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Canadian Newsstand database at SFU

Published by Dipa Barua

Q: Hello, I wanted to comment on the Canadian Newsstand database at SFU. This resource unfortunately is not accurate reflecting Canadian news coverage. We did a comparison search with the Canadian Newsstand Complete database, accessible at UBC versus the one at SFU. We found over 2 times the amount of article on our topic area. This is significant if people are trying to do media related research that is national in scope. If SFU could subscribe to the more comprehensive database, this would be appreciated, or at least note that the coverage is NOT nationally complete and that other resources are available through other libraries. This would prevent inaccurate research results.

A: Thank you for the feedback.
You are right, the UBC library database, 'Canadian Newsstand Complete' is more comprehensive than the 'Canadian Newsstand' Simon Fraser University library subscribes to.
Simon Fraser University library subscribes to Canadian Newsstand Major Dailies collection and Canadian Newsstand Pacific collections only, whereas UBC also has Black Press plus the Prairie, Ontario, TorStar, Atlantic and Quebec collections.
Please let us know if you have further questions.

Janice Banser, E-resources Access & Systems Librarian
W.A.C. Bennett Library, Simon Fraser University

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