Library Materials Budget 2002-2003

SFU Library Materials Budget 2002-2003

Here is the 2002/2003 Library Materials Budget as supported by the Senate Library Committee at its meeting August 12, 2002.

Each year we attempt to strike a suitable balance in the Library Materials Budget among books, serials, periodicals, and electronic databases, while accommodating the different materials needs of the various disciplines. We also consider the fluctuating Canadian dollar, inflation and price increases. We continue to monitor the book purchases by each account and keep a close eye on the journal purchases. We also continue to provide the flexibility of moving discretionary funds to increase serials/periodical purchases, if so desired. To ensure that book purchases are not overlooked by any single fund, we reserve the right to allow up to only 90% of the total fund to cover serial and periodical purchases.

In establishing this year's Library Materials budget, the following principles have been applied:

  1. Past experience has shown that scientific, medical and technical serial and periodical subscriptions have greater price increases than other subject areas. As a general rule, Science and Applied Science serial and periodical allocations are set based on a 9% increase over 2001/02 expenditures. All other subscriptions including databases have been increased by 8%. However, in departments and formats that experienced a lower rate of growth last year, the percentage increase has been adjusted down appropriately.
  2. Where book funds - approvals, forms, or discretionary - were fully expended in 2001/02, they have been increased by 3.5%. Where they were not fully expended they have been left at the same value as 2001/02. Where they were not fully expended in 2001/02 and have not been for more than one year, in some cases, they have been decreased slightly.
  3. Rarely used general library serial and periodical subscriptions will continue to be reviewed and cancelled. Newspaper subscriptions now available via the Internet will continue to be reviewed and cancelled.
  4. Funds have been reallocated in several departments where the budgeting and spending did not reflect actual practice, or where the departments have agreed to move titles from one department's list to another (notably from Chemistry to MBB, and from Biology to MBB and Kinesiology).
  5. Allocation adjustments resulting from the Collection Allocation Task Group Report are regularized in this budget for the following departments, schools or faculties: Education, Communications, Earth Sciences, Political Science.

The University Administration has continued to be very supportive of the Library's collection budget; nevertheless, the $400,000 lift we have received each of the past few years no longer completely covers the cost pressures on the Library's collections (particularly serial price increases and general inflation) because these factors are compounding. In addition, we will need to cover our share of costs of the Canadian National Site Licensing Project (CNSLP) following the end of external funding during 2003/04. This will be accomplished by canceling print subscriptions where suitable, stable electronic equivalents are available. Over the coming months, a process for prioritizing and identifying journals for cancellation will be undertaken with the full participation of liaison librarians, the Senate Library Committee and departmental library representatives.

This year, the Library has also received targeted funding for collection development to support Double the Opportunity activity on campus. This funding is not allocated in this budget. Consultation with the affected departments (Computing Science and Engineering Science) will be underway during the fall semester to discuss the best use of these dollars.

If you have any questions about the Library Materials Budget, please feel free to contact me at 778.782.3263 or

Guide to headings used in this document
To make reading this budget easier, library fund codes have been replaced with more generic headings. Not all funds will have all the following headings:

Books - Approvals: purchases received in book form based on subject profiles set up with our major book vendor. Primary subjects are covered by these Approvals profiles. Approximately 65% of all book titles purchased come in on Approval.

Books - Forms: purchases from information forms received based on subject profiles set up with our major book vendor. Secondary subjects are covered by forms in the profiles.

Books- Discretionary: purchases from information provided by faculty and students. Depending on the subject area, mainly secondary subjects are covered by Discretionary purchases.

Periodicals cover the journals purchased by the Library.

Serials cover other regularly purchased items that are bought from year to year. These consist of yearbooks, annuals, handbooks, etc.

Databases cover electronic indexes that are purchased each year. Subject based databases are covered in the departmental budgets and more general databases are purchased out of the general funds.

Library Materials Budget 2002-2003

01/02 Appropriation
01/02 Expenditure
01/02 Encumbrance
01/02 Total Spent and Encumbered
02/03 Budget
Books - Approvals 20,200 18,052 0 18,052
Books - Forms 1,400 3,229 -78 3,151 1,400
Books - Discretionary 6,900 1,920 -261 1,659 6,900
Periodicals 18,100 24,025 3,295 27,320 26,000
Serials and Annuals 300 4,088 0 4,088 300
Communications TOTAL 46,900 51,313 2,957 54,270 54,800
Computing Science
Books - Approvals 41,500 66,772 -889 65,882 42,900
Books - Forms 10,600 634 -1,822 -1,188 10,600
Books - Discretionary 10,400 19,616 1,813 21,430 10,400
Periodicals 117,300 158,418 0 158,418 127,800
Serials and Annuals 52,600 53,903 240 54,143 58,000
Computing Science TOTAL 232,400 299,343 -658 298,685 249,700
Engineering Science
Books - Approvals 53,000 50,020 0 50,020 53,000
Books - Forms 3,100 2,909 335 3,244 3,100
Books - Discretionary 4,000 4,272 1,533 5,805 4,000
Periodicals 100,400 108,475 2,631 111,106 118,000
Serials and Annuals 8,700 1,297 0 1,297 1,400
Databases 32,500 29,984 0 29,984 30,000
Engineering Science TOTAL 201,700 196,958 4,499 201,456 209,500
Books - Approvals 7,400 8,698 0 8,698 14,500
Books - Forms 4,900 3,830 -377 3,453 6,900
Books - Discretionary 2,200 4,003 3,291 7,294 2,200
Periodicals 129,600 123,766 1,014 124,780 139,000
Serials and Annuals 5,700 3,609 0 3,609 5,400
Databases 4,100 4,051 0 4,051 4,100
Kinesiology TOTAL 153,900 147,957 3,928 151,885 172,100
Resource & Environ Mgnt
Books - Approvals 1,400 411 0 411 1,400
Books - Forms 4,600 8,389 -1,098 7,291 7,000
Books - Discretionary 4,400 2,190 1,593 3,783 2,400
Periodicals 16,200 17,943 0 17,943 19,500
Serials and Annuals 600 234 0 234 600
Resource & Environ Mgn TOTAL 27,200 29,166 495 29,662 30,900
APPLIED SCIENCE TOTAL 662,100 724,737 10,852 735,589 717,000
Books - Approvals 16,000 16,669 0 16,669 17,100
Books - Forms 1,000 2,912 30 2,942 1,000
Books - Discretionary 900 506 249 755 900
Periodicals 15,200 15,702 0 15,702 16,900
Serials and Annuals 1,900 1,707 0 1,707 1,500
Databases 650 5,412 0 5,412 5,800
Anthropology TOTAL 35,650 42,909 279 43,187 43,200
Books - Approvals 9,500 10,779 0 10,779 9,800
Books - Forms 3,800 4,371 438 4,809 3,800
Books - Discretionary 4,000 7,467 1,707 9,174 4,000
Periodicals 20,700 24,195 304 24,499 26,100
Serials and Annuals 1,400 2,749 203 2,952 2,900
Databases 0 1,776 0 1,776 1,900
Archaeology TOTAL 39,400 51,337 2,652 53,989 48,500
Contemp Arts Total
Contemp Arts - General
Books - Approvals 49,100 57,253 0 57,253 50,800
Books - Forms 21,900 28,159 2,498 30,656 21,900
Books - Discretionary 16,400 16,135 5,653 21,788 16,400
Periodicals 16,800 16,997 211 17,208 18,300
Serials and Annuals 7,300 6,187 80 6,267 6,700
Databases 14,300 23,366 0 23,366 24,600
Contemp Arts - Gene TOTAL 125,800 148,097 8,442 156,539 138,700
Discretionary 5,900 5,660 653 6,313 5,900
ContArts-Discs/Reco TOTAL 5,900 5,660 653 6,313 5,900
Discretionary 3,800 2,835 70 2,905 3,800
ContArts-Slides TOTAL 3,800 2,835 70 2,905 3,800
ContArts - MFA
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 0 0
Books - Forms 0 0 0 0 0
Books - Discretionary 700 1,450 32 1,482 800
Periodicals 3,500 4,445 -123 4,323 4,800
Serials and Annuals 2,200 1,320 179 1,499 1,400
ContArts - MFA TOTAL 6,400 7,215 89 7,304 7,000
Contemp Arts Total TOTAL 141,900 163,807 9,254 173,061 155,400
Books - Approvals 25,600 33,822 0 33,822 26,400
Books - Forms 7,000 8,070 39 8,109 7,000
Books - Discretionary 2,100 865 252 1,117 2,100
Periodicals 35,200 35,720 0 35,720 38,600
Serials and Annuals 22,800 25,096 0 25,096 27,100
Databases 1,350 1,317 0 1,317 1,350
Criminology TOTAL 94,050 104,890 291 105,181 102,550
Books - Approvals 97,900 114,843 0 114,843 101,300
Books - Forms 2,900 2,203 95 2,298 2,900
Books - Discretionary 4,700 5,047 1,004 6,051 4,700
Periodicals 135,900 128,700 0 128,700 137,000
Serials and Annuals 60,000 46,209 278 46,487 49,450
Databases 4,600 4,559 0 4,559 4,800
Economics TOTAL 306,000 301,561 1,377 302,938 300,150
Books - Approvals 56,700 72,703 -10 72,694 58,600
Books - Forms 41,800 41,639 2,686 44,325 43,200
Books - Discretionary 15,800 10,814 3,111 13,926 15,800
Special Projects 5,000 11,381 1,152 12,533 5,000
Periodicals 22,900 20,987 112 21,099 22,000
Serials and Annuals 15,000 13,710 26 13,736 14,600
Databases 5,000 30,694 0 30,694 6,600
English TOTAL 162,200 201,929 7,078 209,007 165,800
Books - Approvals 3,100 2,752 0 2,752 3,100
Books - Forms 6,800 8,717 78 8,794 7,000
Books - Discretionary 16,800 15,987 6,189 22,176 16,800
Periodicals 5,400 4,610 44 4,654 5,000
Serials and Annuals 1,600 1,425 0 1,425 1,600
Databases 800 785 0 785 800
French TOTAL 34,500 34,276 6,311 40,586 34,300
Books - Approvals 12,000 21,061 0 21,061 12,400
Books - Forms 3,950 5,866 -535 5,330 4,100
Books - Discretionary 6,500 7,157 1,899 9,057 6,700
Periodicals 90,100 93,482 656 94,138 101,100
Serials and Annuals 1,500 1,556 0 1,556 1,300
Databases 0 0 0 0 0
Geography TOTAL 114,050 129,121 2,019 131,141 125,600
Grad Dip Urban Studies
Books - Approvals 0
Books - Forms 5,250
Books - Discretionary 3,700
Periodicals 1,600
Serials and Annuals 0
Urban Studies TOTAL 10,550
Books - Approvals 200 645 0 645 0
Books - Forms 2,000 2,188 332 2,520 2,400
Books - Discretionary 2,600 2,657 699 3,357 2,600
Periodicals 16,400 19,076 -303 18,773 20,000
Serials and Annuals 1,500 295 575 870 700
Databases 3,900 3,903 0 3,903 4,100
Gerontology TOTAL 26,600 28,764 1,304 30,068 29,800
Books - Approvals 30,000 28,058 0 28,058 31,050
Books - Forms 22,400 43,087 835 43,922 23,200
Books - Discretionary 25,850 18,376 10,667 29,043 25,850
Periodicals 31,300 33,645 -307 33,337 36,000
Serials and Annuals 7,500 7,299 0 7,299 7,800
Databases 21,000 4,927 1,000 5,927 5,200
History TOTAL 138,050 135,391 12,194 147,586 129,100
Humanities Dept
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 0 0
Books - Forms 0 0 0 0 0
Books - Discretionary 3,200 3,425 263 3,688 2,400
Periodicals 0 173 0 173 1,000
Serials and Annuals 0 0 0 0 0
Databases 0 0 0 0 0
Humanities Dept TOTAL 3,200 3,597 263 3,860 3,400
Books - Approvals 16,800 18,877 0 18,877 16,300
Books - Forms 12,600 12,639 -100 12,539 13,000
Books - Discretionary 1,100 976 269 1,244 1,100
Periodicals 26,800 25,835 0 25,835 27,400
Serials and Annuals 3,300 4,900 0 4,900 5,200
Linguistics TOTAL 60,600 63,227 169 63,395 63,000
Literatures-Misc Foreig
Books - Approvals 10,000 18,939 0 18,939 10,350
Books - Forms 1,400 2,400 106 2,506 1,500
Books - Discretionary 700 2,413 337 2,750 700
Periodicals 600 1,473 0 1,473 1,600
Serials and Annuals 700 318 0 318 400
Literatures-Misc Forei TOTAL 13,400 25,543 443 25,986 14,550
MA Liberal Studies 0
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 0 0
Books - Forms 1,100 337 -17 320 1,100
Books - Discretionary 10,000 8,886 967 9,853 10,000
Periodicals 1,300 536 0 536 1,300
Serials and Annuals 2,900 2,263 0 2,263 2,400
MA Liberal Studies TOTAL 15,300 12,022 950 12,972 14,800
MA Publishing
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 0 0
Books - Forms 400 5 -153 -148 400
Books - Discretionary 4,800 3,294 1,222 4,516 3,600
Periodicals 1,700 1,139 -99 1,040 1,200
Serials and Annuals 2,000 1,445 243 1,688 1,600
MA Publishing TOTAL 8,900 5,882 1,212 7,095 6,800
Books - Approvals 31,700 44,217 0 44,217 32,700
Books - Forms 3,000 6,274 565 6,838 3,000
Books - Discretionary 1,000 1,007 89 1,096 1,000
Periodicals 23,500 23,936 0 23,936 25,800
Serials and Annuals 2,900 2,676 0 2,676 2,900
Databases 2,600 1,500 0 1,500 3,600
Philosophy TOTAL 64,700 79,610 654 80,263 69,000
Political Science
Books - Approvals 101,900 115,548 0 115,548 90,000
Books - Forms 8,700 24,344 530 24,874 9,000
Books - Discretionary 9,100 4,304 1,567 5,871 9,100
Periodicals 50,200 62,204 0 62,204 67,200
Serials and Annuals 26,900 18,806 75 18,881 20,300
Databases 0 2,790 0 2,790 3,000
Political Science TOTAL 196,800 227,996 2,172 230,168 198,600
Books - Approvals 35,000 28,561 0 28,561 21,000
Books - Forms 5,500 6,942 8 6,950 5,700
Books - Discretionary 4,500 7,597 1,726 9,323 4,650
Periodicals 136,800 130,448 0 130,448 152,000
Serials and Annuals 2,100 1,997 0 1,997 1,900
Databases 0 1,831 0 1,831 2,000
Psychology TOTAL 183,900 177,375 1,734 179,109 187,250
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 0 0
Books - Forms 1,800 668 0 668 1,500
Books - Discretionary 5,300 4,440 472 4,912 4,800
Periodicals 8,500 6,229 187 6,416 6,800
Serials and Annuals 500 398 0 398 500
Databases 4,200 4,640 0 4,640 5,000
LatinAmerStudiesGenera TOTAL 20,300 16,375 659 17,034 18,600
MA LatinAmericanStudies 0
Books - Approvals 3,000 0 0 0 0
Books - Forms 300 0 0 0 3,000
Books - Discretionary 1,000 0 0 0 1,000
Periodicals 5,000 4,244 150 4,394 5,000
Serials and Annuals 300 0 55 55 300
MA LatinAmericanStudie TOTAL 9,600 4,244 205 4,449 9,300
Sociology 0
Books - Approvals 92,600 107,049 0 107,049 95,800
Books - Forms 9,100 14,464 954 15,417 9,400
Books - Discretionary 10,300 6,215 3,083 9,298 10,600
Periodicals 44,400 50,709 3,482 54,191 54,400
Serials and Annuals 4,100 2,810 111 2,922 2,700
Databases 10,700 10,664 0 10,664 8,500
Sociology TOTAL 171,200 191,912 7,630 199,542 181,400
Women's Studies 0
Books - Approvals 200 0 0 0 0
Books - Forms 500 621 0 621 700
Books - Discretionary 4,600 3,494 1,403 4,897 4,600
Periodicals 8,500 6,407 777 7,184 8,500
Serials and Annuals 900 606 0 606 900
Databases 1,600 1,730 0 1,730 1,800
Women's Studies TOTAL 16,300 12,858 2,180 15,038 16,500
ARTS TOTAL 1,856,600 2,014,624 61,030 2,075,654 1,928,150
Business Administration 0
Books - Approvals 78,600 106,042 0 106,042 81,300
Books - Forms 9,500 3,243 131 3,374 9,500
Books - Discretionary 4,200 6,800 60 6,860 4,200
Periodicals 110,300 122,068 0 122,068 131,800
Serials and Annuals 37,800 34,468 1,390 35,858 36,900
Databases 22,400 23,050 0 23,050 25,000
Business Administratio TOTAL 262,800 295,671 1,581 297,252 288,700
International Business
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 0 0
Books - Forms 0 0 0 0 0
Books - Discretionary 400 286 -73 213 400
Periodicals 8,500 3,273 0 3,273 8,500
Serials and Annuals 800 880 0 880 900
International Business TOTAL 9,700 4,439 -73 4,366 9,800
Global Wealth Mgmnt
Books - Forms 0
Books - Discretionary 5,700
Global Wealth Mgmnt TOTAL 5,700
Books - Forms 0
Books - Discretionary 5,000
Periodicals 5,000
Serials and Annuals 500
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TOTAL 272,500 300,110 1,508 301,618 314,700
Education General
Books - Approvals 34,600 48,599 0 48,599 35,800
Books - Forms 2,800 6,169 162 6,330 2,800
Books - Discretionary 8,000 18,037 2,845 20,882 8,300
Textbooks 12,000 0 0 0 12,000
Periodicals 46,000 60,613 210 60,823 64,000
Serials and Annuals 8,200 10,982 0 10,982 11,800
Databases 15,000 13,009 0 13,009 14,000
Education General TOTAL 126,600 157,408 3,217 160,625 148,700
Children's Materials 0
Books - Approvals 500 185 0 185 500
Books - Forms 500 785 15 800 500
Books - Discretionary 3,100 184 260 444 3,200
Children's Materials TOTAL 4,100 1,154 275 1,429 4,200
EDUCATION TOTAL 130,700 158,563 3,492 162,054 152,900
Biological Sciences
Books - Approvals 43,300 37,521 0 37,521 35,800
Books - Forms 16,800 18,982 -833 18,149 14,800
Books - Discretionary 18,300 17,355 1,781 19,136 10,300
Periodicals 640,200 585,806 0 585,806 562,800
Serials and Annuals 27,700 27,128 108 27,236 26,800
Databases 48,000 50,367 0 50,367 53,800
Biological Sciences TOTAL 794,300 737,159 1,057 738,215 704,300
Books - Approvals 20,300 23,314 0 23,314 17,900
Books - Forms 8,433 10,626 -1,075 9,550 8,400
Books - Discretionary 8,100 7,883 2,837 10,719 8,100
Periodicals 538,567 467,152 0 467,152 463,200
Serials and Annuals 46,100 40,151 43,020 83,171 43,100
Databases 21,400 21,213 0 21,213 68,900
Chemistry TOTAL 642,900 570,339 44,782 615,120 609,600
Earth Sciences
Books - Approvals 3,000 3,552 0 3,552 3,100
Books - Forms 1,100 112 0 112 1,100
Books - Discretionary 2,550 3,524 558 4,082 2,600
Periodicals 65,150 87,758 248 88,006 78,200
Serials and Annuals 1,800 1,725 0 1,725 1,800
Databases 8,900 10,354 0 10,354 11,200
Earth Sciences TOTAL 82,500 107,026 806 107,832 98,000
Books - Approvals 37,100 55,230 0 55,230 38,300
Books - Forms 4,600 192 -805 -613 4,600
Books - Discretionary 3,100 5,785 271 6,056 3,200
Periodicals 234,200 184,927 474 185,401 199,700
Serials and Annuals 3,600 1,947 0 1,947 2,000
Databases 0 0 0 0 0
Mathematics TOTAL 282,600 248,081 -60 248,021 247,800
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 0 12,000
Books - Forms 1,300 1,959 0 1,959 5,300
Books - Discretionary 800 229 490 719 4,800
Periodicals 151,700 141,445 0 141,445 320,300
Serials and Annuals 2,900 3,554 0 3,554 3,800
Databases 0 0 0 0 0
MolecularBio&Biochemis TOTAL 156,700 147,187 490 147,677 346,200
Books - Approvals 25,100 21,924 0 21,924 25,100
Books - Forms 7,500 4,143 -103 4,040 7,700
Books - Discretionary 2,000 5,434 512 5,946 2,100
Periodicals 565,200 552,577 0 552,577 596,800
Serials and Annuals 9,000 6,864 0 6,864 7,500
Physics TOTAL 608,800 590,943 409 591,352 639,200
Books - Approvals 15,200 6,462 0 6,462 8,100
Books - Forms 1,900 444 0 444 1,500
Books - Discretionary 1,200 7,750 0 7,750 7,000
Periodicals 46,100 51,545 0 51,545 56,200
Serials and Annuals 0 0 0 0 0
Databases 400 0 0 0 400
Statistics TOTAL 64,800 66,202 0 66,202 73,200
SCIENCE TOTAL 2,632,600 2,466,936 47,484 2,514,420 2,718,300
Departments/Faculties TOTAL 5,554,500 5,664,969 124,365 5,789,335 5,831,050
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 0 0
Books - Forms 600 6,165 912 7,077 600
Books - Discretionary 500 471 76 546 500
Periodicals 2,900 3,213 0 3,213 3,400
Serials and Annuals 600 534 0 534 600
Athletics/Recreation TOTAL 4,600 10,383 988 11,370 5,100
Belzberg Lib Total 0
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 0 0
Books - Forms 9,900 5,336 924 6,260 11,700
Books - Discretionary 15,900 18,641 2,804 21,444 15,900
Periodicals 10,300 9,049 0 9,049 10,300
Serials and Annuals 32,000 34,268 111 34,379 33,400
Newspapers 22,600 23,512 0 23,512 25,400
Databases - Discretionary 2,100 0 0 0 2,100
Databases - Periodicals 0 0 0 0 0
Databases - Ongoing 500 0 0 0 0
Ugrad Semester for Dial. 0
Belzberg Lib Total TOTAL 93,300 90,805 3,838 94,644 98,800
Databases General 0
Discretionary 1,500 810 0 810 900
Serials 154,000 176,708 6,000 182,708 189,000
Databases General TOTAL 155,500 177,518 6,000 183,518 189,900
Research Data Library
Books - Discretionary 500 565 0 565 500
Serials and Annuals 65,400 61,529 0 61,529 65,800
Databases 0 0 0 0 0
Research Data Library TOTAL 65,900 62,094 0 62,094 66,300
Databases TOTAL 221,400 239,612 6,000 245,612 256,200
General Humanities
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 0 0
Books - Forms 1,000 0 -14 -14 1,000
Books - Discretionary 1,200 4,169 1,126 5,295 1,200
Periodicals 6,300 6,131 -88 6,043 6,500
Serials and Annuals 7,300 4,982 0 4,982 5,300
Databases 9,900 9,865 0 9,865 10,500
General Humanities TOTAL 25,700 25,146 1,024 26,171 24,500
General Library
Books - Approvals 200 146 0 146 200
Books - Forms 4,000 5,514 763 6,277 4,000
Books - Discretionary 20,000 144,055 2,436 146,491 20,000
Periodicals 21,700 31,532 35 31,567 32,700
Serials and Annuals 107,400 116,743 1,794 118,537 124,900
Databases 10,600 11,622 0 11,622 12,400
General Library TOTAL 163,900 309,611 5,027 314,639 194,200
General Newspapers
Serials and Annuals 78,000 81,051 0 81,051 84,000
Databases 700 668 0 668 700
General Newspapers TOTAL 78,700 81,718 0 81,718 84,700
General Sciences
Books - Approvals 2,000 3,990 0 3,990 2,000
Books - Forms 1,000 610 47 657 600
Books - Discretionary 1,000 904 566 1,470 1,000
Periodicals 11,000 22,400 0 22,400 19,000
Serials and Annuals 12,000 -800 0 -800 0
Databases 17,800 -15,918 0 -15,918 8,000
General Sciences TOTAL 44,800 11,185 613 11,799 30,600
General Social Sciences
Books - Approvals 200 0 0 0 200
Books - Forms 500 226 -73 152 500
Books - Discretionary 4,200 8,574 521 9,095 4,200
Periodicals 60,000 51,345 0 51,345 54,400
Serials and Annuals 54,500 51,516 0 51,516 54,600
Databases 8,000 7,694 0 7,694 8,000
General Social Sciences TOTAL 127,400 119,353 448 119,801 121,900
General SpecialProjects
GenSpecialProjDiscretio 0
Discretionary 0 11,519 0 11,519 0
GenSpecialProjDiscreti TOTAL 0 11,519 0 11,519 0
Serials (special) 0 246,086 0 246,086 0
GenSpecialProjSerialOt TOTAL 0 246,086 0 246,086 0
General SpecialProjects TOTAL 0 257,605 0 257,605
Books - Approvals 0 0 0 0
Books - Forms 600 602 -5 597 600
Books - Discretionary 2,500 2,871 670 3,541 2,500
Periodicals 500 0 0 0 0
Serials and Annuals 1,300 936 0 936 1,300
Databases 3,000 2,129 0 2,129 2,300
Maps TOTAL 7,900 6,539 665 7,204 6,700
Replacement Monogs/Seri
Books - Discretionary 10,000 6,132 2,205 8,336 7,000
Periodicals 0 0 16 16
Serials and Annuals 0 0 329 329
Replacement Monogs/Seri TOTAL 10,000 6,132 2,549 8,681 7,000
Books - Approvals 2,800 3,024 0 3,024 3,300
Books - Forms 500 0 0 0 0
Books - Discretionary 17,500 20,477 1,001 21,478 13,000
Periodicals 900 615 0 615 900
Serials and Annuals 0 32 0 32 0
ContempLiteratureColle TOTAL 21,700 24,148 1,001 25,149 17,200
Special Collections
Books - Approvals 0 0 29 29 0
Books - Forms 0 27 0 27 0
Books - Discretionary 9,400 43,913 293 44,206 9,400
Periodicals 0 26 0 26 0
Serials and Annuals 0 87 30 117 0
Special Collections TOTAL 9,400 44,053 352 44,405 9,400
Books - Discretionary 0
SpecialCollectionsTotal TOTAL 31,100 68,200 1,353 69,554 26,600
Surrey Campus Library
Books - Approvals 0
Books - Forms 15,000
Books - Discretionary 21,000
Videos & Multimedia 4,000
Periodicals 12,000
Serials and Annuals 4,000
Databases 15,000
Surrey TOTAL 71,000
Miscellaneous TOTAL 808,800 1,226,291 22,507 1,248,798 927,300
Monographs 65,000 52,660 0 52,660 27,000
Theses 30,000 32,293 0 32,293 35,000
Serials 80,000 91,714 0 91,714 80,000
Binding TOTAL 175,000 176,667 0 176,667 142,000
Inter Library Loans
ILL Charges 160,000 176,632 0 176,632 191,000
Inter Library Loans TOTAL 160,000 176,632 0 176,632 191,000
OPERATING BUDGET TOTAL 6,698,300 7,244,560 146,872 7,391,432 7,091,350