SFU Library blog, BUEC Buzz, with colourful banner showing students

A current awareness resource for students & faculty members in Business & Economics

Congrats to our newest grads! Stay connected & informed now that you are alumni...

Published by Mark Bodnar
Screen capture of the cover of an Argus Industry Review & Outlook report
It's been wonderful to see so many smiling grads and their families up here on the mountain this week — Convocation is one of my favourite times of the semester. Congratulations to those who are graduating!

If you're amongst the happy grads, or if you see that finish line in your near future, you may be interested to learn that SFU alumni retain off-campus access to a wide selection of the SFU Library's valuable resources.

 Here are just a few of the alumni-accessible resources I think might be of particular interest...

<Read on to open the treasure chest!>

On Love Data Week workshops & Data Planet webinars

Published by Mark Bodnar

In celebration of Love Data Week (February 14 - 18) — an international celebration of all things data — the SFU Library has collaborated with the libraries of UBC, UNBC, and UVic to plan an illuminating series of online talks & workshops. Join us to learn about data acquisition, cleaning, management, mapping, and more! Click here to read about and register for each session.

Speaking of data... SAGE is also hosting three webinars during Love Data Week 2022, all focused on Data Planet...

Data Planet logo

(Read on... then register!)

New! GFDatabase for economic & financial data spanning centuries

Published by Mark Bodnar

Partial screen capture of a GFDatabase chart showing the price of UK gold and the level of inflation since the 1200s. Click on it to view an enlarged/full version of the chart.
The wealth of online data published in and about the last few decades is, of course, wonderful and has deeply changed the type and amount of research we can do.

However, that flood of data about the recent past can result in myopic research: if information is not online and in a form that's easy to integrate and analyse with other data, then it may not even be seen, producing research conclusions that miss long-term trends. We are constantly seeking ways to fill this gap in older online information.

I am very pleased to announce that SFU researchers now have access to economic and financial time series data that spans decades — centuries in many cases: GFDatabase!

<Read on for details if you need centuries of data on things like inflation and gold prices...>