SFU Library Materials Budget 2003-2004

Here is the 2003/2004 Library Materials Budget as supported by the Senate Library Committee at its meeting July 14, 2003.

Each year the Library creates a Library Materials Budget that strives to strike a suitable balance between books, serials and periodicals, while accommodating the different materials needs of the various disciplines. It also considers the fluctuating Canadian dollar, inflation and increases in both serial and periodical subscriptions.

We continue to monitor the book purchases by each account and keep a close eye on the journal purchases. We also continue to provide the flexibility of moving discretionary funds to increase serials/periodical purchases, if so desired. To ensure that book purchases are not overlooked by any single fund, we reserve the right to allow up to only 90% of the total fund to cover serial and periodical purchases.

In establishing this year's Library Materials budget, the following principles have been applied:

1. Past experience has shown that scientific, medical and technical serial and periodical subscriptions have greater price increases than other subject areas. As a general rule, Science and Applied Science serial and periodical allocations are set based on a 9% increase over 2002/03 expenditures. All other subscriptions including databases have been increased by 8%.

2. Where book funds - approvals, forms, or discretionary - were fully expended in 2002/03, they have been increased by 4%. Where they were not fully expended they have been left at the same value as 2002/03.

3. With the migration of several hundred journals to electronic-only status as part of e-journal packages during this fiscal year, there has been a major shift in the allocation of serials funds. Where print journals are being discontinued in favour of online versions, periodical funds have been moved out of departmental lines on a title-by-title basis and into the General Library Electronic Periodicals line from which the renewal costs of the packages will be paid. This amounts to $1.6million in this budget. See separate memo for details.

4. The Library has contributed $20,000 toward establishing a collection in support of Health Studies, and anticipates receiving an equal contribution from IHRE.

5. The Library has contributed $3,000 of the collection budget toward the cost of establishing a collection to support the Master of Public Policy program at the Harbour Centre campus. The Library's course assessment of this new program was based on the understanding the program would be run in Burnaby and thus additional materials would not be required; the $3,000 allocation reflects the additional collection cost of running the program separate from other similar programs. This raises a more general issue that will need to continue to be addressed.

If you have any questions about the Library Materials Budget, please feel free to contact Gwen Bird at 778.782.3263 or gbird@sfu.ca.

Guide to headings used in this document
To make reading this budget easier, library fund codes have been replaced with more generic headings. Not all funds will have all the following headings:

Books - Approvals
Books - Approvals: purchases received in book form based on subject profiles set up with our major book vendor. Primary subjects are covered by these Approvals profiles. Approximately 65% of all book titles purchased come in on Approval.

Books - Forms
Books - Forms: purchases from information forms received based on subject profiles set up with our major book vendor. Secondary subjects are covered by forms in the profiles.

Books - Discretionary
Books- Discretionary: purchases from information provided by faculty and students. Depending on the subject area, mainly secondary subjects are covered by Discretionary purchases.

Periodicals cover the journals purchased by the Library.

Serials cover other regularly purchased items that are bought from year to year. These consist of yearbooks, annuals, handbooks, etc.

Databases cover electronic indexes that are purchased each year. Subject based databases are covered in the departmental budgets and more general databases are purchased out of the general funds.

Library Materials Budget 2003-2004

02/03 Appropriation 02/03 Expenditure 02/03 Encumbrance 02/03 Total spent and encumbered Budget 03/04
Books - Approvals 20,200 19,783 0 $19,783 $20,200
Books - Forms 1,400 4,540 254 $4,795 $3,000
Books - Discretionary 6,900 6,211 620 $6,831 $6,900
Periodicals 26,000 24,520 3,206 $27,726 $25,100
Serials 300 230 0 $230 $250
Databases 0 1,779 0 $1,779 $2,000
Communications TOTAL 54,800 57,062 4,080 $61,142 $57,450
Computing Science
Books - Approvals 42,900 32,445 -889 $31,556 $14,900
Books - Forms 10,600 24,360 -997 $23,363 $11,000
Books - Discretionary 10,400 12,850 2,618 $15,468 $31,000
Periodicals 127,800 156,583 984 $157,567 $102,864
Serials 58,000 43,410 240 $43,650 $72,300
Databases $0 $43,200
Computing Science TOTAL 249,700 269,648 1,956 $271,604 $275,264
Engineering Science
Books - Approvals 53,000 40,739 0 $40,739 $45,000
Books - Forms 3,100 12,126 1,211 $13,337 $11,100
Books - Discretionary 4,000 8,211 5,210 $13,421 $9,500
Periodicals 118,000 139,318 4,182 $143,500 $110,400
Serials 1,400 4,822 0 $4,822 $3,000
Databases 30,000 49,833 0 $49,833 $56,600
Engineering Science TOTAL 209,500 255,048 10,604 $265,651 $235,600
Books - Approvals 14,500 12,100 0 $12,100 $13,000
Books - Forms 6,900 6,484 -327 $6,158 $6,900
Books - Discretionary 2,200 3,092 2,729 $5,822 $5,300
Periodicals 139,000 128,440 264 $128,704 $99,300
Serials 5,400 7,841 0 $7,841 $6,000
Databases 4,100 4,225 0 $4,225 $4,600
Kinesiology TOTAL 172,100 162,182 2,667 $164,849 $135,100
Resource & Environ Mgnt
Books - Approvals 1,400 331 0 $331 $500
Books - Forms 7,000 9,460 -26 $9,434 $8,000
Books - Discretionary 2,400 2,032 926 $2,958 $2,000
Periodicals 19,500 17,592 0 $17,592 $7,900
Serials 600 488 0 $488 $550
Resource & Environ Mgn TOTAL 30,900 29,903 900 $30,802 $18,950
APPLIED SCIENCE TOTAL 717,000 773,842 19,838 $793,680 $722,364
Books - Approvals 17,100 17,161 0 $17,161 $17,500
Books - Forms 1,000 819 329 $1,148 $1,000
Books - Discretionary 900 178 315 $492 $900
Periodicals 16,900 19,549 0 $19,549 $20,900
Serials 1,500 1,200 0 $1,200 $1,300
Databases 5,800 5,448 0 $5,448 $5,800
Anthropology TOTAL 43,200 44,355 644 $44,999 $47,400
Books - Approvals 9,800 12,472 0 $12,472 $10,000
Books - Forms 3,800 4,660 104 $4,764 $4,000
Books - Discretionary 4,000 3,985 1,151 $5,136 $4,200
Periodicals 26,100 26,374 317 $26,691 $25,700
Serials 2,900 2,924 123 $3,047 $3,100
Databases 1,900 1,591 0 $1,591 $1,799
Archaeology TOTAL 48,500 52,006 1,695 $53,701 $48,799
Contemp Arts Total
Contemp Arts - General
Books - Approvals 50,800 58,114 0 $58,114 $56,000
Books - Forms 21,900 28,551 614 $29,165 $28,000
Books - Discretionary 16,400 12,400 6,797 $19,197 $13,000
Periodicals 18,300 19,657 0 $19,657 $20,850
Serials 6,700 8,631 80 $8,711 $7,500
Databases 24,600 22,077 0 $22,077 $23,000
Contemp Arts - Gene TOTAL 138,700 149,429 7,491 $156,920 $148,350
Discretionary 5,900 5,488 742 $6,230 $5,900
Discretionary 3,800 3,967 1,807 $5,774 $3,800
ContArts - MFA
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Forms 0 0 139 $139 $0
Books - Discretionary 800 643 -117 $526 $800
Periodicals 4,800 5,350 -123 $5,227 $5,600
Serials 1,400 235 179 $414 $1,000
ContArts - MFA TOTAL 7,000 6,227 79 $6,306 $7,400
Contemp Arts Total TOTAL 155,400 165,111 10,119 $175,230 $165,450
Books - Approvals 26,400 31,238 0 $31,238 $30,000
Books - Forms 7,000 6,682 118 $6,801 $7,000
Books - Discretionary 2,100 1,112 170 $1,282 $1,100
Periodicals 38,600 40,916 0 $40,916 $39,700
Serials 27,100 23,463 0 $23,463 $27,100
Databases 1,350 1,415 0 $1,415 $1,500
Criminology TOTAL 102,550 104,826 289 $105,114 $106,400
Books - Approvals 101,300 114,125 0 $114,125 $106,000
Books - Forms 2,900 1,269 481 $1,749 $1,900
Books - Discretionary 4,700 8,619 1,377 $9,996 $5,900
Periodicals 137,000 155,573 27 $155,600 $105,500
Serials 49,450 56,395 248 $56,643 $60,000
Databases 4,800 5,145 0 $5,145 $5,500
Economics TOTAL 300,150 341,126 2,133 $343,259 $284,800
Books - Approvals 58,600 67,489 -10 $67,480 $65,000
Books - Forms 43,200 38,001 1,380 $39,381 $43,200
Books - Discretionary 15,800 9,490 6,451 $15,941 $15,800
Special Projects 3,872 1,076 1,805 $2,881 $3,900
Periodicals 23,128 24,731 662 $25,393 $21,500
Serials 14,600 14,633 26 $14,658 $15,800
Databases 6,600 710 0 $710 $6,600
English TOTAL 165,800 156,131 10,314 $166,445 $171,800
Books - Approvals 3,100 1,564 0 $1,564 $2,000
Books - Forms 7,000 9,249 2,453 $11,703 $8,400
Books - Discretionary 16,800 11,656 5,918 $17,574 $16,800
Periodicals 5,000 5,738 44 $5,782 $6,200
Serials 1,600 1,482 0 $1,482 $1,600
Databases 800 785 0 $785 $800
French TOTAL 34,300 30,475 8,415 $38,890 $35,800
Geography/Urban Studies
Books - Approvals 12,400 23,930 0 $23,930 $17,400
Books - Forms 4,100 1,865 -763 $1,102 $1,900
Books - Discretionary 6,700 6,000 1,347 $7,347 $7,000
Periodicals 101,100 98,653 0 $98,653 $78,000
Serials 1,300 2,018 0 $2,018 $2,000
Databases 0 0 0 $0 $0
Geography TOTAL 125,600 132,466 584 $133,049 $106,300
Grad Dip Urban Studies
Books - Approvals 0 321 0 $321 $0
Books - Forms 5,250 2,296 110 $2,406 $5,250
Books - Discretionary 3,700 6,330 1,545 $7,875 $4,000
Periodicals 1,600 4,387 20 $4,407 $3,200
Serials 0 0 0 $0 $0
Grad Dip Urban Stud TOTAL 10,550 13,334 1,675 $15,009 $12,450
Geography/Urban Studie TOTAL 136,150 145,800 2,259 $148,059 $118,750
Books - Approvals 0 304 0 $304 $0
Books - Forms 2,400 1,334 303 $1,637 $2,400
Books - Discretionary 2,600 3,373 414 $3,787 $2,800
Periodicals 20,000 17,401 -303 $17,098 $17,850
Serials 700 0 575 $575 $700
Databases 4,100 4,024 0 $4,024 $4,300
Gerontology TOTAL 29,800 26,437 989 $27,426 $28,050
Books - Approvals 31,050 20,785 0 $20,785 $23,000
Books - Forms 23,200 35,058 2,035 $37,093 $30,200
Books - Discretionary 25,850 20,970 11,722 $32,692 $27,000
Periodicals 36,000 34,198 -307 $33,890 $34,500
Serials 7,800 6,989 0 $6,989 $7,800
Databases 5,200 0 1,000 $1,000 $1,000
History TOTAL 129,100 117,999 14,450 $132,449 $123,500
Humanities Dept
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Forms 0 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Discretionary 2,400 2,344 345 $2,689 $3,500
Periodicals 1,000 964 0 $964 $1,000
Serials 0 147 0 $147 $0
Databases 0 0 0 $0 $0
Humanities Dept TOTAL 3,400 3,455 345 $3,800 $4,500
Books - Approvals 16,300 12,623 0 $12,623 $16,300
Books - Forms 13,000 12,771 102 $12,872 $14,000
Books - Discretionary 1,100 1,081 804 $1,885 $1,300
Periodicals 27,400 29,663 171 $29,834 $22,000
Serials 5,200 5,119 0 $5,119 $5,500
Linguistics TOTAL 63,000 61,257 1,077 $62,333 $59,100
Literatures-Misc Foreig
Books - Approvals 10,350 14,435 0 $14,435 $14,000
Books - Forms 1,500 1,597 267 $1,865 $1,600
Books - Discretionary 700 1,093 253 $1,346 $1,000
Periodicals 1,600 762 0 $762 $900
Serials 400 528 0 $528 $550
Literatures-Misc Forei TOTAL 14,550 18,415 520 $18,935 $18,050
MA Liberal Studies
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Forms 1,100 0 23 $23 $1,100
Books - Discretionary 10,000 8,911 4,528 $13,439 $11,000
Periodicals 1,300 913 0 $913 $1,000
Serials 2,400 828 0 $828 $2,400
MA Liberal Studies TOTAL 14,800 10,652 4,551 $15,202 $15,500
MA Publishing
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Forms 400 515 -153 $362 $400
Books - Discretionary 3,600 3,193 2,025 $5,218 $3,800
Periodicals 1,200 1,264 -99 $1,165 $1,150
Serials 1,600 1,513 216 $1,729 $1,650
MA Publishing TOTAL 6,800 6,485 1,989 $8,474 $7,000
Books - Approvals 32,700 49,406 0 $49,406 $35,000
Books - Forms 3,000 3,956 -678 $3,278 $3,000
Books - Discretionary 1,000 863 190 $1,053 $1,000
Periodicals 25,800 26,882 0 $26,882 $27,600
Serials 2,900 2,329 0 $2,329 $2,900
Databases 3,600 6,372 0 $6,372 $6,700
Philosophy TOTAL 69,000 89,808 -488 $89,320 $76,200
Political Science
Books - Approvals 90,000 94,272 0 $94,272 $93,700
Books - Forms 9,000 17,657 943 $18,600 $11,700
Books - Discretionary 9,100 5,496 1,352 $6,847 $7,300
Periodicals 67,200 63,844 0 $63,844 $65,700
Serials 20,300 24,426 75 $24,501 $26,400
Databases 3,000 3,501 0 $3,501 $3,700
Political Science TOTAL 198,600 209,195 2,370 $211,565 $208,500
Books - Approvals 21,000 27,538 0 $27,538 $29,000
Books - Forms 5,700 6,142 -505 $5,637 $6,000
Books - Discretionary 4,650 6,495 1,074 $7,569 $4,900
Periodicals 152,000 143,790 3,258 $147,048 $94,100
Serials 1,900 1,661 0 $1,661 $1,900
Databases 2,000 1,721 0 $1,721 $2,000
Psychology TOTAL 187,250 187,348 3,828 $191,175 $137,900
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Forms 1,500 239 0 $239 $1,500
Books - Discretionary 4,800 2,602 1,447 $4,049 $4,800
Periodicals 6,800 9,803 519 $10,322 $10,450
Serials 500 502 0 $502 $500
Databases 5,000 2,584 0 $2,584 $5,000
LatinAmerStudiesGenera TOTAL 18,600 15,730 1,966 $17,696 $22,250
MA LatinAmericanStudies
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 $0
Books - Forms 3,000 465 48 $513 $3,000
Books - Discretionary 1,000 653 0 $653 $1,000
Periodicals 5,000 4,798 150 $4,948 $4,900
Serials 300 0 55 $55 $300
MA LatinAmericanStudie TOTAL 9,300 5,917 253 $6,170 $9,200
Books - Approvals 95,800 104,962 0 $104,962 $104,000
Books - Forms 9,400 8,991 1,294 $10,285 $9,400
Books - Discretionary 10,600 10,386 1,717 $12,103 $10,600
Periodicals 54,400 61,702 125 $61,826 $62,500
Serials 2,700 3,262 0 $3,262 $3,500
Databases 8,500 18,129 0 $18,129 $6,850
Sociology TOTAL 181,400 207,431 3,136 $210,568 $196,850
Women's Studies
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 $0
Books - Forms 700 407 15 $422 $700
Books - Discretionary 4,600 2,149 1,519 $3,667 $4,600
Periodicals 8,500 8,786 777 $9,563 $6,900
Serials 900 80 0 $80 $900
Databases 1,800 3,793 0 $3,793 $4,000
Women's Studies TOTAL 16,500 15,216 2,311 $17,526 $17,100
ARTS TOTAL 1,928,150 2,015,173 73,163 $2,088,336 $1,902,899
Business Administration
Books - Approvals 81,300 96,377 0 $96,377 $91,000
Books - Forms 9,500 2,081 -18 $2,063 $2,500
Books - Discretionary 4,200 6,971 741 $7,712 $5,500
Periodicals 131,800 131,724 272 $131,996 $111,800
Serials 36,900 28,528 1,390 $29,918 $36,900
Databases 25,000 24,186 268 $24,453 $26,200
Business Administratio TOTAL 288,700 289,867 2,653 $292,520 $273,900
International Business
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 $0
Books - Forms 0 0 0 $0
Books - Discretionary 400 0 -73 -$73
Periodicals 8,500 16,090 0 $16,090 $9,050
Serials 900 954 0 $954 $1,000
International Business TOTAL 9,800 17,044 -73 $16,971 $10,050
Books - Forms 0 1,067 16 $1,082 $500
Books - Discretionary 5,700 4,607 41 $4,648 $1,500
MBAGlobalAssetWealthMg TOTAL 5,700 5,674 56 $5,730 $2,000
MBA MOT(Mgt of Technol)
Books - Forms 0 1,560 0 $1,560
Books - Discretionary 5,000 938 0 $938 $2,000
Periodicals 5,000 1,854 2,584 $4,438 $5,000
Serials 500 0 0 $0 $500
MBA MOT(Mgt of Technol TOTAL 10,500 4,353 2,584 $6,937 $7,500
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TOTAL 314,700 316,938 5,220 $322,158 $293,450
Education General
Books - Approvals 35,800 36,444 0 $36,444 $37,200
Books - Forms 2,800 7,200 87 $7,288 $3,100
Books - Discretionary 8,300 9,596 3,557 $13,153 $8,800
Textbooks 12,000 3,740 5,881 $9,621 $12,000
Periodicals 64,000 61,893 998 $62,891 $59,800
Serials 11,800 7,850 642 $8,492 $10,000
Databases 14,000 10,228 0 $10,228 $11,000
Education General TOTAL 148,700 136,952 11,165 $148,117 $141,900
Children's Materials
Books - Approvals 500 8 0 $8 $0
Books - Forms 500 818 0 $818 $1,000
Books - Discretionary 3,200 2,191 117 $2,308 $3,300
Children's Materials TOTAL 4,200 3,017 117 $3,134 $4,300
EDUCATION TOTAL 152,900 139,969 11,282 $151,251 $146,200
Biological Sciences
Books - Approvals 35,800 39,690 0 $39,690 $37,000
Books - Forms 14,800 15,657 -5 $15,652 $15,400
Books - Discretionary 10,300 11,170 223 $11,393 $10,800
Periodicals 562,800 466,716 12,413 $479,129 $346,300
Serials 26,800 16,236 108 $16,344 $18,000
Databases 53,800 46,692 0 $46,692 $50,400
Biological Sciences TOTAL 704,300 596,162 12,739 $608,900 $477,900
Books - Approvals 17,900 16,998 0 $16,998 $18,600
Books - Forms 8,400 7,709 -1,258 $6,451 $8,400
Books - Discretionary 8,100 14,844 462 $15,306 $8,700
Periodicals 463,200 427,455 0 $427,455 $227,700
Serials 43,100 42,749 0 $42,749 $10,400
Databases 68,900 66,149 0 $66,149 $72,100
Chemistry TOTAL 609,600 575,904 -796 $575,109 $345,900
Earth Sciences
Books - Approvals 3,100 1,297 0 $1,297 $3,100
Books - Forms 1,100 1,316 0 $1,316 $1,100
Books - Discretionary 2,600 3,777 879 $4,657 $5,900
Periodicals 78,200 75,565 248 $75,813 $42,300
Serials 1,800 2,253 0 $2,253 $2,400
Databases 11,200 4,052 0 $4,052 $4,600
Earth Sciences TOTAL 98,000 88,260 1,127 $89,387 $59,400
Books - Approvals 38,300 45,372 0 $45,372 $40,100
Books - Forms 4,600 3,230 -876 $2,355 $4,400
Books - Discretionary 3,200 5,357 571 $5,929 $3,600
Periodicals 199,700 203,076 474 $203,550 $91,500
Serials 2,000 6,360 0 $6,360 $4,000
Databases 0 0 0 $0 $0
Mathematics TOTAL 247,800 263,395 170 $263,565 $143,600
Books - Approvals 12,000 4,752 0 $4,752 $8,000
Books - Forms 5,300 5,206 818 $6,024 $5,500
Books - Discretionary 4,800 9,689 1,710 $11,399 $9,300
Periodicals 320,300 228,560 25,455 $254,015 $131,200
Serials 3,800 6,687 0 $6,687 $7,300
Databases 0 0 0 $0 $0
MolecularBio&Biochemis TOTAL 346,200 254,894 27,983 $282,877 $161,300
Books - Approvals 25,100 21,445 0 $21,445 $25,100
Books - Forms 7,700 3,239 -6 $3,234 $2,700
Books - Discretionary 2,100 7,344 8,387 $15,732 $7,800
Periodicals 596,800 528,696 0 $528,696 $269,300
Serials 7,500 5,126 0 $5,126 $7,500
Physics TOTAL 639,200 565,851 8,382 $574,233 $312,400
Books - Approvals 8,100 4,547 0 $4,547 $3,000
Books - Forms 1,500 1,438 0 $1,438 $1,500
Books - Discretionary 7,000 10,887 249 $11,137 $8,700
Periodicals 56,200 56,182 0 $56,182 $49,700
Serials 0 0 0 $0 $0
Databases 400 572 0 $572 $600
Statistics TOTAL 73,200 73,626 249 $73,875 $63,500
SCIENCE TOTAL 2,718,300 2,418,092 49,854 $2,467,946 $1,564,000
Departments/Faculties TOTAL 5,831,050 5,664,013 159,357 $5,823,370 $4,628,913
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Forms 600 1,370 110 $1,480 $600
Books - Discretionary 500 62 36 $98 $500
Periodicals 3,400 3,479 0 $3,479 $3,700
Serials 600 861 0 $861 $700
Athletics/Recreation TOTAL 5,100 5,771 146 $5,917 $5,500
Belzberg Lib Total
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Forms 11,700 9,820 1,603 $11,423 $11,700
Books - Discretionary 15,900 16,379 2,126 $18,505 $16,600
Periodicals 10,300 11,617 0 $11,617 $11,300
Serials 33,400 19,626 111 $19,737 $30,700
Newspapers 25,400 23,426 0 $23,426 $25,400
Databases - Discretionary 2,100 567 0 $567 $1,700
Databases - Periodicals 0 0 0 $0 $0
Databases - Serials 0 0 0 $0 $0
Ugrad Semester for Dialogue 0 654 60 $714 $700
Master Public Policy $3,000
Belzberg Lib Total TOTAL 98,800 82,089 3,899 $85,988 $101,100
Databases General
Discretionary 900 0 0 $0 $0
Serials 189,000 202,417 6,000 $208,417 $219,000
Databases General TOTAL 189,900 202,417 6,000 $208,417 $219,000
Research Data Library
Books - Discretionary 500 499 157 $656 $550
Serials 65,800 43,357 0 $43,357 $65,700
Databases 0 0 0 $0 $0
Research Data Library TOTAL 66,300 43,857 157 $44,014 $66,250
Databases TOTAL 256,200 246,273 6,157 $252,430 $285,250
General Diversity
Books - Discretionary $2,400
Periodicals $1,600
General Diveristy TOTAL $4,000
Gen ElecSerialsPackages
Periodicals 0 45,166 0 $45,166 $1,673,500
General Humanities
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Forms 1,000 227 -14 $213 $600
Books - Discretionary 1,200 2,373 401 $2,773 $1,700
Periodicals 6,500 8,990 -418 $8,572 $9,600
Serials 5,300 5,414 0 $5,414 $5,800
Databases 10,500 12,187 0 $12,187 $13,100
General Humanities TOTAL 24,500 29,190 -31 $29,159 $30,800
General IHRE
Books - Approvals $0
Books - Forms $0
Books - Discretionary $10,000
Periodicals $30,000
Serials $0
Databases $0
General IHRE TOTAL $40,000
General Library
Books - Approvals 200 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Forms 4,000 1,411 -11 $1,400 $2,000
Books - Discretionary 20,000 177,272 1,940 $179,212 $21,000
Videos $0 $51,000
Periodicals 32,700 35,082 294 $35,375 $36,200
Serials 124,900 118,555 2,610 $121,165 $127,600
Databases 12,400 9,150 0 $9,150 $10,100
General Library TOTAL 194,200 341,470 4,833 $346,303 $247,900
General Newspapers
Serials 84,000 84,823 0 $84,823 $91,000
Databases 700 668 0 $668 $700
General Newspapers TOTAL 84,700 85,491 0 $85,491 $91,700
General Sciences
Books - Approvals 2,000 4,269 0 $4,269 $2,000
Books - Forms 600 69 0 $69 $600
Books - Discretionary 1,000 3,841 94 $3,935 $3,000
Periodicals 19,000 19,140 0 $19,140 $20,700
Serials 0 3,058 0 $3,058 $3,500
Databases 8,000 16,591 0 $16,591 $17,900
General Sciences TOTAL 30,600 46,968 94 $47,063 $47,700
General Social Sciences
Books - Approvals 200 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Forms 500 410 -73 $337 $400
Books - Discretionary 4,200 9,214 1,226 $10,440 $5,000
Periodicals 54,400 56,129 0 $56,129 $50,400
Serials 54,600 55,146 0 $55,146 $59,500
Databases 8,000 12,572 0 $12,572 $8,500
General Social Sciences TOTAL 121,900 133,471 1,153 $134,624 $123,800
General SpecialProjects
General Alternate Format
Discretionary(alt format) $50,000
General Ereserves
Discretionary(e-reserves) $3,750
General ILL/Acquisitions
Discretionary(ILL/Acqu) $15,000
Discretionary(special) 0 18,434 2,284 $20,718 $18,000
Serials(special) 0 64,735 4,001 $68,736 $4,000
General SpecialProjects TOTAL 0 83,169 6,285 $89,454 $90,750
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Forms 600 30 177 $208 $600
Books - Discretionary 2,500 1,110 96 $1,206 $2,500
Periodicals 0 0 0 $0 $0
Serials 1,300 77 0 $77 $300
Databases 2,300 3,117 0 $3,117 $3,300
Maps TOTAL 6,700 4,333 274 $4,607 $6,700
Replacement Monogs/Seri
Books - Discretionary 7,000 5,063 2,686 $7,749 $7,000
Periodicals 0 203 16 $219 $0
Serials 0 0 329 $329 $0
Replacement Monogs/Seri TOTAL 7,000 5,267 3,031 $8,297 $7,000
Special Collecs General
Books - Approvals 0 0 29 $29 $0
Books - Forms 0 0 40 $40 $0
Books - Discretionary 9,400 32,640 556 $33,196 $27,500
Periodicals 0 203 0 $203 $1,000
Serials 0 44 30 $74 $100
Special Collecs Genera TOTAL 9,400 32,886 655 $33,541 $28,600
SpecCol ContLitCol(CLC)
Books - Approvals 3,300 1,360 0 $1,360 $1,600
Books - Forms 0 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Discretionary 13,000 16,162 1,307 $17,469 $15,600
Periodicals 900 948 0 $948 $1,000
Serials 0 0 0 $0 $0
SpecCol ContLitCol(CLC TOTAL 17,200 18,470 1,307 $19,777 $18,200
Spec Collecs Wordsworth
Books - Discretionary 0 3,212 0 $3,212 $3,000
Spec Collecs Wordswort TOTAL 0 3,212 0 $3,212 $3,000
SpecialCollectionsTotal TOTAL 26,600 54,567 1,963 $56,530 $49,800
Surrey Library
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 $0 $0
Books - Forms 15,000 13,606 48 $13,654 $15,000
Books - Discretionary 21,000 24,161 5,421 $29,582 $20,000
Videos 4,000 10,340 981 $11,321 $10,000
Periodicals 12,000 5,169 30 $5,199 $10,000
Serials 4,000 452 395 $847 $2,000
Databases 15,000 20,506 0 $20,506 $23,000
Surrey Library TOTAL 71,000 74,234 6,875 $81,108 $80,000
Miscellaneous TOTAL 927,300 1,237,493 34,677 $1,272,170 $2,885,500
Monographs 27,000 17,052 0 $17,052 $17,900
Theses 35,000 32,989 0 $32,989 $35,000
Serials 80,000 95,708 0 $95,708 $80,000
Binding TOTAL 142,000 145,748 0 $145,748 $132,900
Inter Library Loans
ILL Charges 191,000 169,356 0 $169,356 $191,000
Inter Library Loans TOTAL 191,000 169,356 0 $169,356 $191,000
OPERATING BUDGET TOTAL TOTAL 7,091,350 7,216,611 194,034 $7,410,645 $7,838,313