If you need help, please contact Hazel Plante, Liaison Librarian at 778.782.4173 or hazel_plante@sfu.ca or Ask a librarian.

A Power Point presentation outlines instructions for conducting searches in the library. You also have access to the plagiarism tutorial and the research tutorial.

Key databases

Here are a few key database where you will find research relevant to BPK 381:


  • Choose your key words carefully
  • Speak the database’s language (using Boolean operators) & get the right stuff faster!
  • Articles aren’t stand-alone publications; they are part of an interconnected web. You can use Web of Science and Google Scholar to identify who an author is in dialogue with by looking at the paper’s cited references and citing references.
  • Use the "Get@SFU" button to locate full-text articles 

Background information + books

Many texts are available in the library which will provide a background in the area.

Search the Library Catalogue using key words, such as healthy work, organizational psychology, psychosocial issues, macroergonomics, etc. 

  • If you aren’t familiar with a term or idea you read about in a research paper, check out an encyclopedia or dictionary to get information at a more basic level!
  • To find background sources, include encyclopedia OR handbook OR dictionary OR manual in your search
  • You can find recommendations in the BPK Research Guide. You can also find advanced tips on the Library Catalogue Search Guide.

Web based resources

Citations and References