Radical Access: The SFU Scholarly Publishing blog

Scholarly Publishing and Open Access blog

The latest news and answers to your questions about scholarly publishing and open access.

Fair dealing and OER: Pathways to using copyrighted content

Published by Ioana Liuta
Read to learn about best practices and guidance for reusing copyrighted content in Open Educational Resources under fair dealing, and about a Code of Best Practices in Fair Dealing for Open Educational Resources, published by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL), which can help to provide an alternative approach to using copyrighted materials in your OER.

SFU's commitment to open education

Published by Alison Moore
In June 2022, SFU Senate endorsed a statement in support of open educational resources (OER) and open education more broadly, developed by SFU Library with support from the OER Working Group and the Senate Committee on University Teaching and Learning (SCUTL). Read this conversation with Hope Power, Teaching and Learning Librarian at SFU.