Access Bennett Library lab computers and software from off campus

SFU students, faculty, and staff are welcome to virtually access several computers physically located in either the main floor at W.A.C. Bennett Library (SFU Burnaby) , and the software on those computers as part of remote services provided by the Library.

See Computer labs: Off campus to access computers in labs located on the Burnaby, Surrey, and Vancouver SFU campuses outside of the Burnaby Library.

How to connect

Special information for students:

  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) enrollment is required for this service. Set up MFA :
  • Graduate students:
  • Undergraduates:
    • Follow IT Services' instructions for undergraduate students at Remote Access.

1. Install Remote Desktop Connection on your computer

Using a Windows computer

You must have the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) Application available on your own computer. RDC is available in Windows 10 Professional by default (not on Windows 10 Home). All Library laptops available for checkout have the RDC App installed.

Remote Desktop Connection App button

Using a Mac computer

Install Microsoft Remote Desktop from the App Store, if it is not already installed on your Mac computer.

Minimum requirements: macOS 10.12 or later (Sierra), 64-bit processor

Option to download Microsoft Remote Desktop from the App Store

2. Go the the Computer Lab Dashboard for:

 Do NOT bookmark or save this address as it will change frequently.

3. Check available computers at the W.A.C. Bennett Library (SFU Burnaby)

Click on the BBY Library IC link to see which computers are available in the Bennett Library's virtual lab.

Check available computers

4. Choose an available computer

Make sure the computer you are about to sign into shows as Available for sign in.

Note: You may only sign into Windows PCs.  Mac workstations are not currently available.

Choose an available computer

5. (optional) View the software or applications that are installed on an available computer.

Click on the name of the computer (for example: lib3000-ic04) to see the list of applications installed on that computer.

List showing available software

6. Connect to your chosen computer

Click on the Connect button under the Address column.

7. Click "OK" for the RDP pop up window

 Do NOT click on "Save File" -- the downloaded .rdp file will not be re-usable after your current session.

For Windows

Pop up RDP window after choosing Connect and Download

For Mac computers

Click "Download" from the "Connect" dialogue box.

Click Download to start RDP process

Open the .rdp file.

Open the .rdp file

8. Start the connection to the remote computer

For Windows

Click on the Connect button to initiate the connection.

Box about "unknown publisher". Click Connect.

For Mac computers

Open Microsoft Remote Desktop

Open the file with Microsoft Remote Desktop.

Open the file with Microsoft Remote Desktop

9. Sign in with your SFU username and password 

Enter your SFU username and password when prompted using this format:

username: adsfu\your computer id

for example: adsfu\jdoe

password: enter your SFU password

For Windows

Box showing fields for entering username and password

If you are presented with a pop up box that contains a username you do not wish to use:

  • choose More choices
  • opt to Use a different account.

To switch accounts, click "more choices", then "use a different account"

For Mac computers

Login with your computing ID i the format adsfu\yourcomputtingid

10. Choose to connect

For Windows

When prompted to connect, click on Yes.

For Mac computers

After entering your username, click "Continue"

11. Agree to SFU policies

Choose OK to acknowledge that your computing session will adhere to SFU policies.

Message from SFU asking student to acknowledged that computer will be used in accordance with SFU General Policy 24

12. Use the Remote Desktop

You should now be connected!

Save your work to Vault or another space

Remember to save your work frequently.  Save your work in SFU Vault or a space of your choice.

Do not save your work to the Library's remote desktop computer.  Work saved to the remote desktop computer will be deleted.

Three hour limit and automatic sign off

Warning: Your Remote Desktop Connection session will time out and you will be logged off or signed off automatically after three hours of continuous use to allow other students to sign in.

Inactive sessions automatically sign off after thirty minutes

After 30 minutes of inactivity you will be automatically signed out of your remote desktop session and your unsaved work will be lost.

Sign out

When you finish your work, be sure to sign out

If you do not sign out (or are not automatically signed off), other students will need to wait. 

To sign out for Windows and Mac computers

  1. Click on the Windows button
  2. Right click on your user name
  3. Sign out

The three steps to signing out

If you accidentally close the remote desktop window without signing out (for example, you close the remote desktop window), you have up to 30 minutes to connect back to your remote desktop session without losing your unsaved work.

From off campus
Contact for further information
Email Library Computer Operations at for assistance with connecting to Library lab computers.