You are welcome to use these images in your thesis.
x-bar (lowercased)
Sample Mean: x-bar (UPPERCASED)
chi-square (UPPERCASED)
Instructions for use
- Right-click on the image you wish to use.
- Choose Save Image / Picture As..., navigate to an appropriate location in which to save the file on your computer or network space, and save.
- Open the document in which you wish to insert the image.
- Place your cursor where you'd like the symbol to appear.
- Choose Insert > Picture (or Image) > From File.
- Navigate to where the image is located, select it, and choose Insert or OK.
After insertion, if the image needs to be made smaller (or larger), select it, wave the cursor over a corner-marker and, when you see the angled double-sided arrow appear, click, hold, and drag the image inward (or outward) until you have the desired size.
To make these images consistent throughout your document, rather than re-inserting the image in other places in your document, simply select the already-sized image, and copy and paste it into other places in your document.