SFU Library Digital Collections and Digitized Newspapers are migrating to a more modern and user-friendly website in 2024. The Library took the opportunity to review all the collections and worked with stakeholders and content owners to make plans to move some collections and newspapers to new homes.
Collections moving in 2024
Digital Collections
Collections moving to other online locations, or to be determined:
- TechBC Memory Project: Moving to the Summit Institutional Research Repository.
- Lyrical Ballads: SFU Library Digital Humanities Innovation Lab (DHIL)
- Secret Feminist Agenda: SFU Library Digital Humanities Innovation Lab (DHIL)
Collections that are being retired:
- BC Multicultural Photograph Collection at the Vancouver Public Library (VPL): VPL has decided to retire this collection.
- Note: Some items are available in the VPL Local History collections
- Northern Justice Society Native Crime Bibliography: After consultation with stakeholders, the Library has decided to retire this collection.
As of late summer/early fall 2024, some of the newspapers previously hosted by the SFU Library as part of agreements and partnership with other organizations will have new homes.
Connecting Canadians Collection
These newspapers are accessible at the Athabasca University Arca Repository:
- Bavarijas Latviesu Vestnesis
- Brivais Latvietis
- Canadan Uutiset
- Liekki
- Meie Elu
- Vaba Estlane
- Vapaus
- Zwiazkowiec
Vancouver Public Library
- B.C. Saturday Sunset: Moved to This Vancouver collection, accessible now at its new home in Arca.
The Francophone Historical Society of British Columbia
These newspapers are accessible now at their new home in Arca:
- Le Soleil de Vancouver, 1968-1973, weekly
- Le Soleil de Colombie, 1974-1993, weekly
- Le Soleil de Colombie-Britannique, 1993-1998, weekly
Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN)
- Chinese times: Moving to the Canadiana collection in mid-2024
Multicultural History Society of Ontario (MHSO) newspapers
Contact the Multicultural History Society of Ontario to arrange on-site access to the following newspapers at the MHSO Archives or for more information. The Society is securing future online access via the Internet Archive.
- Al-Hilāl
- Berliner Journal
- Canadian India Times
- Canadian Jewish News
- Canadian Jewish Review
- Chinese Canadian Community News
- Chinese Express
- Crescent
- El Popular
- Hung Chung She Po
- Kanadai Magyar Munkas
- L' Ami du Peuple
- Latvija Amerika
- Le Courrier d'Essex
- Le Courrier d'Outaouais
- Le Courrier Sud
- Le Cri de l' est
- Le Cultivateur
- Le Rempart
- Messenger
- Minchung Sinmun
- Modern Times Weekly
- Ottawa Chinese Community Newsletter
- Shing Wah Daily News
- Tairiku Jiho = The Continental Times
- The New Canadian
- Vestnik
- Voice of Pakistan
- Zhyttia I Slovo
Contact the Digital Collections team at digital-collections@sfu.ca