SFU Library blog for the DHIL, with a banner showing a hand and keyboard

News about the Digital Humanities Innovation Lab

Using NVivo for Humanities Research

Published by Rebecca Dowson

The Digital Humanities Skills Workshop Series continued on Tuesday, October 30 with the workshop, “Using NVivo for Humanities Research.” Facilitated by Graduate Peer NVivo Facilitator, Esteban Morales, and DHIL Fellow Kandice Sharren, this workshop explored the possibilities NVivo represents for humanities research and introduced participants to the basics of using it. 

DH Café: Teaching With Transmedia Storytelling

Published by Rebecca Dowson

The Digital Humanities Café series continued on October 4 with a presentation from the Teaching and Learning Centre’s EdMedia Program. In a 90-minute session, John Born, Duane Woods, Gabe Wong, and Jason Toal introduced how to integrate transmedia storytelling with learning outcomes.

Digital Storytelling Using Twine

Published by Rebecca Dowson

On February 6, 2017, SFU’s Research Commons and the Digital Humanities Innovation Lab held a workshop on Digital Storytelling Using Twine. The first half of the afternoon featured research presentations on digital storytelling by Dr. David Gaertner, Assistant Professor in the First Nations & Indigenous Studies Program at UBC, and Simone Hausknecht, graduate student in Education at SFU.

Intermediate Podcasting Workshop

Published by Rebecca Dowson

On January 25, 2017, SFU Library's Research Commons and Digital Humanities Innovation Lab held a follow-up workshop to the Podcasting for Scholarly Communication workshop. Hannah McGregor led the Intermediate Podcasting workshop and is an assistant professor in Publishing@SFU as well as the co-host of Witch, Please, a scholarly podcast about the Harry Potter world.

Spatial Humanities Workshop

Published by Rebecca Dowson

SFU Library’s Research Commons and Digital Humanities Innovation Lab held its third workshop in the DH Skills series on November 3, 2016. Led by Julie Jones (GIS and Maps Librarian), Rebecca Dowson (Digital Scholarship Librarian) and Medhi Aminipouri, (PhD candidate in the Department of Geography), the workshop introduced participants to geospatial approaches for visualizing historical and fictional material, and GIS tools such as ArcGIS and Story Maps.

Podcasting for Scholarly Communication Workshop

Published by Rebecca Dowson

On September 21, 2016, SFU’s Research Commons and the Digital Humanities Innovation Lab hosted a half-day workshop focusing on the scholarly and pedagogical applications of podcasting. Hosted by Colette Colligan and Rebecca Dowson, this first workshop in the Digital Skills Workshop Series attracted graduate students, faculty, and librarians from a diverse spectrum of disciplines in the humanities, including Education, Philosophy, English, History, Communication, and Psychology.

The morning opened with a panel discussion by Hannah McGregor, an assistant professor in SFU’s Publishing program, and Roxanne Panchasi and Nicolas Kenny, both associate professors...