Publishing information resources: Facts + data

Statistics and reports


BC stats: Labour market stats
Find data and reports about employment trends by industry; look for references to the "Information, Culture and Recreation" sector and "Publishing Industries"

Reading the tea leaves: A book sector profile for British  Columbia (2015)
Find data and analysis about BC's Canadian-owned book publishing sector, including its size, a 2015 snapshot, qualitative factors that define the sector, the cultural impact of BC-published books, and trends and stressors affecting this sector’s stability and growth

For more BC statistics, see our guide Finding statistics on British Columbia.


Statistics Canada: Publishing
Find tabular data on expenditures, sales, revenue, published titles, and circulation as well as trend-overviews for periodical, newspaper, and book publishers.

Statistics Canada: Survey of service industries: Periodical publishers | Newspaper publishers | Book publishers
Find information about the Publishers Surveys that Statistics Canada administers to acquire its "Publishing" tabular data. Access questionnaires, and information about methodology and variables. Refer to the "Other reference periods" links to access the most recent surveys.

BookNet Canada (SFU Catalogue)
BookNet Canada publishes several annual reports on the Canadian book industry full of stats, charts, and graphs; find them through the Library's catalogue via the above author-search.

ISQ (Institute de la statistique Quebec): Livre (Book publishing) | Médias écrits (Written media)
Find reports containing data, stats, charts, graphs about the Quebec book and periodical publishing industries.

Ontario Creates: Industry Profiles
Find bi-annually updated reports about the book publishing and magazine sectors that provide information on their size, economic impact, trends, and issues, based on publicly available research and statistical reports.

Magazines Canada Resource Centre
Find reports about digital magazine media developments, environments, trends, and benchmarks, about consumer magazine trends, ad positioning, ad effectiveness, and about business and trade media trends.

For more Canadian statistics, see our guides for Statistics Canada and the Canadian Census, and our general Statistical Resources guide.

United States

Publisher's Weekly
Search Publisher's Weekly by entering search terms "Monthly StatShot" and "Weekly Scorecard" in the search field to access monthly book publishing revenue, trends, and pricing stats from the Association of American Publishers (AAP) and sales stats from Nielsen.

Find reports produced jointly by the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) and the Association of American Publishers (AAP) on the size and sales trends of the US book publishing industry, measured by publisher net unit and dollar sales for 2008-2013.

Magazine Publishers of America (MPA): Factbook and Reports
Find links to the MPA Factbook (an annual report featuring noteworthy research, stats, and facts about the uniqueness of this media format) and other MPA reports on consumer-demand and social media.

For more United States statistics, see our general Statistical Resources guide.


Rudiger Wischenbart Content & Consulting Global eBook Reports | Other reports
Find Global eBook reports on topics like the segmentation of the book market, global players, and main market developments.  Other free reports explore topics like sales trends in e-books and audiobooks, e-book publishing and distribution trends, and sales data.

Plunkett's Industry Almanacs: Entertainment & media | Advertising & branding
Find information about international (though primarily US-based) publishing-related trends and projections

Search this database by choosing the "Statistics" tab, then the "Media and Advertising" sub-tab, then Books & Publishing to browse studies and statistics. You can also search by keyword for a topic of interest.

For more International, European Union, and United Nations statistics, see our general Statistical Resources guide.

Market research

Business Source Complete
Search this database for MarketLine reports such as Industry Profile: Books in Canada and Publishing Industry Profiles ​​​​or do a general keyword search for "book sales AND Canada"

CARD (Canadian Advertising Rates & Data)
Search this database for general facts, contact info, advertising rates, circulation numbers, mechanical specifications, audience data, etc. for various Canadian media, including magazines, newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, etc.

Search this Factiva database for industry reports. Once connected, use the "Modify Search" option, and then add an industry from the drop-down menu by searching for "publishing"; select as many related industries as you like, including "Publishing", "Book Publishing", "Magazine Publishing", etc.


Publishers, distributors

Indigenous Publishers, Distributors, & News Media
Research guide from UBC Library with links to Indigenous publishers from Canada, US, and Australia.

Gale directory of publications and broadcast media 
Search this annual guide to find contact and personnel info for Canadian, US, and international radio and TV stations, cable companies, print media, and broadcast media

Ulrichsweb Global Serials directory 
Search this directory of 300,000+ periodicals (journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, etc.) for publisher info, ISSN, format, status, and other facts

Bowker annual library and book trade almanac
Includes information on changes in legislation and funding, statistics on book prices and sales figures, as well as a directory of book trade and related organizations.

WBRA (Western Book Reps Association) directory
Find information about publisher representatives servicing retail trade, wholesale outlets, and other retailers mainly in British Columbia​​ (with occasional listings for the Yukon and Northern Territories).

LAC (Library and Archives Canada) Publisher directory
Search this directory of Canadian publishers by publisher name, city, province/territory, or ISBN-prefix to find contact information and website links.

PGC (Publishers Group Canada)
Find contact info for PGC sales reps; PGC is a book wholesale and distribution company based in Vancouver, BC, which offers full-service Canadian distribution to over 150 independent and specialty publishing houses worldwide.

BNC (BookNet Canada) CataList directory
Search or browse this directory from BNC to find monthly and thematic catalogues from publishers detailing their imprints (releases), along with contact info. For individual imprints, find publication information, a description, author bio, and reviews.

Publishers Global
This online directory of over 20,000 publishers and publishing services companies from 132 countries enables searching by country, subject, media, language, city, and publishing service.

Authors, editors, agents

B.C. Bookworld Author Bank
Search this online directory for biographies and publishing histories of 12,000+ BC writers; searches can also be conducted for subjects via Boolean-enabled keyword searches or via the Advanced Search list of subjects.

ODE (Online Directory of Editors)
Search this Editors Canada (Editors' Association of Canada) directory to find individual editor profiles; note that these profiles have been provided by the editors themselves, and have not been vetted by Editors Canada

Writers' Union of Canada - Canadian literary agents directory
Find general information about Canadian literary agents, as well as contact info, agent names, submission guidelines, and areas of interest for agencies from BC, ON, QC and PE.

AAR (Association of Authors' Representatives) member database (USA)
Search this database of AAR members (US literary agents) by genre or by keyword in the search field. Find agents' contact info, agency name, interests, and query guidelines.

AAA (Association of Authors' Agents) member directory (UK)
Search this alphabetical list of AAA members (UK literary agents) to find agents' website links and social media handles.​
