Noise disturbance at Convocation Mall
Published by Dipa BaruaQ: There has been nothing to indicate the extreme noise pollution and loudest music possible in front of Bennett Library, Burnaby Campus on Saturday, March 3. The peak of work-load for SFU members. Even library spaces were not immune from the disturbance of the private party, which has its own off-campus security guard. Trying to encourage them to cooperate failed because they refused to turn the volume down using an unreasonable excuse. The library environment is literally useless due to this private event whose organizer had little concept of standard noise pollution. Even in downtown clubs the music is not so loud. This is ignoring other people's right to study and work. Stay here 10 minutes and experience the headache. That's a substandard situation which requires internal coordination among event approval entities and library management.
A: We are so sorry you had such an unpleasant experience due to the noise caused by the event on Saturday night. This was a Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) event, not a University event. Unfortunately the Library had received no prior notice of the event, and complaints by the Library during the event had no effect. We are following up with the SFSS and the University, and hope to avoid similar situations in the future.
Natalie Gick
Associate Dean of Libraries