Here is the 2006/2007 Library Materials Budget as supported by the Senate Library Committee at its meeting July 10, 2006.
As in previous years, the Library has set a materials budget that strives to strike a suitable balance between books and serials, and print and electronic formats, while accommodating the different material needs of the various disciplines. It also considers the fluctuating Canadian dollar, inflation and increases in both serial and periodical subscriptions.
We continue to monitor the book purchases by each account and keep a close eye on journal purchases. We also continue to provide the flexibility of moving discretionary funds to increase serials purchases, if so desired. To ensure that book purchases are not overlooked by any single fund, we reserve the right to allow up to only 90% of the total fund to cover serial and periodical purchases.
In allocating this year's library materials budget, the following principles have been applied:
1. Past experience has shown that scientific, medical and technical serial subscriptions have greater price increases than other subject areas. In recent years, Science and Applied Science serials allocations have been set based on a 9% increase over the previous year’s expenditures, while other subscriptions including databases have been increased by 8%. Due to the rise in the Canadian dollar between the time of last year’s expenditures and setting this year’s budget, I have used more modest increases for 06/07: 6% for Science and Applied Science, and 5% for other serial lines.
2. Where book funds – approvals, forms, or discretionary – were fully expended in 2005/06, they have been increased by 5%. Where they were not fully expended they have been left at the same value as 2005/06.
3. There has been a change in the way that GST rebates for library acquisitions are reflected in the budget. In past years the GST was shown as part of the expediture, and therefore included in the allocations, despite the fact that it is rebated on purchases of library materials. For this year, in response to changes in the SFU Finance reporting system, figures shown in the budget do not include GST. This explains the appearance of an overall reduction in the budget of approximately $200,000; in fact, the overall allocation has been increased by just over $200,000.
4. Three packages of electronic journals have been considered for migration to electronic-only for 2007. After consultation with the departments involved, a small number of print titles will be retained (duplicated in electronic packages). In total, $348,172 has been moved out of departmental serial lines to cover bundled packages of journals, and moved to General Electronic Serials. Details are available; the summary by package is listed below.
- Blackwell’s $229,681
- Sage $108,539
- Lippincott Williams Wilkins $9,952
5. Following discussions with the Latin American Studies advisory committee, the monograph funds for LAS have been dispersed among related departments in Arts & Social Sciences. The serial lines have been moved into general library lines, and will be monitored by the Collections Management office, in cooperation with the LAS group.
6. Urban Studies has been moved out of Geography, and is now listed under its own alphabetical listing in Arts & Social Sciences.
7. Small allocations have been made to purchase materials for the Student Learning Commons.
An explanation of the fund labels used in the budget appears below. Not all funds will have all the following lines:
Books - Approvals purchases received in book form based on subject profiles set up with our major book vendors. Primary subjects are covered by these approval profiles. Approximately 65% of all book titles purchased come in on approval.
Books - Forms purchases from information forms about new publications received based on subject profiles set up with our major book vendors. Secondary subjects are covered by forms in the profiles.
Books- Discretionary purchases from information provided by faculty and students, and orders initiatied by liaison librarians. Depending on the subject area, mainly secondary subjects are covered by Discretionary purchases.
Periodicals cover the journals purchased by the Library. This line normally covers subscriptions (print or electronic) that are paid for in advance.
Serials cover other regularly purchased items that are bought from year to year. These consist of yearbooks, annuals, handbooks, or other items issued serially that are paid for at the time of reciept.
Databases cover electronic indexes that are purchased each year. Subject based databases are covered in the departmental budgets and more general databases are purchased out of the general funds.
2006/07 Library Materials Budget | ||||||
05/06 appropriation | 05/06 expenditure | 05/06 encumb | 05/06 expd + encumb | 06/07 allocation | ||
Departments/Faculties | ||||||
Communications | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $18,000 | $17,074 | $0 | $17,074 | $18,000 | |
Books - Forms | $6,500 | $10,887 | $2,151 | $13,038 | $7,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $15,000 | $11,373 | $3,613 | $14,987 | $15,700 | |
Periodicals | $24,000 | $26,031 | -$1,049 | $24,982 | $15,200 | |
Serials | $250 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Databases | $17,800 | $12,384 | $0 | $12,384 | $12,520 | |
Communications | Total | $81,550 | $77,749 | $4,716 | $82,465 | $68,420 |
Computing Science | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $7,500 | $19,863 | -$889 | $18,973 | $13,600 | |
Books - Forms | $42,000 | $35,261 | $4,055 | $39,316 | $38,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $18,500 | $16,197 | $1,995 | $18,192 | $18,500 | |
Periodicals | $91,150 | $86,406 | $157 | $86,563 | $85,200 | |
Serials | $65,000 | $65,801 | $240 | $66,041 | $70,000 | |
Databases | $39,000 | $35,550 | $482 | $36,032 | $38,100 | |
Computing Science | Total | $263,150 | $259,077 | $6,040 | $265,117 | $263,400 |
Engineering Science | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $24,000 | $28,658 | $0 | $28,658 | $28,600 | |
Books - Forms | $42,000 | $41,228 | $9,463 | $50,691 | $44,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $16,000 | $14,754 | $1,348 | $16,103 | $16,900 | |
Periodicals | $118,300 | $101,812 | $2,631 | $104,443 | $110,700 | |
Serials | $8,000 | $3,403 | $0 | $3,403 | $5,000 | |
Databases | $52,100 | $6,673 | $0 | $6,673 | $32,100 | |
Engineering Science | Total | $260,400 | $196,528 | $13,443 | $209,971 | $237,300 |
Kinesiology | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $9,000 | $11,530 | $0 | $11,530 | $12,100 | |
Books - Forms | $6,400 | $8,171 | $896 | $9,067 | $9,500 | |
Books - Discretionary | $10,000 | $5,418 | $1,693 | $7,111 | $7,500 | |
Periodicals | $57,000 | $56,609 | $0 | $56,609 | $50,100 | |
Serials | $6,900 | $404 | $0 | $404 | $6,000 | |
Databases | $3,400 | $3,299 | $0 | $3,299 | $3,500 | |
Kinesiology | Total | $92,700 | $85,432 | $2,589 | $88,020 | $88,700 |
Resource & Environ | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $19,000 | $6,564 | $0 | $6,564 | $12,400 | |
Books - Forms | $12,000 | $18,990 | $2,441 | $21,431 | $14,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $5,000 | $7,487 | $3,422 | $10,909 | $9,000 | |
Periodicals | $10,600 | $11,889 | $0 | $11,889 | $6,800 | |
Serials | $400 | $939 | $415 | $1,354 | $1,500 | |
Resource & Environ | Total | $47,000 | $45,869 | $6,278 | $52,147 | $43,700 |
APPLIED SCIENCE | Total | $744,800 | $664,655 | $32,696 | $697,351 | $701,520 |
Anthropology | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $18,000 | $17,186 | $0 | $17,186 | $18,000 | |
Books - Forms | $3,000 | $6,755 | $499 | $7,254 | $3,600 | |
Books - Discretionary | $2,200 | $2,964 | $690 | $3,653 | $2,900 | |
Periodicals | $18,200 | $19,126 | $0 | $19,126 | $16,900 | |
Serials | $1,300 | $923 | $0 | $923 | $1,300 | |
Databases | $5,500 | $1,880 | $0 | $1,880 | $3,000 | |
Anthropology | Total | $48,200 | $48,833 | $1,189 | $50,022 | $45,700 |
Archaeology | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $12,500 | $14,863 | $0 | $14,863 | $15,600 | |
Books - Forms | $5,000 | $2,966 | -$511 | $2,455 | $2,500 | |
Books - Discretionary | $8,000 | $17,302 | $5,174 | $22,477 | $10,900 | |
Periodicals | $15,200 | $13,494 | $259 | $13,753 | $12,700 | |
Serials | $2,500 | $2,453 | $123 | $2,576 | $2,800 | |
Databases | $1,800 | $1,099 | $0 | $1,099 | $1,800 | |
Archaeology | Total | $45,000 | $52,177 | $5,045 | $57,222 | $46,300 |
Contemp Arts Total | ||||||
Contemp Arts - | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $55,000 | $54,370 | $0 | $54,370 | $57,100 | |
Books - Forms | $32,000 | $39,175 | $10,517 | $49,692 | $39,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $16,000 | $29,220 | $8,133 | $37,354 | $17,500 | |
Periodicals | $16,400 | $15,602 | $5 | $15,607 | $16,200 | |
Serials | $7,000 | $4,896 | $174 | $5,070 | $7,000 | |
Databases | $18,200 | $6,034 | $0 | $6,034 | $18,600 | |
Contemp Arts - | Total | $144,600 | $149,297 | $18,829 | $168,126 | $155,400 |
ContArts-Discs/ Records | ||||||
Discretionary | $6,600 | $5,176 | $2,421 | $7,597 | $7,000 | |
ContArts-Discs/ Records | Total | $6,600 | $5,176 | $2,421 | $7,597 | $7,000 |
ContArts-Slides | $0 | |||||
Discretionary | $9,000 | $8,692 | $60 | $8,752 | $9,400 | |
ContArts - Slides | Total | $9,000 | $8,692 | $60 | $8,752 | $9,400 |
ContArts - MFA | $0 | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Books - Discretionary | $800 | $579 | $1,281 | $1,861 | $1,000 | |
Periodicals | $4,800 | $3,867 | -$123 | $3,744 | $3,000 | |
Serials | $1,000 | $203 | $179 | $382 | $1,000 | |
ContArts - MFA | Total | $6,600 | $4,649 | $1,338 | $5,988 | $5,000 |
Contemp Arts Total | Total | $166,800 | $167,814 | $22,648 | $190,462 | $176,800 |
Criminology | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $34,000 | $34,613 | $0 | $34,613 | $36,400 | |
Books - Forms | $8,200 | $16,228 | $3,111 | $19,339 | $9,600 | |
Books - Discretionary | $1,300 | $3,456 | $974 | $4,430 | $1,900 | |
Periodicals | $40,800 | $39,171 | $0 | $39,171 | $35,400 | |
Serials | $26,000 | $8,856 | $0 | $8,856 | $16,000 | |
Databases | $18,400 | $36,873 | $0 | $36,873 | $38,700 | |
Criminology | Total | $128,700 | $139,198 | $4,085 | $143,283 | $138,000 |
Economics | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $111,400 | $117,134 | $0 | $117,134 | $117,000 | |
Books - Forms | $4,200 | $3,732 | $720 | $4,451 | $4,600 | |
Books - Discretionary | $10,100 | $14,658 | $1,205 | $15,862 | $12,000 | |
Periodicals | $95,200 | $97,944 | $0 | $97,944 | $81,400 | |
Serials | $60,000 | $27,416 | $88 | $27,504 | $32,000 | |
Databases | $7,300 | $109 | $0 | $109 | $2,300 | |
Economics | Total | $288,200 | $260,992 | $2,013 | $263,005 | $249,300 |
English | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $63,000 | $64,708 | -$10 | $64,699 | $67,800 | |
Books - Forms | $51,900 | $48,976 | -$494 | $48,482 | $51,900 | |
Books - Discretionary | $17,000 | $10,329 | $3,113 | $13,443 | $17,000 | |
Special Projects | $3,900 | $0 | $1,407 | $1,407 | $3,900 | |
Periodicals | $18,300 | $17,147 | $78 | $17,225 | $16,200 | |
Serials | $15,800 | $11,951 | $26 | $11,977 | $12,600 | |
Databases | $8,800 | $14,443 | $0 | $14,443 | $15,200 | |
English | Total | $178,700 | $167,556 | $4,120 | $171,675 | $184,600 |
French | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $7,500 | $2,359 | $0 | $2,359 | $2,000 | |
Books - Forms | $16,200 | $8,708 | $61 | $8,769 | $16,200 | |
Books - Discretionary | $9,500 | $16,716 | $8,004 | $24,720 | $15,600 | |
Periodicals | $6,300 | $6,063 | $44 | $6,107 | $5,900 | |
Serials | $1,600 | $1,384 | $238 | $1,622 | $1,600 | |
Databases | $800 | $600 | $0 | $600 | $800 | |
French | Total | $41,900 | $35,831 | $8,347 | $44,178 | $42,100 |
French Cohort Arts | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $2,200 | $220 | $0 | $220 | $2,200 | |
Books - Discretionary | $3,000 | $4,988 | $250 | $5,237 | $3,000 | |
Periodicals | $1,900 | $3,707 | $0 | $3,707 | $5,000 | |
Serials | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,700 | |
Databases | $2,900 | $7,291 | $0 | $7,291 | $7,900 | |
French Cohort Arts | Total | $10,000 | $16,205 | $250 | $16,455 | $19,800 |
Geography | ||||||
Geography | $0 | |||||
Books - Approvals | $21,300 | $15,872 | $0 | $15,872 | $16,800 | |
Books - Forms | $6,000 | $16,080 | $1,211 | $17,291 | $11,100 | |
Books - Discretionary | $8,000 | $10,644 | $3,041 | $13,685 | $12,800 | |
Periodicals | $58,200 | $56,645 | $0 | $56,645 | $45,000 | |
Serials | $1,500 | $700 | $0 | $700 | $1,500 | |
Databases | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Geography | Total | $95,000 | $99,942 | $4,252 | $104,194 | $87,200 |
Gerontology | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $148 | $0 | $148 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $2,500 | $5,222 | $1,401 | $6,623 | $5,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $4,700 | $4,420 | $2,147 | $6,568 | $8,000 | |
Periodicals | $25,100 | $22,301 | -$303 | $21,997 | $22,400 | |
Serials | $1,200 | $349 | $361 | $710 | $1,200 | |
Databases | $2,200 | $2,112 | $0 | $2,112 | $2,300 | |
Gerontology | Total | $35,700 | $34,553 | $3,605 | $38,158 | $38,900 |
History | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $24,400 | $23,788 | $0 | $23,788 | $22,900 | |
Books - Forms | $32,000 | $31,096 | $2,285 | $33,381 | $33,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $30,100 | $27,719 | $9,438 | $37,157 | $34,500 | |
Periodicals | $29,900 | $31,692 | -$308 | $31,384 | $25,400 | |
Serials | $8,600 | $6,577 | $0 | $6,577 | $7,000 | |
Databases | $18,600 | $5,323 | $1,000 | $6,323 | $13,800 | |
History | Total | $143,600 | $126,196 | $12,415 | $138,611 | $136,600 |
Humanities Dept | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $6,000 | $4,075 | $146 | $4,221 | $6,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $10,500 | $8,972 | $2,530 | $11,502 | $9,200 | |
Periodicals | $2,000 | $3,920 | $0 | $3,920 | $2,100 | |
Serials | $300 | $171 | $0 | $171 | $300 | |
Databases | $0 | $2,368 | $0 | $2,368 | $2,600 | |
Humanities Dept | Total | $18,800 | $19,506 | $2,676 | $22,182 | $20,200 |
Linguistics | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $10,300 | $11,386 | $0 | $11,386 | $11,900 | |
Books - Forms | $16,000 | $15,539 | $766 | $16,305 | $17,200 | |
Books - Discretionary | $9,800 | $16,630 | $2,122 | $18,752 | $11,100 | |
Periodicals | $14,200 | $14,889 | $0 | $14,889 | $12,700 | |
Serials | $5,500 | $5,480 | $0 | $5,480 | $5,600 | |
Linguistics | Total | $55,800 | $63,924 | $2,888 | $66,811 | $58,500 |
Literatures-Misc Fo | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $15,200 | $15,275 | $0 | $15,275 | $16,000 | |
Books - Forms | $1,600 | $11 | -$23 | -$12 | $1,600 | |
Books - Discretionary | $1,000 | $345 | -$14 | $331 | $1,000 | |
Periodicals | $500 | $462 | $0 | $462 | $500 | |
Serials | $900 | $657 | $0 | $657 | $900 | |
Literatures-Misc Fo | Total | $19,200 | $16,749 | -$36 | $16,713 | $20,000 |
MA Liberal Studies | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $500 | $570 | -$17 | $554 | $600 | |
Books - Discretionary | $14,400 | $15,221 | $2,761 | $17,982 | $15,800 | |
Periodicals | $400 | $499 | $0 | $499 | $600 | |
Serials | $2,400 | $750 | $0 | $750 | $1,700 | |
MA Liberal Studies | Total | $17,700 | $17,040 | $2,745 | $19,785 | $18,700 |
MA Publishing | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $3,000 | $2,771 | $265 | $3,035 | $3,100 | |
Books - Discretionary | $3,800 | $4,134 | $1,930 | $6,064 | $4,800 | |
Periodicals | $1,300 | $1,049 | -$5 | $1,043 | $1,300 | |
Serials | $2,200 | $1,498 | $421 | $1,919 | $2,800 | |
MA Publishing | Total | $10,300 | $9,451 | $2,611 | $12,062 | $12,000 |
Philosophy | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $45,000 | $44,433 | $129 | $44,562 | $6,000 | |
Books - Forms | $3,300 | $7,728 | $341 | $8,069 | $43,600 | |
Books - Discretionary | $2,000 | $6,636 | $560 | $7,197 | $4,100 | |
Periodicals | $23,500 | $18,805 | $787 | $19,592 | $13,300 | |
Serials | $3,400 | $3,721 | $0 | $3,721 | $4,000 | |
Databases | $3,500 | -$379 | $1,939 | $1,560 | $6,000 | |
Philosophy | Total | $80,700 | $80,945 | $3,756 | $84,701 | $77,000 |
Political Science | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $79,000 | $93,550 | $0 | $93,550 | $95,300 | |
Books - Forms | $22,900 | $22,988 | $419 | $23,407 | $22,900 | |
Books - Discretionary | $8,300 | $6,551 | $1,420 | $7,971 | $10,900 | |
Periodicals | $64,700 | $64,005 | $26 | $64,031 | $46,900 | |
Serials | $24,000 | $15,916 | $75 | $15,991 | $18,000 | |
Databases | $4,200 | -$1,931 | $0 | -$1,931 | $1,300 | |
Political Science | Total | $203,100 | $201,080 | $1,940 | $203,020 | $195,300 |
Psychology | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $25,700 | $25,473 | $0 | $25,473 | $26,700 | |
Books - Forms | $10,700 | $16,861 | $3,218 | $20,079 | $12,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $10,500 | $18,717 | $191 | $18,908 | $11,500 | |
Periodicals | $93,800 | $99,388 | $0 | $99,388 | $79,600 | |
Serials | $1,800 | $785 | $0 | $785 | $1,800 | |
Databases | $9,700 | $27,026 | $0 | $27,026 | $28,300 | |
Psychology | Total | $152,200 | $188,249 | $3,409 | $191,658 | $159,900 |
Public Policy | ||||||
Books - Forms | $1,200 | $2,205 | $165 | $2,370 | $1,500 | |
Books - Discretionary | $6,500 | $8,958 | $1,406 | $10,364 | $6,700 | |
Periodicals | $600 | $1,433 | $0 | $1,433 | $1,500 | |
Serials | $200 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $200 | |
Public Policy | Total | $8,500 | $12,595 | $1,571 | $14,167 | $9,900 |
Sociology | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $104,800 | $106,453 | $0 | $106,453 | $108,800 | |
Books - Forms | $12,000 | $22,659 | $3,741 | $26,400 | $14,100 | |
Books - Discretionary | $14,100 | $29,017 | $7,899 | $36,916 | $18,500 | |
Periodicals | $52,000 | $57,824 | $2,037 | $59,860 | $30,800 | |
Serials | $3,500 | $2,685 | $0 | $2,685 | $2,800 | |
Databases | $6,900 | $10,837 | $0 | $10,837 | $11,700 | |
Sociology | Total | $193,300 | $229,474 | $13,676 | $243,150 | $186,700 |
Urban Studies | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $1,500 | $1,341 | $0 | $1,341 | $1,500 | |
Books - Forms | $4,300 | $13,487 | $3,283 | $16,770 | $16,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $18,600 | $5,616 | $1,787 | $7,403 | $8,000 | |
Periodicals | $8,800 | $6,260 | $70 | $6,330 | $5,400 | |
Serials | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Urban Studies | Total | $33,200 | $26,703 | $5,140 | $31,843 | $30,900 |
Women's Studies | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $1,000 | $1,272 | $0 | $1,272 | $1,300 | |
Books - Forms | $2,600 | $573 | $0 | $573 | $2,600 | |
Books - Discretionary | $9,800 | $15,384 | $8,369 | $23,753 | $13,000 | |
Periodicals | $10,500 | $7,969 | $360 | $8,329 | $7,200 | |
Serials | $900 | $239 | $0 | $239 | $900 | |
Databases | $4,500 | $2,201 | $0 | $2,201 | $2,500 | |
Women's Studies | Total | $29,300 | $27,637 | $8,729 | $36,366 | $27,500 |
ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES | Total | $2,033,550 | $2,069,820 | $123,606 | $2,193,426 | $1,981,900 |
Business Administra | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $88,300 | $76,717 | $0 | $76,717 | $66,900 | |
Books - Forms | $7,500 | $17,526 | $2,556 | $20,083 | $15,500 | |
Books - Discretionary | $9,000 | $13,925 | $1,185 | $15,110 | $12,100 | |
Periodicals | $89,100 | $79,443 | $50 | $79,493 | $60,800 | |
Serials | $39,000 | $42,834 | $30 | $42,864 | $45,000 | |
Databases | $54,900 | $79,823 | $3,134 | $82,957 | $86,500 | |
Business Administra | Total | $287,800 | $310,269 | $6,955 | $317,224 | $286,800 |
International Busin | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Books - Discretionary | $0 | $0 | -$73 | -$73 | $0 | |
Periodicals | $6,000 | $6,127 | $0 | $6,127 | $6,100 | |
Serials | $800 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
International Busin | Total | $6,800 | $6,127 | -$73 | $6,054 | $6,100 |
MBAGlobalAssetWealt | ||||||
Books - Forms | $2,500 | $1,521 | $133 | $1,654 | $2,500 | |
Books - Discretionary | $500 | $2,391 | $580 | $2,971 | $500 | |
MBAGlobalAssetWealt | Total | $3,000 | $3,911 | $713 | $4,625 | $3,000 |
MBA MOT(Mgt of Tech | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $2,500 | $2,744 | $131 | $2,876 | $2,500 | |
Books - Discretionary | $1,100 | $897 | $396 | $1,294 | $1,100 | |
Periodicals | $1,900 | $3,285 | $0 | $3,285 | $3,400 | |
Serials | $500 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
MBA MOT(Mgt of Tech | Total | $6,000 | $6,927 | $528 | $7,455 | $7,000 |
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION | Total | $303,600 | $327,235 | $8,123 | $335,358 | $302,900 |
EDUCATION | ||||||
Education General | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $36,500 | $43,113 | $0 | $43,113 | $38,100 | |
Books - Forms | $12,000 | $25,411 | $5,696 | $31,107 | $13,200 | |
Books - Discretionary | $14,000 | $15,445 | $3,631 | $19,076 | $14,000 | |
Textbooks | $19,400 | $16,045 | $9,603 | $25,649 | $21,000 | |
Periodicals | $58,200 | $50,077 | $273 | $50,350 | $38,800 | |
Serials | $10,000 | $5,831 | $703 | $6,534 | $6,800 | |
Databases | $7,800 | $7,973 | $0 | $7,973 | $8,300 | |
Education General | Total | $157,900 | $163,896 | $19,907 | $183,803 | $140,200 |
Children's Material | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $518 | $0 | $518 | $500 | |
Books - Forms | $1,000 | $89 | $108 | $197 | $1,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $5,500 | $5,586 | $767 | $6,353 | $6,000 | |
Children's Material | Total | $6,500 | $6,193 | $874 | $7,067 | $7,500 |
French Cohort Educa | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $134 | $0 | $134 | $0 | |
Books - Discretionary | $6,900 | $8,233 | $3,896 | $12,128 | $7,500 | |
Periodicals | $400 | $638 | $0 | $638 | $700 | |
Serials | $200 | $281 | $0 | $281 | $300 | |
Databases | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
French Cohort Educa | Total | $7,500 | $9,286 | $3,896 | $13,182 | $8,500 |
EDUCATION | Total | $171,900 | $179,375 | $24,677 | $204,052 | $156,200 |
Books - Approvals | $11,000 | $10,776 | $0 | $10,776 | $11,500 | |
Books - Forms | $45,000 | $57,598 | $9,495 | $67,093 | $65,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $85,000 | $24,871 | $2,855 | $27,726 | $29,300 | |
Special Projects | $0 | $2,915 | $219 | $3,134 | $0 | |
Periodicals | $107,000 | $51,703 | $1,068 | $52,771 | $85,300 | |
Serials | $2,000 | $47,113 | $988 | $48,101 | $2,000 | |
Databases | $13,500 | $33,921 | $0 | $33,921 | $24,300 | |
HEALTH SCIENCES | Total | $263,500 | $228,897 | $14,625 | $243,522 | $217,400 |
SCIENCE | ||||||
Biological Sciences | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $39,000 | $38,538 | $0 | $38,538 | $40,400 | |
Books - Forms | $17,800 | $28,337 | $8,478 | $36,814 | $20,500 | |
Books - Discretionary | $19,000 | $14,983 | $3,409 | $18,392 | $19,000 | |
Periodicals | $240,800 | $214,600 | $12,125 | $226,725 | $169,300 | |
Serials | $18,000 | $6,441 | $108 | $6,549 | $7,800 | |
Databases | $42,500 | $39,912 | $0 | $39,912 | $42,300 | |
Biological Sciences | Total | $377,100 | $342,811 | $24,119 | $366,930 | $299,300 |
Chemistry | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $18,000 | $17,553 | $0 | $17,553 | $18,700 | |
Books - Forms | $11,300 | $11,038 | -$474 | $10,564 | $17,100 | |
Books - Discretionary | $32,000 | $27,411 | $8,208 | $35,620 | $34,200 | |
Periodicals | $107,000 | $81,289 | $0 | $81,289 | $86,100 | |
Serials | $16,100 | $26,832 | $0 | $26,832 | $19,000 | |
Databases | $119,000 | $27,269 | $0 | $27,269 | $91,500 | |
Chemistry | Total | $303,400 | $191,393 | $7,734 | $199,128 | $266,600 |
Earth Sciences | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $3,900 | $3,309 | $0 | $3,309 | $3,900 | |
Books - Forms | $4,000 | $5,997 | $1,415 | $7,412 | $4,800 | |
Books - Discretionary | $11,000 | $7,270 | $2,563 | $9,833 | $11,000 | |
Periodicals | $48,400 | $36,504 | $248 | $36,752 | $34,200 | |
Serials | $0 | $1,800 | $0 | $1,800 | $1,900 | |
Databases | $7,600 | $4,646 | $0 | $4,646 | $4,500 | |
Earth Sciences | Total | $74,900 | $59,527 | $4,226 | $63,753 | $60,300 |
Mathematics | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $37,000 | $38,346 | $0 | $38,346 | $38,000 | |
Books - Forms | $1,400 | $3,392 | -$915 | $2,477 | $2,600 | |
Books - Discretionary | $17,000 | $11,588 | $1,243 | $12,831 | $17,000 | |
Periodicals | $47,200 | $53,485 | $474 | $53,959 | $55,300 | |
Serials | $4,000 | $5,013 | $133 | $5,146 | $4,300 | |
Databases | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Mathematics | Total | $106,600 | $111,824 | $934 | $112,759 | $117,200 |
MolecularBio&Bioche | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $16,000 | $18,967 | $0 | $18,967 | $17,900 | |
Books - Forms | $5,500 | $6,805 | $1,099 | $7,904 | $6,500 | |
Books - Discretionary | $10,200 | $11,744 | $407 | $12,151 | $11,900 | |
Periodicals | $136,300 | $73,490 | $23,286 | $96,776 | $74,000 | |
Serials | $11,800 | $7,689 | $0 | $7,689 | $8,300 | |
Databases | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
MolecularBio&Bioche | Total | $179,800 | $118,696 | $24,791 | $143,487 | $118,600 |
Physics | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $29,300 | $22,968 | $0 | $22,968 | $29,300 | |
Books - Forms | $7,300 | $6,591 | $12,720 | $19,311 | $19,800 | |
Books - Discretionary | $32,000 | $9,380 | $2,445 | $11,825 | $17,600 | |
Periodicals | $156,500 | $154,536 | $0 | $154,536 | $155,200 | |
Serials | $11,000 | $5,009 | $0 | $5,009 | $5,500 | |
Physics | Total | $236,100 | $198,484 | $15,165 | $213,649 | $227,400 |
Statistics | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $3,300 | $4,377 | $0 | $4,377 | $3,800 | |
Books - Forms | $4,700 | $5,564 | $324 | $5,888 | $5,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $4,000 | $1,855 | $4,824 | $6,679 | $4,300 | |
Periodicals | $42,400 | $50,345 | $0 | $50,345 | $48,000 | |
Serials | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Databases | $400 | $362 | $0 | $362 | $400 | |
Statistics | Total | $54,800 | $62,502 | $5,148 | $67,650 | $61,500 |
SCIENCE | Total | $1,332,700 | $1,085,238 | $82,118 | $1,167,356 | $1,150,900 |
Departments/Faculties | Total | $4,850,050 | $4,555,220 | $285,846 | $4,841,065 | $4,510,820 |
Miscellaneous | ||||||
Athletics/Recreation | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $2,400 | $1,349 | $99 | $1,448 | $2,400 | |
Books - Discretionary | $2,200 | $411 | $0 | $411 | $2,200 | |
Periodicals | $3,400 | $2,605 | $0 | $2,605 | $1,700 | |
Serials | $800 | $884 | $0 | $884 | $900 | |
Athletics/Recreation | Total | $8,800 | $5,248 | $99 | $5,347 | $7,200 |
Belzberg Lib Total | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $23 | $0 | $23 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $16,200 | $21,467 | $4,766 | $26,234 | $17,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $24,000 | $21,034 | $3,303 | $24,336 | $27,500 | |
Periodicals | $9,600 | $7,690 | $0 | $7,690 | $8,100 | |
Serials | $23,000 | $18,470 | $222 | $18,692 | $19,600 | |
Newspapers | $23,100 | $21,595 | $0 | $21,595 | $15,100 | |
Databases - Discretionary | $1,700 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Databases - Periodicals | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Databases - Serials | $0 | $0 | $1,251 | $1,251 | $0 | |
Ugrad Semester for Dialogue | $2,500 | $3,232 | $324 | $3,556 | $3,000 | |
Belzberg Lib Total | Total | $100,100 | $93,511 | $9,866 | $103,377 | $90,300 |
Databases | ||||||
Databases General | $0 | |||||
Discretionary | $0 | $422 | $0 | $422 | $0 | |
Serials | $215,000 | $132,435 | $18,628 | $151,063 | $160,000 | |
Databases General | Total | $215,000 | $132,857 | $18,628 | $151,485 | $160,000 |
Research Data Libra | ||||||
Books - Discretionary | $0 | $358 | $26 | $384 | $0 | |
Serials | $60,200 | $46,392 | $0 | $46,392 | $47,400 | |
Databases | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Research Data Libra | Total | $60,200 | $46,750 | $26 | $46,776 | $47,400 |
Databases | Total | $275,200 | $179,608 | $18,654 | $198,261 | $207,400 |
Gen ElecSerialsPackages | ||||||
Periodicals | $1,973,900 | $1,938,861 | $0 | $1,938,861 | $2,043,218 | |
Gen ElecSerialsPackages | Total | $1,973,900 | $1,938,861 | $0 | $1,938,861 | $2,043,218 |
General Diversity | ||||||
Books - Discretionary | $5,000 | $7,673 | $1,049 | $8,721 | $5,500 | |
Periodicals | $300 | $922 | $0 | $922 | $1,000 | |
General Diversity | Total | $5,300 | $8,595 | $1,049 | $9,643 | $6,500 |
General Humanities | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $974 | $0 | $974 | $1,000 | |
Books - Forms | $600 | $1,428 | $180 | $1,608 | $2,500 | |
Books - Discretionary | $1,800 | $1,352 | $97 | $1,449 | $1,800 | |
Periodicals | $5,800 | $7,707 | -$290 | $7,417 | $7,000 | |
Serials | $4,900 | $3,635 | $0 | $3,635 | $3,900 | |
Databases | $9,000 | $3,413 | $0 | $3,413 | $3,600 | |
General Humanities | Total | $22,100 | $18,508 | -$13 | $18,495 | $19,800 |
General Library | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $2,000 | $3,135 | $818 | $3,953 | $2,500 | |
Books - Discretionary | $25,000 | $62,676 | $34,405 | $97,080 | $32,000 | |
Video/DVD/Film | $84,000 | $85,720 | $9,759 | $95,478 | $85,000 | |
Periodicals | $37,600 | $42,841 | $75 | $42,916 | $44,300 | |
Serials | $125,500 | $113,674 | $873 | $114,547 | $120,000 | |
Databases | $2,800 | $1,623 | $0 | $1,623 | $2,800 | |
General Library | Total | $276,900 | $309,668 | $45,930 | $355,597 | $286,600 |
General Newspapers | ||||||
Serials | $94,500 | $87,498 | $0 | $87,498 | $120,400 | |
Databases | $800 | $690 | $0 | $690 | $800 | |
General Newspapers | Total | $95,300 | $88,188 | $0 | $88,188 | $121,200 |
General Sciences | $0 | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $34 | $0 | $34 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $1,100 | $1,766 | $649 | $2,415 | $1,100 | |
Books - Discretionary | $3,000 | $1,023 | $1,032 | $2,055 | $3,000 | |
Periodicals | $24,200 | $11,540 | $0 | $11,540 | $12,200 | |
Serials | $6,100 | $2,786 | $0 | $2,786 | $3,300 | |
Databases | $38,900 | $20,630 | $0 | $20,630 | $21,700 | |
General Sciences | Total | $73,300 | $37,778 | $1,681 | $39,459 | $41,300 |
General Social Sciences | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $1,000 | $2,260 | $1,110 | $3,371 | $1,200 | |
Books - Discretionary | $5,500 | $5,872 | $2,271 | $8,143 | $5,800 | |
Periodicals | $47,900 | $45,706 | $212 | $45,918 | $39,600 | |
Serials | $50,000 | $45,538 | $0 | $45,538 | $47,800 | |
Databases | $6,500 | $9,290 | $0 | $9,290 | $10,000 | |
General Social Sciences | Total | $110,900 | $108,666 | $3,593 | $112,259 | $104,400 |
General SpecialProjects | ||||||
GenSpecialProjDiscr | ||||||
Discretionary(special) | $200,000 | $402,049 | $9,211 | $411,260 | $186,000 | |
General Alternate Format | $65,000 | $55,824 | $0 | $55,824 | $60,000 | |
General ILL/Acquisitions | $20,000 | $8,538 | $936 | $9,474 | $10,000 | |
GenSpecialProjDiscr | Total | $285,000 | $466,411 | $10,147 | $476,558 | $256,000 |
GenSpecialProjSeria | ||||||
Serials | $5,000 | $3,096 | $765 | $3,861 | $103,000 | |
GenSpecialProjSeria | Total | $5,000 | $3,096 | $765 | $3,861 | $103,000 |
General SpecialProjects | Total | $290,000 | $469,743 | $10,911 | $480,654 | $359,000 |
General Student Learning Commons | ||||||
Books - Discretionary | $5,000 | |||||
Periodicals | $1,000 | |||||
Databases | $0 | |||||
General SLC total | $6,000 | |||||
Latin American Studies | ||||||
Periodicals | $12,200 | |||||
Serials | $200 | |||||
Databases | $4,200 | |||||
Latin American Studies | Total | $16,600 | ||||
Maps | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $0 | $0 | -$35 | -$35 | $0 | |
Books - Discretionary | $2,500 | $1,436 | $13 | $1,449 | $2,500 | |
Periodicals | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Serials | $300 | $268 | $0 | $268 | $300 | |
Databases | $3,400 | $6,192 | $0 | $6,192 | $3,500 | |
Maps | Total | $6,200 | $7,896 | -$22 | $7,874 | $6,300 |
Replacement Monogs/Seri | ||||||
Books - Discretionary | $8,000 | $8,211 | $11,133 | $19,344 | $10,000 | |
Periodicals | $0 | $173 | $16 | $189 | $0 | |
Serials | $0 | $0 | $389 | $389 | $0 | |
Replacement Monogs/Seri | Total | $8,000 | $8,384 | $11,537 | $19,921 | $10,000 |
SpecialCollectionsTotal | ||||||
Special Collecs Gen | $0 | |||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $0 | $29 | $29 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Books - Discretionary | $52,000 | $197,152 | $655 | $197,806 | $55,000 | |
Periodicals | $1,200 | $1,223 | $0 | $1,223 | $1,300 | |
Serials | $200 | $138 | $30 | $168 | $200 | |
Special Collecs Gen | Total | $53,400 | $198,512 | $714 | $199,226 | $56,500 |
SpecCol ContLitCol( | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $0 | $0 | $33 | $33 | $0 | |
Books - Forms | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Books - Discretionary | $22,500 | $33,060 | $1,890 | $34,950 | $20,000 | |
Periodicals | $1,000 | $727 | $0 | $727 | $1,000 | |
Serials | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
SpecCol ContLitCol( | Total | $23,500 | $33,787 | $1,923 | $35,710 | $21,000 |
Spec Collecs Wordsw | ||||||
Books - Discretionary | $3,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,000 | |
Spec Collecs Wordsw | Total | $3,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,000 |
SpecialCollectionsTotal | Total | $79,900 | $232,298 | $2,637 | $234,935 | $80,500 |
Surrey Library | ||||||
Books - Approvals | $11,000 | $10,574 | $0 | $10,574 | $14,000 | |
Books - Forms | $30,000 | $56,263 | $8,294 | $64,556 | $65,000 | |
Books - Discretionary | $133,000 | $132,873 | $35,440 | $168,313 | $164,700 | |
Video/DVD/Games | $19,000 | $40,386 | $1,478 | $41,864 | $20,000 | |
Special Projects | $12,000 | $13,835 | $2,142 | $15,977 | $0 | |
Periodicals | $15,000 | $21,536 | $1,255 | $22,791 | $25,000 | |
Serials | $3,500 | $3,989 | $325 | $4,314 | $5,000 | |
Databases | $43,000 | $41,908 | $503 | $42,411 | $43,000 | |
Surrey Library | Total | $266,500 | $321,363 | $49,438 | $370,801 | $336,700 |
Miscellaneous | Total | $3,592,400 | $3,829,448 | $155,360 | $3,743,018 | |
$0 | ||||||
Binding | $0 | |||||
Monographs | $15,000 | $11,281 | $0 | $11,281 | $12,000 | |
Theses | $35,500 | $39,645 | $0 | $39,645 | $42,000 | |
Serials | $60,000 | $66,475 | $0 | $66,475 | $60,000 | |
Binding | Total | $110,500 | $117,400 | $0 | $117,400 | $114,000 |
Inter Library Loans | $0 | |||||
ILL Charges | $150,000 | $135,961 | $0 | $135,961 | $140,000 | |
Inter Library Loans | Total | $150,000 | $135,961 | $0 | $135,961 | $140,000 |
$0 | ||||||
OPERATING BUDGET TOTAL | Total | $8,702,950 | $8,638,029 | $441,206 | $8,507,838 | |