals $1,300 $1,462 $0 $1,500
Serials $200 $452 $30 $500
Special Collecs Gen $56,500 $120,149 $2,323 $57,000
SpecCol ContLitCol
Books - Approvals $0 $113 $14 $0
Books - Forms $0 $0 $0 $0
Books - Discretionary $20,000 $43,798 $1,780 $20,000
Periodicals $1,000 $532 $0 $700
Serials $0 $0 $0 $0
SpecCol ContLitCol $21,000 $44,443 $1,794 $20,700
Spec Collecs Wordsw
Books - Discretionary $3,000 $3,277 $0 $3,000
Spec Collecs Wordsw $3,000 $3,277 $0 $3,000
SpecialCollectionsTotal $80,500 $167,869 $4,117 $80,700
Surrey Library
Books - Approvals $14,000 $12,985 $107 $19,000
Books - Forms $65,000 $55,279 $3,934 $64,000
Books - Discretionary $164,700 $202,183 $49,519 $204,000
Video/DVD/Games $20,000 $22,071 $2,609 $25,000
Special Projects $0 $1,280 $516 $0
Periodicals $25,000 $20,471 $2,017 $27,000
Serials $5,000 $3,721 $59 $3,800
Databases $43,000 $43,592 $0 $50,000
Surrey Library $336,700 $361,582 $58,761 $392,800
Miscellaneous $3,743,018 $4,819,133 -$188,438 $4,174,139
Monographs $12,000 $10,443 $0 $11,000
Theses $42,000 $40,881 $0 $42,000
Serials $60,000 $57,243 $0 $40,000
Binding $114,000 $108,567 $0 $93,000
Inter Library Loans
ILL Charges $140,000 $102,279 $0 $100,000
Inter Library Loans $140,000 $102,279 $0 $100,000
OPERATING BUDGET TOTAL $8,507,838 $9,433,222 -$359,973 $8,582,639