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Food and Drink in the SFU Library

Published by Anonymous

Q:  Food inside the library should be completely prohibited it does not just distracts people that are trying to study but also damages the books and computers in the building. I have been to several libraries and apparently this is the only one that allows food. 

A:  Thank you for your feedback.  Our food and drink policy relies on the good citizenship of students and other library users to avoid disturbing others or damaging materials or equipment with food or drink. SFU Library Food and Drink Policy - http://www.lib.sfu.ca/about/policies/food

If you are disturbed by others eating near you, please feel free to alert a staff member at the main floor service desk. The staff member will follow up on the situation.

Some libraries are more restrictive; we moved to a more open policy in order to create a welcoming environment and because a more restrictive policy is not enforceable in reality. We do not have the staff resources to police the entire library for eating and drinking.

Our food and drink policy is very similar to UBC Library's - http://about.library.ubc.ca/policies/food-and-drink-policy/


Elaine Fairey

Associate University Librarian, Learning & Research Services

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Owned by: Anonymous (not verified)
Last revised: 2017-10-24