Science Literacy Week is a national celebration of science and runs from September 19-25, 2022. The SFU Library, along with campus partners and friends, joins other scientific, cultural, and community organizations across the country in marking this week with events and displays, including a list of great science books recommended by the SFU community.
This year's theme is "M is for Mathematics."
Focusing on multimedia and mathematics
- No Strangers at This Party: A Celebration of Ramsey Theory Through Podcasting (a term project created for the SFU course Math 301, spring 2022)
- Charting the Pandemic with Data Modelling — with Caroline Colijn, SFU Mathematics professor and Canada 150 Research Chair in Mathematics for Infection, Evolution and Public Health (Below the Radar podcast, produced by SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement)
- Recommended Math Podcasts (Princeton University Library)
- Words of Women in Mathematics in the Time of Corona (streaming film)
- The Use of Mathematics in Computer Games (Cambridge University)
Come by and see the Science Literacy Week displays!
Visit Bennett Library (Burnaby) and Fraser Library (Surrey) for great book and movie recommendations! Grab some free swag, courtesy of the Faculty of Science and Department of Mathematics.
Discover EDI STEM titles, courtesy of Science AL!VE (Faculty of Applied Science) at Fraser Library.
Celebrating Science Literacy Week with the Student Learning Commons
The Student Learning Commons provides expert and friendly help with academic writing, learning, and study strategies — in an environment of collaboration, discussion, and peer learning.
Level Up Your Study Skills
Looking for better ways to study? Join us as we explore how to study smarter, not harder, with study strategies
that will help you feel more prepared for your exams. Offered in cooperation with Sci-Space.
Dates | Location |
Burnaby, Bennett Library, Rm 3008 |
Burnaby, Sci-Space AQ 3146 |
"I'll Do It Later": Managing Procrastination
Can't start because your to-do list is stressing you out? Same here. Join this session to figure out why we procrastinate
and get tips on how to break the cycle. Gain confidence to tackle your schedule and reflect on how
you can better manage your time. Offered in cooperation with Sci-Space.
Dates | Location |
Burnaby, Bennett Library, Rm 3008 |
Burnaby, Sci-Space AQ 3146 |
Quantitative Courses: resources and workshops
A Better Approach to Qualitative Courses (online resources)
- Part 1: Understanding Concepts
- Part 2: Solving Problems
- Part 3: Test Preparation
Celebrating Science Literacy Week with the Media and Maker Commons
The SFU Library Media and Maker Commons is a collaborative, hands-on learning space located in the W.A.C. Bennett Library in Burnaby.
Whether you are working on your research, coursework, or a personal project, the SFU Media and Maker Commons will provide you with space, services, tools, and training to make, create, prototype, and play.
Check out this virtual tour to see some of the tools and technologies including 3D printing, virtual reality, machine embroidery and more.
All SFU students, faculty, and staff are welcome! Check out the Media and Maker Commons website to discover more.
Looking for more Science Literacy Week activities?
Explore the Science Literacy Week website, or follow them on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.