English Graduate Course Revisions

Library Course Assessment for
English Graduate Course Revisions
July 11, 2005

This is the Library report for the proposed changes to the English Graduate curriculum. Most of the proposed changes do not involve the introduction of substantial new course content, although many new courses are being created by a renumbering and renaming of existing courses. For this reason, the majority of new courses are already adequately supported by existing collections and collection development activity at the SFU Library.

No new library resources are required for the following courses:

ENGL 810 Studies in Theory I
ENGL 811 Studies in Theory II
ENGL 820 Studies in Print Culture Theory
ENGL 821 Studies in Manuscript, Print and Media Culture
ENGL 830 Studies in Medieval Literature
ENGL 831 Studies in Early Modern Literature
ENGL 832 Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature
ENGL 833 Studies in Nineteenty-Century Literature
ENGL 834 Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature
ENGL 835 Studies in Contemporary Literature
ENGL 840 Studies in American Literature
ENGL 841 Studies in Canadian Literature
ENGL 842 Studies in British Literature
ENGL 843 Studies in Colonial, National, and Diasporic Literature
ENGL 844 Studies in Aboriginal Literature
ENGL 851 Studies in Popular Literature and Culture
ENGL 853 Studies in Postcolonial Literature
ENGL 854 Studies in Poetics
ENGL 860 Studiesin Writing and Rhetoric
ENGL 870-874 Topics in Language and Literature
ENGL 880 Professional Development Seminar I
ENGL 881 Professional Development Seminar II

There are two proposed courses that have new resource implications for the Library.

ENGL 850 Studies in Globalization, Literature and Culture

The reading list for this course includes a list of 11 "essential journals," nine of which are currently held in the Library. The two missing titles should be acquired for the collection, as follows:

Grey Room, MIT Press, ISSN: 1526-3819
Cost: $250/year
This title has been selected for acquisition as an electronic journal by the School for Interactive Arts at Surrey. The new electronic journal subscription will be accessible to all members of the SFU community. There is no cost to the department of English.

Springerin, Folio Verlag, ISSN: 1029-1830
Cost: $58/year
The Library will acquire a new subscription, and purchase available back issues. This can be done within the existing budget allocation for English.

ENGL 852 Studies in Gender, Sexuality and Literature

The reading list and outline for this course indicate that the Library's book and journal collection is adequate to support the course. However, there are a number of films on the course outline that are not in the Library's collection and will need to be acquired with Public Performance Rights, suitable for screening in the classroom.

Austin Powers in Goldmember - $17 (covered by AudioCine licence)
Fortune and Men's Eyes - $17 (covered by AudioCine licence)
Streetcar named desire - $21 (amazon.ca - covered by Criterion licence)
Emperor Jones - $24 (covered by AudioCine licence)
Dutchman - $24 (no PPR available-will be acquired but cannot be shown in the classroom; licensed for home use only)
Bus Stop - $15 (covered by Criterion licence)
Killing of Sister George - $13 (covered by Criterion licence)

Total film cost: $131
This can be accomodated within the Library's allocation for new films.

Total Cost:
There is no cost to the Department of English.

Note:  The materials required for these courses are located in the WAC Bennett Library on the Burnaby campus.  This assessment is based on the understanding that the courses will be offered at SFU’s Burnaby campus.  If the courses were to be offered at SFU Surrey or Vancouver, or as off-campus courses, additional Library costs would be incurred.