Here is the 2021/2022 library materials budget.
This budget reflects support from the University to protect the collection budget from exposure to the USD exchange rate. Approximately 85% of expenditures are in USD--without this support, subscription cancellations and/or reductions to book lines of about $1.6M would be required to balance the budget.
This budget has been set with the assumption of the US/Canadian exchange rate at 1.285. In order to provide predictability in this regard, USD has been forward purchased at this agreed upon rate for our forecasted need.
Please note the following additional points:
- Serial allocations have been set based on increases of 3% over the previous year’s expenditures, and with support for the USD/CAD exchange rate of 1.285. In addition, adjustments have been made for new, cancelled or ceased resources that vary from the 3% average serials cost increase.
- Many subscriptions were renewed last FY at a 0% increase, and a few large subscription had their costs reduced. These savings have allowed us to fully support traditional book and subscription purchases as well as to allocate more funds to Open Access Initiatives. In addition to the Central Open Access Fund (supports SFU authors to publish in Open Access journals/books which charge Article Processing Charges) we have put aside money to support new OA initiatives. We are investigating various OA initiatives and developing selection criteria.
- Book allocations reflect an increase of 3%. Some funds also have adjustments where the Department agreed to reduce the book allocation to fund new subscriptions, or where serials were cancelled or ceased and the funds were returned to book allocations.
- Most serial and book allocations appear the same as the 2020/21 allocation because the 3% increase and the adjustment for the lower USD/CAD FX rate this year cancel each other out.
- The General Ebook Packages fund, created last fiscal year, started out with funds contributed from departmental lines to support the purchase of one ebook package – the Taylor & Francis EBA. This fund now supports 2 additional ebook packages using the same funding model: the Oxford University Press EBA and the Springer Nature front-list purchase. Funds to support a 4th package – the Cambridge University Press EBA - which was being paid from general lines were also moved into this fund.
- A new fund has been created for the Department of Indigenous Studies. Resources with a focus on Indigenous peoples have been and will continue to be purchased with funds from all departments. This fund was created to facilitate purchases such as faculty and student requests, and to fill any gaps in the collection. Previously such purchases were covered by the General Indigenous Research fund. There is also a separate fund for the Indigenous Curriculum Research Centre.
- The two funds for the Department of Sociology and Anthropology have been amalgamated into one fund this year.
General Electronic Serials Packages:
- This fund pays for
- the journal packages (Big Deals) from the five largest multi-disciplinary journal publishers: Elsevier, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Springer, SAGE.
- a few smaller publisher journal packages such as Oxford, Cambridge, Emerald and Annual Reviews.
- some aggregator journal packages such as JSTOR and Project Muse.
Books includes print books, ebooks and ebook packages.
Serials & Databases includes journals, annuals, yearbooks, monographic series, electronic indexes, fulltext journal databases, leased ebook packages, statistical and financial databases, etc.