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We have access to that journal, but libaccess won't let me get to it.

Published by Dipa Barua

Q: For some reason you can't get Acta Crystallographica papers via lib access. For example: "To allow http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?S0567739476001551 to be used in a starting point URL, your EZproxy administrator must first authorize the hostname of this URL in the config.txt file.
Within this database's section of config.txt, either the following line must be added: Host scripts.iucr.org or, alternatively, a RedirectSafe for this host or domain may be appropriate.
After editing config.txt, the EZproxy server must be restarted to make changes take effect."
These are really important for my research (and a lot of chemists), so it would be really nice if I could get them from off-campus. We have access to that journal, but libaccess won't let me get to it.

A: This journal is configured for off campus access. Can you tell me the steps you are taking to get to this journal or article?
Are you searching the article or journal title on the 'Library Search' box on the home page [http://www.lib.sfu.ca/] or are you finding the link to the journal on our journals database page [http://cufts2.lib.sfu.ca/CJDB4/BVAS/journal/144291]?
Please let me know so I can try to pinpoint where the URL you indicated below is being generated.
Thank you,
Janice Banser, E-resources Access & Systems Librarian
W.A.C. Bennett Library, Simon Fraser University

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