On this page
This guide lists selected print and electronic information resources in the Library and on the Internet that will help you better enjoy studying the French language.
If you need help, please contact Ivana Niseteo, Liaison Librarian for English, French, French Programs (FASS), Global Humanities, Linguistics, and World Languages & Literatures at 778.782.6838 or iniseteo@sfu.ca or Ask a librarian
- Journal en français facile by Radio France Internationale - News in simple French. Three bulletins a day with a script.
- French in Action by Pierre Carpetz. A free series of 52 half-hour video programs that uses active participation to increase fluency in French, while introducing French culture. It is free, but you will have to register.
- Merci professeur! from TV5Monde. Bernard Cerquiglini, a well-known linguist and the French language specialist, explains every day a new French word or an expression. Great for expanding your vocabulary!
- Lapresse.ca. Searchable news, arts, blogs, videos.
- Le Trésor de la langue française informatisé. A great online dictionary.
- Wordreference -- Dictionary, grammar & usage, language forum, verb conjugator.
Practice French in Vancouver
- Vancouver Meetup -- Join a French conversation group.
- Alliance Française de Vancouver
- Le Centre Francophone Culturel de Vancouver
- Théâtre la Seizième -- Live theatre in French. Venue: Studio 16, 1545, W 7th, Vancouver.
- Learn French in France
French books, CDs and streaming videos
- Books on the French language (e.g. grammar, dictionaries) are located in the call number section PC 2001-3761 (Bennett Library, 5th floor).
- French literature, in French and in English, is located in the PQ 1-3999 section (also on the 5th floor).
If you want to find books in French, search the SFU Library Catalogue in advanced mode. From the drop-down menu in 'Language', choose 'French' and enter a keyword.
Easy reads
- Vive Voix by Dr. Kirk Anderson, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL -- Listen to the French poetry. Searchable by author or title.
- Some books:
- L'etranger, Albert Camus. Audio from InnerFrench
- Le petit prince, A. de Saint-Exupéry [print]
- Le Horla, Guy de Maupassant [print]. Audio from InnerFrench
- Contes fantastiques [print] Audio from InnerFrench
- Le petit Nicolas, Goscinny & Sempé [print]
- Diversité: La nouvelle francophone à travers le monde: An intermediate reader and francophone anthology [print]
Movies in French
- Criterion on Demand -- Feature films and some documentaries, accessible also from the catalogue. Recommended:
- National Film Board -- Films, documentaries, animation and alternative dramas. When you login, select 'French' at the top.
- Catalogue: To find a movie in French, use Advanced Search. Select 'Video' in Resource Type and 'French' in Languages.
- Suggested search terms, in combination with 'french' or 'france': feature films, motion pictures, a director's name, or another keyword; OR in Subject: Feature films--France, Motion pictures--France.
Selected French movies available in the collection:
- À bout de souffle [DVD]
- L'amour en fuite. Dir. FrançoisTruffaut [DVD]
- Cléo de 5 à 7 / Dir. Agnès Varda [DVD]
- Les glaneurs et la glaneuse (The gleaners and I) / Dir. Agnès Varda. [DVD]
- Les invasions barbares (Barbarian invasions) [DVD]
- Les ordres / Dir. Michel Brault [streaming & DVD]
- Pickpocket. Dir. Robert Bresson [DVD]
- La régle du jeu [DVD]
- Sans toit ni loi. (Vagabond). Dir. Agnés Varda [DVD]
Netflix series (with French subtitles):
- L'Agence
- Plan Cœur
- Le Bazar Charite
- Dix Pour Cent
Newspapers and radio stations
- Le Devoir
- Le Monde
- Le Figaro
- Radio Canada
- Radio France
- Journal en français facile by Radio France International -- News in simple French.
French-English / English-French - bilingual
- French-English-French Dictionary. Also includes definitions of French words, French synonyms and French verb conjugations
- Le Grand Robert & Collins : français-anglais anglais-français
- French-English Dictionary. ARTFL Project from the University of Chicago. Over 75,000 terms.
- Pocket Oxford-Hachette French dictionary: French-English
French - monolingual
- Le Petit Robert de la langue française
- Le Grand Robert [print]
- Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française
- Le Trésor de la langue française informatisé. A great online dictionary.
- Visual French dictionary [print]
- Dictionnaire Hachette encyclopédique illustré [print]
Canadian French
- USITO -- Quebec French dictionary
- Le dictionnaire pratique des expressions québécoises [print]
- Dictionnaire québécois français [print]
- Vitrine linguistique -- from the Office Québécois de la Langue Française
- Bescherelle -- Conjugation (v.1), orthography (v.2), grammar (v.3) [print]
- A Comprehensive French grammar [print]
- Grammaire française [print]
- Toute la grammaire [print]
- Le Bon usage : grammaire française [print]
- Le Dictionnaire - A section on grammar
- Understanding core French grammar
Spelling checker and verb conjugator
- BonPatron -- Spelling and grammar checker. Antidote -- Excellent corrector, but the Library does not have a subscription.
- L'Obs la conjugaison -- Conjugations and synonyms
Pronunciation and orthography
- Forvo: the pronunciation dictionary
- L'orthographe et la prononciation française : dialogue [print]
- Dictées -- Le français facile
- 50 dictées commentées (Avec CD audio pour s'entaîner) [print]
- How to type French accents
- TermiumPlus -- The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank
- 200 French vocabulary tests
Podcasts, YouTube videos, blogs
- InnerFrench -- With Hugo Cotton
- Piece of French -- An immersive French learning experience with Elsa
- French Mornings -- With Elisa
- Français Authentique -- With Johan Tekfak
- Français avec Pière -- Free courses, videos, blog
- Phare Ouest. ICI Radio-Canada -- Audio files
- ClicNet: un site culturel et litteraire francophone
- TV5 Monde - Apprendre le français -- Find your level
- French restaurants in the Lower Mainland
- Au Petit Comptoir -- you can order in French!
- Salade de Fruit Café -- you can order in French!
- Ladurée (Robson Street)
- The language kitchen -- Recipes in French