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Specialized research guides
Psychology - General PsycINFO guide
Literature reviews for graduate students
Systematic, scoping and rapid reviews: An overview
Finding psychological tests and measures
Grey literature: What it is & how to find it
Help with course assignments
- Psychology 100
- Psychology 102
- PSYC 102 - Croft (Spring 2025, sections D100 - Burnaby and D900 - Surrey)
- PSYC 102 - Day (Spring 2022)
- Psyc 102 - Gordon (Fall 2023)
- Psychology 201 (Summer 2019)
- Psychology 250 (Spring 2023) - Introduction to Developmental Psychology
- Psychology 450/950 - Evolution and Human Development (Spring 2020)
- Psychology Graduate Students' Orientation (Fall 2024)
- TRSS - Terrorism, Risk and Security Studies MA
- Resources handout (May 2020)
- Psychology Student Union (PSU) x Undergraduate Journal of Psychology (UJP) Academic Writing & Publishing Workshop (Summer 2021)
- Social Psychology Area Seminar - January 26, 2024