Library Course Assessment for
EASC 104 Geohazards: Earth in Turmoil
August 3 , 2004
This is the Library's assessment for EASC 104. It will first be offered in Fall 2004 as an introductory Science course, with the long term objective of being offered as a Breadth course under the revised undergraduate curriculum guidelines. Expected enrollment is 80 students.
SFU Library holdings were analyzed using Library of Congress Subject Headings. SFU holdings are listed below.
Avalanches 18
Catastrophes (Geology) 15
Earthquakes 219
Geodynamics 22
Landslides 67
Mass wasting 27
Natural disasters 123
Plate tectonics 79
Tsunamis 17
Volcanism 10
Volcanoes 148
The Library is actively collecting new titles at an introductory level in this subject area. With over 700 books on these related subject headings, the Library has adequate monograph holdings to support this course.
The Library provides access to the following journals that will support the research of students in this course, either by current subscription or via full-text in aggregated databases:
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
Canadian geotechnical journal
Current science
Earth science and planetary letters
Engineering geology
Geological Society of America Bulletin
Geology today
Journal of structural geology
New scientist
Science now
Scientific American
The Library has adequate serial holdings to support this course.
Bibliographic Tools
The Library has a current license for several databases that could be used by for finding research material for this course such as GeoRef and Geobase as well as more general databases such as Web of Science and the General Science Index.
Costs: There are no new library costs associated with this course.
Note: The materials required for this course are located in the WAC Bennett Library on the Burnaby campus. This assessment is based on the assumption that the course will be offered at SFU’s Burnaby campus. If the course were to be offered at SFU Surrey or Harbour Center, or as an off-campus course, additional Library costs would be incurred.