Radical Access: The SFU Scholarly Publishing blog

Scholarly Publishing and Open Access blog

The latest news and answers to your questions about scholarly publishing and open access.

Making Knowledge Public: Student reflections on the 2018 President’s Dream Colloquium

Published by Ioana Liuta

By Alice Fleerackers

Changing the academic system to be more accessible

“You shouldn’t have to pay a large sum of tuition to have access to basic information,” Melissa Roach says when I ask her what she’d like to change about our academic system. “It just creates layers of mediation between scholars, media and the public, and that disconnect can cause a lot of misunderstanding.” 

Reflections from OpenCon 2018 by Scholarship Recipient Anointing Momoh

Published by Ioana Liuta

Anointing Momoh attended OpenCon 2018 in Toronto, ON, November 2-4, as the recipient of the SFU Library OpenCon 2018 travel scholarship.

Anointing reports on this "enlightening" experience and the opportunity to engage in discussions around Open Access, Open Data, and Open Education.

OpenCon 2018 report

By Anointing Momoh, Recipient of the SFU Library OpenCon 2018 Travel Scholarship