Library Course assessment for Physics 192


This is the Library’s assessment of the Physics 192: Logarithm and Blues. This course will first be offered at the Burnaby campus in 2007-01 and annually thereafter. This course is planned to fill a B-Sci requirement for students who would not normally take a science course.


The SFU Library's book collection was assessed using Library of Congress subject headings for the topics covered by this course. Related subject headings and SFU holdings are listed below.

Acoustical engineering 19
Acoustics & physics - music 88
Atonality 7
Auditory perception 41
Doppler effect 4
Hearing 79
Music 225
Music - editing 5
Music - psychological aspects 97
Music - social aspects 135
Musical analysis 66
Musical instruments 46
Musical instruments - construction 5
Musical perception 7
Musical pitch 4
Musical temperament 8
Psychoacoustics 16
Sound 82
Sound -- recording and producing 65
Sound waves 17
Tuning 5

While the Library is actively collecting in this area and has books to support this course, it is recommended that the following titles be added to enhance the core collection:

Parncutt, Richard Harmony : a psychological approach SPRINGER. 3540512799 UK.$107

Eger, Joseph. Einstein's violin : a conductor's notes on music, physics, and social change J P Tarcher. 1585423882. R4-149143. 2005. US. $34

Hall, Donald E. Musical acoustics / Donald E. Hall. BROOKS-COLE / THOMSON LEARNING. 0534377289. X7-X31979. 2002. US. Cloth. $48

Frosch, Reinhart. Meantone is beautiful! : studies on tunings of musical instruments. PETER LANG (SZ) / PETER LANG INC (NY). 0820459275. 2002. US. $63

Beyer, Robert T. (Robert Thomas), 1920- Sounds of our times : two hundred years of acoustics / Robert T. Beyer. A I P Press/Springer Vlg. 0387984356. R8-088198. 1999. US. $73

Nederveen, Cornelis Johannes. Acoustical aspects of woodwind instruments Northern Illinois University Press. 0875805779. rev. R7-706978. 1998. US. Paper. $37

Ando, Yoichi. Architectural acoustics : blending sound sources, sound fields, and listeners Springer Verlag. 0387983333. X7-O15746. 1998. UK. $82

Evans, Alvis J. Making Sense of Sound : the basics of audio theory and technology. PROMPT PUBLICATIONS / HENEMANN EDUCATIONAL. 0790610264. 1998. UK. Paper. $64

Total: $473

Due to the nominal one time costs associated with this course, the recommended purchases can be made out of existing Library allocations for new acquisitions.


The following journals held at the SFU Library will provide useful material for students in this course. Many other music and science journals will also supply relevant readings.

Acoustics research letters online: the international electronic letters journal of acoustics
Applied acoustics
Computer Music Journal
Journal of sound & vibration
Journal of the acoustic society of America
Music Perception
Soundscape: journal of acoustic ecology

Bibliographic Tools

The following bibliographic tools, provided by Library license, will be useful for students in this course, and will be adequate for finding appropriate literature:

Academic Search Elite
Music Index
RILM Music Abstracts
Web of Science

Total one time costs: $473
Total one time costs to the Department of Physics: $0

Note:  The materials required for these courses are located in the WAC Bennett Library on the Burnaby campus.  This assessment is based on the assumption that the courses will be offered at SFU’s Burnaby campus.  If the courses were to be offered at SFU Surrey or Harbour Centre, or an off-campus courses, additional Library costs would be incurred.